1. Practise boxing - boks bilan shug'illanmoq
2. Gentle exercises - yengil mashqlar
3. Hit the gym - zalga doimiy ravishta bormoq
4. Engage in sports - sport bilan shug'illanmoq
5. On a regular basis - doimiy ravishta
6. To be in shape - sog'lom bo'lish uchun
7. Physically strong - jismonan baquvvat
8. Set an example - o'rnak bo'lmoq, namuna bo'lmoq
9. Feel the energy/vibe - haqiqiy energiya/atmasferani his qilmoq
1. Practise boxing - boks bilan shug'illanmoq
2. Gentle exercises - yengil mashqlar
3. Hit the gym - zalga doimiy ravishta bormoq
4. Engage in sports - sport bilan shug'illanmoq
5. On a regular basis - doimiy ravishta
6. To be in shape - sog'lom bo'lish uchun
7. Physically strong - jismonan baquvvat
8. Set an example - o'rnak bo'lmoq, namuna bo'lmoq
9. Feel the energy/vibe - haqiqiy energiya/atmasferani his qilmoq