Common phrases for agreeing— Rozilikni bildirilganda qo'llaniladigan iboralar
➡️1. Exactly!
➡️2. Absolutely!
➡️3. That’s so true!
➡️4. That’s so right!
➡️5. I agree 100%!
➡️6. I couldn’t agree more!
➡️7. Tell me about it!
Common phrases for disagreeing— Norozilikni bildirilganda qo'llaniladigan iboralar
➡️8. I’m not so sure about that.
➡️9. That’s not how I see it.
➡️10. Not necessarily…
➡️11. I can’t really agree with you there!
Common phrases to end a conversation politely— Suhbatni xushmuomilalik bilan tugatish iboralari
➡️12. Well, was nice chatting with you!
➡️13. Right! I need to get going.
➡️14. I must be off!
Common phrases for saying goodbye— Xayrlashish uchun ishtatiladigan iboralar
➡️15. Speak (to you) soon!
➡️16. Send me love to your family!
➡️17. Bye bye!
➡️18. You take care now!
➡️19. Have a good one!
➡️20. Talk to you later!