Mapda xato ko’pqiladiganlar uchun
🟢 Turn left at the junction – chorrahadan chapga buriling
🟢 Follow the road until you reach the museum – yo‘l bo‘ylab davom eting, muzeyga yetguncha
🟢 Take the second right after the traffic lights – svetofordan keyin ikkinchi o‘ngga buriling
🟢 Walk straight past the supermarket – supermarket yonidan to‘g‘ri o‘tib keting
🟢 Cross over the pedestrian bridge – piyodalar ko‘prigidan o‘tib keting
🟢 Go through the main entrance – asosiy kirishdan ichkariga kiring
🟢 Head towards the city center – shahar markazi tomon harakat qiling
🟢 Turn left at the junction – chorrahadan chapga buriling
🟢 Follow the road until you reach the museum – yo‘l bo‘ylab davom eting, muzeyga yetguncha
🟢 Take the second right after the traffic lights – svetofordan keyin ikkinchi o‘ngga buriling
🟢 Walk straight past the supermarket – supermarket yonidan to‘g‘ri o‘tib keting
🟢 Cross over the pedestrian bridge – piyodalar ko‘prigidan o‘tib keting
🟢 Go through the main entrance – asosiy kirishdan ichkariga kiring
🟢 Head towards the city center – shahar markazi tomon harakat qiling