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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Who ______ to?
  •   belongs this bag
  •   this bag belongs
  •   does this bag belong
29 votes

Have you ever _____ China?
  •   been to
  •   gone to
  •   been in
28 votes

✅Kim nechta topa oldi qani❓

5 ta 👍
4 ta 🔥
3 ta ❤️
2 ta ⚡️
1 ta 🐳
0 ta 😢

  •   Yozuv
  •   Xira
19 votes

Try _____ forget.
  •   Not to
  •   Don’t to
  •   To don’t
22 votes

She looks _____ a secretary.
  •   As
  •   The same like
  •   Like
21 votes

1. The criminals _____ by the police.
  •   Are arrested
  •   Have been arrested
  •   Have been arrested
19 votes

"Kechirim soʻrash shart emas" Iborasi ingliz tilida qanday aytiladi?
  •   No need to sorry
  •   No need to apologize
17 votes

How are you describing a picture ???

How are you comparing two pictures ???

🗓09:00 dan 11:00 gacha tushgan savollar:

✅Part 1.1
• What do you do to relax?
• Tell me about your family.
• Did you have a favorite teacher?

✅Part 1.2
• Eating meals with the family (first picture)
• Eating meals alone (second picture)
• Compare them

✅Part 2
• Describe a time when you experienced a conflict with someone
• Talk about a skill that could help you in your career

✅Part 3
• Cameras in public places should be used for safety (For and Against)
• Homeschooling is a better alternative to traditional schooling for children (For and Against)


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Duxi yetganlarga


Here are some synonyms for the phrases "as for" or "as to" » Ga kelsak

With respect to
With regard to
In relation to
As it pertains to
On the subject of


💟💟💟 So'zlashuvda ko'p ishlatiladigan eng kerakli iboralar

➡️I am afraid you are wrongAfsuski siz adashyapsiz

➡️I didn't catch the last wordOxirgi gapingizni (so’z) tushunmadim

➡️If I am not mistakenAdashmasam

➡️In other wordsBoshqa so’zlar bilan

➡️In shortXullas (qisqasi)

➡️It doesn't mattermuhim emas (farqi yo’q)


19 last posts shown.