1 min (English)

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Category: Linguistics

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Listen 1 min about: Jewelry 🪞

I think jewelry is stupid. What’s the point? I can understand it was popular a couple of thousand years ago, but not today. It all belongs to when we lived in caves. Why do people feel the need to wear necklaces and bracelets? It seems that jewelry is becoming more and more popular. Nowadays people are wearing rings on their toes and piercing their tongues and bodies. I’ve never really understood why men wear jewelry, especially thick gold chains. A lot of jewelry is dangerous. I often think if ear-rings catch on something, they’ll rip your ears. Some rings that women wear are also dangerous. They could cause serious damage to someone’s face. The only jewelry I wear is a wedding ring. Just a simple one.

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

3k 0 37 3 22

👋 Assalomu aleykum, Xurmatli kanalimiz a'zolari.

😍 10-mart sanasidan boshlab sizlarga @EnglishwithErgashevich kanalida Ingliz tilidan kunlik jonli video darslar olib boriladi.

✅️ Sizlardan faqat aktiv bo'lish va ko'proq do'stlaringizni kanalga taklif qilish talab qilinadi.

🔥 Darslarni shu kungacha 1000 dan ortiq o'quvchilarni tayyorlagan, 10+ yil tajriba va Xalqaro sertifikatga ega bo'lgan ustoz olib boradi.

👉 Join: @EnglishwithErgashevich

Listen 1 min about: Ramadan

Ramadan is the most important season for all Muslims around the world. I was surprised to find out it lasted a whole month. I was also surprised when I found out that Ramadan is at a different time each year. It usually starts 11 days earlier than the previous celebration, so Ramadan slowly moves from Winter to Summer as the years go by. It starts in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This is when the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslims I know love Ramadan. They have to fast between sunrise and sunset. They can’t even have water. Smokers can’t smoke. But then after sunset, they have a party with their family and eat a lot. They party every night for a month. This sounds great.

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🎙 @minute1_project👈

10.9k 0 230 7 268

Darajasini oshirmoqchilar kirsin 📌👆

🙅‍♂ Ingliz tilida listening oshirishning bundan oson yoʻli yoʻq!


Good luck! KIRISH: 👉

🏃‍♂P/S: Foydasini 1 minutda sezasiz😎

Listen a minute about: Magazines

There are magazines on just about anything you can think of. Just walk into a big bookstore and see the hundreds of different kinds of magazines. There are magazines for men, magazines for women, for children, for bankers, stamp collectors and even English students. They’re quite amazing when you think about it. There’s so much information in them. It must take a long time to make one magazine. And they are such great value for money. I like reading magazines that I would never usually buy. This happens when I’m in a waiting room. I like flicking through the magazine rack and looking through the magazine. I don’t care if it’s in another language. The pictures are interesting.

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28.2k 0 322 23 332

Listen 1 min about: Insects 🐝

Some people love insects and others absolutely hate them. I can’t count how many of my friends are terrified of insects. I have one friend who jumps and screams at the sight of the tiniest bug. He’s over forty years old! My son loves insects. He has many books on them and knows everything about them. He loves going to insect museums and watching nature documentaries on insects. I also love them. I think insects are fascinating. I can watch them for hours. I also love looking at them in zoos and museums. It’s like looking at a tiny miniature world. I think if I was insect-sized, life would be pretty scary. Or even worse, what if one day there were giant insects roaming the streets. That’s the stuff of horror movies.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

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🤩Bepul Ta’lim Orzuyingizmi? GKS Granti Bilan Koreyada O‘qing! 🇰🇷🎓

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Listen a minute about: Love

Love is the most important thing in the world. We all need to love and be loved. Love is the glue that makes us one big happy family. It is perhaps the most powerful emotion we feel. It is certainly the one that makes us happiest. Falling in love has to be the greatest feeling ever. It is also the one that makes us saddest. When we lose someone we love it can take forever to get over. Sometimes we never get over it. You can fall in love in an instant. We use the expression “fall in love at first sight” for this. We can also be “head over heels in love,” which is a strange expression. We don’t just love each other. We can love cars, chocolate, holidays, singing in the rain… anything. And, of course, you can also love studying English.

Bizni obunachilar sizlar olovsiz, olov🔥🔥!!! Olovlarni ayamasdan bosamiz. Bosdik!!!


31.4k 60 374 46 442

Listen 1 min about: Translation

Translation is a tricky business. There are so many things that are very difficult to translate from one language to another. Of course lots of words are easy. A book is a book in all languages. But is it? In English you can “go by the book” if you want to follow the rules. What book is this? Many of the things that are difficult to translate are cultural. I also think it’s pretty much impossible to translate jokes and humour. I think that’s why we have the expression “lost in translation”. Being a translator must be a difficult job. Especially translating things like legal documents. If you make one tiny mistake, you could mess everything up. One day we’ll translate everything on the Internet.

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

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42.2k 66 319 15 262

Listen 1 minute about: Apartments

In the USA, they’re called apartments; in the UK they’re called flats. They are a modern invention. I don’t particularly like them. I don’t think it’s good for so many people to live so close together. It’s not good for people to live on top of each other. I don’t understand how people can live above the second floor. It’s not natural to live in the sky. The thing I hate most about apartments are the lifts (Americans say elevator) and the fact there’s no garden. More and more people are moving into apartments. This creates problems with overcrowding. There aren’t enough spaces to park your car, there’s nowhere to throw your rubbish and you have to wait ages to reach your floor. Give me a little house with a little garden any day.

Do'stlar, reactionsni ayamasdan, aktivni oshiramiz!!!😎😎

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

31.4k 66 265 29 203

Listen 1 min: Aliens

There are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this. Not sure what they look like, though. I really doubt they are green, like they are in science fiction movies. I also don’t think they look like us. But I’m sure they exist. I just don’t think we’ll ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet needs is to be warm and have water and life will exist. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are probably millions and millions that have life. Alien life. It’s also likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we are. I wonder what we’d do if really intelligent aliens visited Earth. What would we ask them?

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39.5k 0 309 17 341

🎧Listen 1 minute about: "Cars 🚗"

📝Transcript: Are you into cars? My brother is. He’s car crazy. He buys car magazines, watches car programmes on TV and spends hours looking at car websites. He knows the name, maker, engine size and top speed of every car on the planet. Every time we go out, he talks non-stop about the cars he sees. I like cars. They are interesting. If I had a lot of money, I’d like to buy a sports car. I’m saving up for a small car at the moment. I’ll probably buy a hybrid car that is good for the environment. My brother thinks these are boring. He says a car should be powerful and fast. I don’t agree. I think cars should get you from A to B and be big enough for me and my friends. I also prefer smaller cars because they are easier to park.

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@minute1_project 🎙

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