Мингбулоқ туманидаги 20-умумтаълим мактабида замонавий спорт зали фойдаланишга топширилди
Унда 3-сектор раҳбари, туман ИИБ бошлиғи Дилмурод Каримов, туман ҳокимининг биринчи ўринбосари Азизбек Абдусаломов, ота-оналар, маҳалла аҳли ва тегишли масъуллар иштирок этди.
Тадбирда Президентимиз раҳнамолигида спортни ривожлантириш, ёш иқтидорли спортчиларни кашф этиш, улар учун замонавий спорт иншоотлари барпо этишга алоҳида эътибор қаратилаётганлиги таъкидланди.
Мактаб ўқувчилари, қолаверса, маҳалла ёшларининг спорт билан мунтазам шуғулланиши имконини берадиган спорт зали "Karat building" МЧЖ томонидан 1 миллиард 600 миллион сўмдан зиёд маблағ эвазига қурилди.
Шунингдек, мактабда "Маънавият — сифатли таълим-тарбия калитидур" шиори остида очиқ дарс ва семинарлар ташкил этилди.
A modern sports hall has been inaugurated at School No. 20 in Mingbulak District
The event was attended by the head of the 3rd sector and district police chief Dilmurod Karimov, the first deputy governor of the district Azizbek Abdusalomov, parents, local residents, and relevant officials.
During the ceremony, it was emphasized that under the leadership of our President, special attention is being paid to developing sports, discovering young talented athletes, and constructing modern sports facilities for them.
The sports hall, which provides opportunities for school students and local youth to engage in regular sports activities, was built by "Karat Building" LLC at a cost of over 1.6 billion soums.
Additionally, open lessons and seminars were organized at the school under the slogan "Spirituality is the key to quality education and upbringing."
Унда 3-сектор раҳбари, туман ИИБ бошлиғи Дилмурод Каримов, туман ҳокимининг биринчи ўринбосари Азизбек Абдусаломов, ота-оналар, маҳалла аҳли ва тегишли масъуллар иштирок этди.
Тадбирда Президентимиз раҳнамолигида спортни ривожлантириш, ёш иқтидорли спортчиларни кашф этиш, улар учун замонавий спорт иншоотлари барпо этишга алоҳида эътибор қаратилаётганлиги таъкидланди.
Мактаб ўқувчилари, қолаверса, маҳалла ёшларининг спорт билан мунтазам шуғулланиши имконини берадиган спорт зали "Karat building" МЧЖ томонидан 1 миллиард 600 миллион сўмдан зиёд маблағ эвазига қурилди.
Шунингдек, мактабда "Маънавият — сифатли таълим-тарбия калитидур" шиори остида очиқ дарс ва семинарлар ташкил этилди.
A modern sports hall has been inaugurated at School No. 20 in Mingbulak District
The event was attended by the head of the 3rd sector and district police chief Dilmurod Karimov, the first deputy governor of the district Azizbek Abdusalomov, parents, local residents, and relevant officials.
During the ceremony, it was emphasized that under the leadership of our President, special attention is being paid to developing sports, discovering young talented athletes, and constructing modern sports facilities for them.
The sports hall, which provides opportunities for school students and local youth to engage in regular sports activities, was built by "Karat Building" LLC at a cost of over 1.6 billion soums.
Additionally, open lessons and seminars were organized at the school under the slogan "Spirituality is the key to quality education and upbringing."