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Ish va shaxsiy hayotdagi tajribalarni o'rtoqlashaman
Since 02/08/2021

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Kech boʻlsayam joylab qoʻyay shuni. Tursin shu video shu yerda

Forward from: Articles in English

Israel and Hamas have officially reached a ceasefire agreement in Gaza)

Praying for the restoration of joy and harmony in Gaza.🤲

2025 is gonna be the year I turn my hobbies into something greater. I’ll be dedicating my time to improving in chess, social media marketing, and graphic design to reach a professional standard, InshaAllah.


Thank you 2024 for everything!

Forward from: Tarixchilik
Bir qiz bor edi, Yangi asr universitetiga o'qishga kirish arafasida ekan. Kontraktini oilasi to'lolmas eman, lekin qiz o'qimoqchi. Judayam ilmga havasmand. Onasi farrosh, otasi kunlik yollanma ishchi ekan. Bir xonada hamma yashar ekan, qishga tayyorgarliklari ham yo'q. Ya'ni oilaviy holati yaxshi emas.

Pul shu qizning tanishlari bo’lgan Fayiza opamizni kartalariga yeg’ilyapti. Umumiy summa 17 mln ekan.



Pulni 2-3 hafta mobaynida to’plash kerak.

Imkoningizdan kelib chiqib yordam qilishingizni so’raymiz yoki yordam bera oladigan tanishingizga da’lolat qiling.

Forward from: MentorGO
🎓 Xorijdagi talabalar va chetda o'qish orzusidagilar o'rtasidagi ko'prik — MentorGO

Xorijda o'qish orzusi shirin, ammo unga erishish yo'lida ko'plab qiyinchilik va to'siqlardan o'tish kerak:

Mos universitet va yo‘nalishni qanday topaman?
✍️ Motivatsion xat va boshqa hujjatlarni qanday tayyorlayman?
💰 Xarajatlarimni qanday qoplayman?
🧳 Chetda o‘qish hayoti qanday kechadi?

Bu savollarga eng to‘g‘ri javobni aynan bu jarayonlardan o'zi o'tgan va xorijda o‘qiyotgan talabalar bera oladi. Ularning tajribasi va maslahatlari esa hayotingizda bebaho qiymat kasb etishi mumkin.

🚀 Biz, "Effort Team" jamoasi, sizga bunday imkoniyatni taqdim etish uchun MentorGO loyihasini ishga tushirdik!

MentorGO orqali siz xorijda o'qiyotgan mentorlardan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri individual yordam va maslahat olishingiz mumkin.

✨ MentorGO — muvaffaqiyatli tengdoshingiz bilan birga yuksaling!

👉 @mentorgouz | mentorgo.uz

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To one of my best teachers)


Forward from: General Reading
❗️IELTS reading passages are commonly taken from such sources as shown below:

• The Guardian
• New Scientist
• National Geographic
• The Economist
• Psychology Today
• Curiosity
• How It Works
• The Conversation
• Scientific American

*these magazines aren’t common, but they are also a great resources to boost your reading comprehension!


Forward from: GrantGO
Biz o'zimizdan ko'ra o'quvchilarimiz uchun ko'proq muvaffaqiyat tilaymiz

Hozirda qabul davom etayotgan kurslar
🇩🇪 'https://t.me/grantgouz/6485https://t.me/grantgouz/6485' rel='nofollow'>DAAD mentorlik kursi
🇸🇰 'https://t.me/grantgouz/6847https://t.me/grantgouz/6847' rel='nofollow'>NSP mentorlik kursi
🇬🇧 Chevening mentorlik kursi


Sizning xizmatingizdamiz...

#mentorlik #mem

Telegram | YouTube | Mentorlik

Turns out, Telegram is more than social media for us.


It says I'm mentally done)

Try for yourself ⬇


He did it again!


I did before. The thing is, most people felt shy or obscured to write a comment, thinking what others gonna say. So, I made it anonymous and now people are commenting well )

Forward from: Вопросы
🔔 У тебя новое сообщение!

can you use open comment

↩️ Свайпни для ответа.

Why is CDI better?

I prefer CDI (computer-delivered IELTS) because of its convenience. There are many more advantages than disadvantages.

🔷 Writing becomes much easier, even if you write at a speed of 40-50 words per minute (you can check your speed here). Plus, you can edit your essay anytime. The word count feature also saves you the hassle of counting words manually.

🔷 For reading, you'll benefit from a larger screen that displays two sections, allowing you to quickly navigate between questions and passages. Additionally, there's a highlighter tool that lets you highlight important words in both the questions and the passages.

🔷 You might find listening challenging if you lack basic computer skills or if your typing speed isn't fast enough (you can learn typing here for FREE). However, you will have access to paper and a pencil if you prefer to write down notes first, and remember that you'll have two minutes after the audio finishes to review your answers.

This is just some basic information about the test. I was completely satisfied with my experience. You should give it a try with official tests if you're interested 👇

CDI Listening

CDI Reading

CDI Writing

💬 Leave you comments here.


I deleted Instagram after using it for a week

The algorithm is totally changed. I've tried many many times ignoring and selecting 'not interested' for irrelevant videos, blocking some cringe creators. However, after some time, it continued showing the same type of content over and over. The thing is, now Instagram not only offers videos you like, but it is also recommending videos your friends/followers like.

Is there any solution or did I something wrong? Leave your opinions here.

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