Joriy yilning 20-dekabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'BA (O'zbekiston banklari assotsiatsiyasi) vakillari bilan talabalar o'rtasida "Rahbar va Yoshlar" mavzusida uchrashuv o'tkazildi. Ushbu tadbir, talabalarning bank sektori va moliya sohasidagi zamonaviy tendensiyalarni, bilim va ko'nikmalarni o'rganishlari uchun muhim bir maydon bo'lib xizmat qildi.
Uchrashuv davomida O'BA vakillari o'zlarining tajribalari va bilimlarini baham ko'rishar ekan, bugungi tezkor va murakkab iqtisodiy muhitda moslashuvchanlik, innovatsion fikrlash va doimiy o'qishning muhim ahamiyatini ta'kidlashdi.
Tadbir davomida talabalar o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollar bilan mehmonlarga murojaat qilib, mutaxassislardan bank sohasida muhim bo'lgan bilim va tajribalar haqida ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lishdi.
On December 20, we had a wonderful meeting that brought together talented students of MDIST and respected representatives of UBA. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm as both parties engaged in meaningful discussions about bank systems and shared their valuable experience.
UBA representatives shared valuable insights about the banking sector and emphasized the importance of flexibility and continuous learning in today's fast-paced environment. MDIST students have demonstrated their skills and aspirations, demonstrating that they are ready to contribute to the industry.
This meeting not only strengthened connections, but also inspired our students to think critically about their career paths and their impact on the financial world.
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Uchrashuv davomida O'BA vakillari o'zlarining tajribalari va bilimlarini baham ko'rishar ekan, bugungi tezkor va murakkab iqtisodiy muhitda moslashuvchanlik, innovatsion fikrlash va doimiy o'qishning muhim ahamiyatini ta'kidlashdi.
Tadbir davomida talabalar o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollar bilan mehmonlarga murojaat qilib, mutaxassislardan bank sohasida muhim bo'lgan bilim va tajribalar haqida ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lishdi.
On December 20, we had a wonderful meeting that brought together talented students of MDIST and respected representatives of UBA. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm as both parties engaged in meaningful discussions about bank systems and shared their valuable experience.
UBA representatives shared valuable insights about the banking sector and emphasized the importance of flexibility and continuous learning in today's fast-paced environment. MDIST students have demonstrated their skills and aspirations, demonstrating that they are ready to contribute to the industry.
This meeting not only strengthened connections, but also inspired our students to think critically about their career paths and their impact on the financial world.
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