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sometimes i just realize that being busy is a blessing. if you have nothing to do that's where the evil comes - convincing you to do bad deeds.

never let this happen to you. keep yourself busy, keep moving forward.


i really hate people who write "alo" in the text messages.

here is my ultimate power pack finally restored. it's time to boost 🆙


©️ Is'hoqxon To'ra Ibrat

some significant contributions so far I know:

As a leading Jadid intellectual, Ibrat promoted modern education and the “usul-i jadid” (new method) system, which introduced secular subjects alongside religious studies.
( "haftalik dars raspseniyasini olib kirgan" )

He established one of the first modern schools in Namangan, focusing on literacy, science, and languages.
(Maktab uchun o'z yonidan barcha zaruriy bo'lgan jihozlarni sotib olgan)

Ibrat was a master of multiple languages, including Uzbek, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Russian.
He wrote Lugʻati sitta al-sina” a multilingual dictionary, helping to standardize and enrich the Uzbek language.
(Ushbu lug'at kitob 6 ta tilda eng muhim qo'llaniladigan so'zlar va jumlalarni o'z ichiga olgan)

He was among the first in Uzbekistan to introduce printing technology, establishing a printing press in Turkistan.
His press published educational materials, books, and newspapers, significantly advancing literacy and knowledge dissemination.

(Orenburgda Gafman degan matbaachidan pulini oʻn yil mobaynida toʻlash sharti bilan kreditga litografik mashina sotib olgan va uni butun anjomlari bilan juda katta mashaqqatlarga qaramay Orenburgdan Qoʻqongacha poyezdda, Qoʻqondan Toʻraqoʻrgʻongacha tuyalarda olib kelgan)

let me continue in the next posts...


proud to share a hometown with one of Uzbekistan's greatest intellectuals.

- i bet you that you don't know about this legend yet enough.



Two-hour prep for a one-hour yawn fest. And that's what the university is. 😭🤥

absolutely yes


"This too shall pass. Nothing in this world is permanent, not even our troubles "


Forward from: 20 yoshimda tushunganimda edi
Ancha yil avval,

Hayotingiz davomida qilgan eng katta xato to'g'risida so'zlab bering deb so'rashdi, tilim ojiz bo'ldi.

Otangiz sizga nimalarni o'rgatgan deb so'rashdi, hech o'ylab ko'rmagan ekanman, javob bera olmadim.

3ta yomon xislatingiz haqida gapirib bering deb so'rashdi, javob bera olmagan edim.

Yangiliklarni qoldirmasdan o'qigan ekanman-ku,

Dunyoni yaxshiroq tushunish uchun ilmiy kitoblar o'qigan ekanman-ku,


O'zim haqimda deyarli hech narsa bilmas ekanligim o'ylantirib qo'ydi.

Hayotimdagi katta o'zgarishlar o'zligimni o'rganishdan boshlandi.

Mishel de Montel bejizga aytmagan ekan,

Eng buyuk sayohat - ichimizga bo'lgan sayohat, deb.


- tryna new tastes

bubble tea 🫧🍓

How is it already 5th of February? 👀


everyone, good afternoon

i need your help. one of the most important people in my life has a birthday coming up, and i want to get something really special. i’m torn between a few ideas, but i’d love to hear your suggestions.

what’s the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given or received?

please share your suggestions 🙏🏽

make today count. do something you've been thinking of. there is nothing but now and today.


it’s interesting how we often notice in others what we tend to overlook in ourselves.

and yes i understand self-awareness is such a rare skill these days.


20 last posts shown.