Nurullokh Kamalkhujaev | 9.0

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Category: Linguistics

🏆IELTS 9.0 (Writing 8.0x4 | Speaking 9.0x2)
😋Band 8.0-9.0 Sample Answers (Speaking and Writing)
👨🏻‍💻Run by Nurullokh Kamalkhujaev
✅Official Partner of IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan
📍 Andijan, English Life Navruz Mall Branch
📲Contact: @kamalkhujaev_admin

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We shop for books.

We learn from our mistakes.

That’s me preparing practice materials for my students for tomorrow.

P.S. Don’t mind my feet.)

Brother was in my last Writing course. I helped him a little bit, but his score is 100% because of his own hard work. Writing 7.5 is not easy to get. Wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!

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The seats are empty. The theater is dark. Why do you keep acting?


Thinking about launching a 2-month evening IELTS course ONLY for teachers or those with IELTS 6.5+. The course is designed to help YOU increase your scores to 7.5-8.5(no kidding).

Lessons will be held OFFLINE at English Life Navruz Mall branch at 5:00 p.m.

Comment down below or contact @kamalkhujaev_admin to book a seat. We start with 10 students.

P.S. We can have a morning group as well if you want it.

You really can solve a lot of male problems by getting in shape and making money. You still have problems. They’re just smaller, and you have more resources to handle them. The world is there for the taking for anyone who can learn from their mistakes, do what they say they were going to do, and stick with it even if it’s not sexy. What used to make a man acceptable now makes you extraordinary. The bar for winning has never been so low.

There’s no perfect way to live your twenties. You either live them up and become an underskilled 30-year old or you can work them up and become an underlived 30-year old. You just have to figure out which you’d rather be, accept the tradeoffs, and know that there are no do-overs.

Sometimes, caring less is something that is missing. Caring too much about others or things can hurt you. We must remember that if something costs us our peace of mind, then it’s not worth it.

#task1 #writing

The line graph shows the proportion of total exports of clothing in 4 countries in 2000 and 2014.

The line graph shows the changes in the total amount of clothes exported from four regions between 2000 and 2014. Overall, the percentage of export of clothing in China adhered to a consistently rising trend, with this nation overtaking other areas of the world as the largest exporter of clothes, while the reverse was true for the USA, European Union (the EU), and Asia (not including China). It is also clear that the USA export figures were the lowest throughout.

Despite exhibiting similar initial figures, the gap between China and the USA widened considerably over the period. The former started at just under 15% in 2000, a figure that then saw a steady increase of around 22 percentage points, closing the period with a chart high of about 36% export of apparels. By contrast, the latter showed a less significant change by marginally declining from a little over 10% in 2000 to close to 8% over the ensuing eight years. This number climbed back minimally to 9% before reaching an all-time low of 6% in 2014.

The export figures for the remaining regions, on the other hand, decreased considerably. The proportion of clothes exported in the EU and Asia were the highest in 2000, with respective figures of 32% and 30%. However, these numbers fell at varying rates, with the EU witnessing a steady drop to just over 20% in its export of clothing items in 2014 and Asia almost halving (around 17%) in 2002. This figure was unchanged until 2008, after which it rose to exactly 20% at the end of the period.



2.6k 0 40 10 31

Give me the worst Task 1 and Task 2 questions.

2k 0 35 3 10

Is it today's exam's Reading Passage 3?

Successful people see opportunity in every failure. Normal people see failure in every opportunity. Both are right. Only one gets rich.

Bad thing sucks. The only thing worse is letting one bad thing ruin many good things.

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You wait for tomorrow, but only today keeps coming.

Humoyun men tanib ilmi uchun hurmat qiladigan insonlardan biri. Bu yigitni kanalini bu yerga joylashimga ikkita sabab bor. Birinchisi, yozgan maqolasidan qanchalik ilmi yigit ekanini yana bir eslaganim va boshqalarga ham ibrat bo’lsin deganimdir. Ikkinchi sabab esa bu do’stimizning iqtisodiyot (Economics) sohasida juda qiziqarli va foydali maqolalar yozib hamda ulashib borishidir.

Hozirda Amerikadagi nufuzli ta’lim muassasalaridan birida iqtisodiyot bo’yicha PhD qilyapti. Men bilgan va bilmagan ko’plab yutuqlarini orasida sizlarga tanishroq deb bilganim bu Humoyunni 18 yoshida Speakingdan 8.5 ball va Overall 8.0 (L: 8.5 R: 8.5 W: 7.0 S: 8.5) olgani. Buni 2016-yili olgandi.

Shu bola va boshqa do’stlarimga qarasam men ham o’z yo’nalishim bo’yicha tezroq yuksalishim kerakligini eslayman va o’quvchilarimga IELTS bu katta maqsadlar tomon shunchaki bir qadam ekanini eslataman.

Agarda siz ham Amerikada o’qishga yoki iqtisodiyot bo’yicha yuqori sifatli maqolalar o’qishga qiziqsangiz, @musofir_iqtisodchi kanaliga obuna bo’ling.

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O’qish va boshqa bahonalar bilan postni tugatishga endi vaqt topdim. Nyu-Orleanz shahriga mintaqaviy rivojlanish bo’yicha konferensiyada sobiq Sovet Ittifoqi shaharlari bo’yicha tadqiqotimni taqdim etish uchun borgan edim. 2024 yilning eng esda qolarli tajribalaridan biri bo’ldi.

Konferensiya so’ngida taqdirlash marosimi bo’lib o’tdi. Taxminan 300 tadqiqotchi qatnashgan edi. Men sakkiz kishilik bir stolga joylashdim. Dastlab, stoldagi har kim o’zini tanishtirdi. Navbat menga kelganda, o’zimni tanishtirib, “Land of Uzbeks” deb O’zbekistondan ekanligimni aytdim. Ba’zilar odatdagidek qayerdaligini so’rashdi, men esa qisqacha tushuntirib o’tdim. Bu orada stoldagi yoshi kattaroq Yevropalik ayol bir oy oldin O'zbekistonda bo'lganligini aytdi. U yaqinda Samarqandga ilmiy safar qilgan ekan va O’zbekiston haqida qiziqish bilan gapirib berdi. U Movoraunnahrning o’rta asrlarda ta’lim va madaniyat markazi bo’lganligi, o'sha paytning Nyu Yorki bo'lganligi, Samarqand va Buxoroning go’zalligi haqida so’zlab, stoldagilarni hayratga soldi. Shundan keyin bir necha kishi O’zbekistonga safar qilishga jiddiy qiziqishini ham bildirdi.

Mana shu samimiy suhbatdan 10-15 daqiqa o’tib, talabalar o’rtasida eng yaxshi tadqiqot sovrinini e’lon qilish boshlandi. To’g’risi, buni umuman kutmagan edim, lekin boshlovchi ismimni qiynalib talaffuz qilishni boshlaganida hayratga tushdim. Alhamdulillah, tadqiqotim eng yaxshi talaba yozgan maqola deb e’tirof etildi. Stoldagilar bu yutuqni boshqacha xursandchilik bilan qarshi olishdi. Men uchun bu o’ziga xos sharaf edi, chunki oldingi yillarda bu sovrinni yetakchi universitetlar bitiruvchi talabalari yutib kelgan ekan. Aslida juda juda kichik bir sovrin, lekin hayolimdan birinchi o'tgan o'y ish qilib bu mening cho'qqi nuqtam bo'lmasin va g'ururlantirib qo'ymasin degan xavotir bo'ldi. Bu ilm talabgorlarida ham ko'p uchraydigan va haqiqatga osongina aylanishi mumkin bo'lgan xavotir. Shaxsan menga o'limni eslash, tarixda o'tgan va hozirgi yetuk olimlarning ishlariga boqish, va albatta boshqalardan eslatmalar yordam beradi.

Yana suhbat davomida, stoldagilar mendan hozir O’zbekistondagi ilm-fan va tadqiqotlar holati haqida so’rashdi. Chuqur nafas olib, mavjud vaziyatni tushuntirdim va albatta kelajakka nisbatan umid borligini ta’kidladim. O'zbekistonga ilmiy safarga borgan yevropalik ayol ham mamlakat mintaqaviy rivojlanish sohasida ko'proq yuqori darajadagi olimlar kerakligini ta'kidladi.

Mamlakatda ilm-fan dunyo darajasida ildamlashi uchun bir sohaning o'zida yuzlab va undan ko'p dunyo darajasidagi olimlar kerak bo'ladi. Hozircha men iqtisodiyot sohasida yuqori reyting jurnallarda maqola chop etish natijalardan kelib chiqib O'zbekistonlik bunday darajadagi (hurmat saqlagan xolda) 1-2 ta olimni bilaman holos (masalan), balki ko'proqdir.

Blog ochganimga deyarli bir yil bo'libdi. Birinchi postimdagi hadisni yana eslatma uchun qoldiraman:

Imom Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqiy sahoba Abu Dardodan (r.a.) rivoyat qilgan hadisda "Yo olim bo'l, yo shogird bo'l, yo tinglovchi bo'l yoki (ilmga) muhabbatli bo'lgin. Beshinchisi bo'lma, halok bo'lasan" deyilgan (Sunan al-Kubroga Kirish 277).


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