Jasurbek G'ulomov

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Telegram

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SEAMO bronza 🥉
FISO kumush🥈 (National round) oltin 🥇 (International round).
Skills Camp 3 mavsum.
IQtidorli Camp 1-mavsum.

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Yo'q adashibman hali qish tugamabdi

Bahor ham keldi kanal rasmini ham almashtirish kerak menimcha

Let's talk

I have three books that I started three times but haven't finished yet
These books:
Zamonga yengilma

Today, birthday of Zulfiya xonim.

Because I haven't opened yet.

Try to find me

Forward from: Jizzakh Model United Nations
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🇺🇳 First Jizzakh Model United Nations Assembly - The Beginning of a New Era!

🌐 Instagram

Ramazon aytib keldik eshigingizga,
Qoʻshqordek oʻgʻil bersin beshigingizga.
Uy-uy uy ekan qorongʻuda koʻringa qaysi boyning uyi ekan,
Karmonda pul, oʻchoqda kul,
Chiqara qoling pul.
Pulga borib ot oldim,
Otni sotib ....


Ramazon muborak, because in Islam after Maghrib new day starts

I cannot believe this

Man City social media managers are cooking, almost every day I see one post about this guy.

Picture ❌
Memory ✅

someone is doing this, but i like it, hance this person is reacting my posts

I should do giveaway for 45 subscribes, for increasing number of our community, but i need one sponsor to cover all costs

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Forward from: Gollar F_F
Simonening 3 haftalik jadvali.

Sen o'zingni o'yla

20 last posts shown.