Goodreads is a social network for book lovers. It is owned by Amazon. Here you can get book recommendations, read or write a book review, rate a book and many more things. It basically deals with book enthusiasts. Just like Facebook, you can make an account for free, add friends etc. If you’re a book lover then you’re going to love it.
I've fallen woefully behind on my reading so plan to use Goodreads as motivation to get my back on track
Goodreads is a social network for book lovers. It is owned by Amazon. Here you can get book recommendations, read or write a book review, rate a book and many more things. It basically deals with book enthusiasts. Just like Facebook, you can make an account for free, add friends etc. If you’re a book lover then you’re going to love it.
I've fallen woefully behind on my reading so plan to use Goodreads as motivation to get my back on track