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Deepseek developers😐

~8% of 2025 has already passed

There is an Arabic saying and it goes like this:
“You want to die? Then throw yourself into the sea and you’ll see yourself fighting to survive. You do not want to kill yourself, rather you want to kill something inside of you”

168 0 1 14 15

Durov literally went all in against education in West.
By the way, seems he is not yet aware that Deepseek was side-project

Forward from: Du Rove's Channel
⭐ Happy Chinese New Year!

Following the success of the Chinese startup DeepSeek, many are surprised at how quickly China has caught up with the US in AI. However, China’s progress in algorithmic efficiency hasn't come out of nothing. Chinese students have long outperformed others in math and programming at international olympiads 🏆

When it comes to producing outstanding performers in math and science, China's secondary education system is superior to that of the West. It fosters fierce competition among students, a principle borrowed from the highly efficient Soviet model 🎖

In contrast, most Western schools discourage competition, prohibiting public announcements of students' grades and rankings. The rationale is understandable — to protect students from pressure or ridicule. However, such measures also predictably demotivate the best students. Victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin. Eliminate the losers — and you eliminate the winners ☯️

For many students, motivation to excel in high school comes from treating it as a competitive game, striving to rank first against strong opponents. Removing transparency in student performance can make school feel meaningless for ambitious teenagers. It’s not surprising that many gifted kids now find competitive gaming more exciting than academics — at least in video games, they can see how each player ranks 😵

Telling all students they are champions, regardless of performance, may seem kind — until you consider how quickly reality will shatter this illusion after graduation. Reality, unlike well-meaning school policies, does have public grades and rankings — whether in sports, business, science, or technology. AI benchmarks that demonstrate DeepSeek's superiority are one of such public rankings. And more are coming. Unless the US secondary education system undergoes radical reform, China’s growing dominance in technology seems inevitable 🇨🇳

China effect
PS: Today new AI from China performed better on most benchmarks than Deepseek

195 0 2 13 14

Forward from: KUNDUZIY
Katta qizil oqim kirib kelmoqda! 🛑

Hozirgi vaqtda barcha bizneslar AI uchun katta sarmoyalar va harakatlar amalga oshirayotganini hammamiz bilamiz. Ushbu harakatlarda ayniqsa NVIDIA juda faol bo'lib turgan edi, eng qiziq tomoni juda ham ko'pchilik (menimcha hamma) AI lar aynan ChatGPT ga asoslanib yaratilgan. ChatGPT esa ishlash uchun eng qimmati bo'lib turibdi, chunki u oddiy so'rovlar uchun ham butun boshli serverlarni ishga tushiradi va har bir so'zni bittalab o'qib chiqqani sabab har doim ham savollarga to'g'ri javob bermaydi.

Xitoyda bo'lsa, bir qancha jo'shqin yoshlar boshlanishiga qiziq proektcha sifatida DeepSeek sun'iy intelektini ishlab chiqa boshlashadi. Mana hozir ancha vaqt o'tib, bu loyiha ancha arzonga va optimizatsiyalangan holga kelgan. Aynan shu kichkina proektcha hozirda Amerikadagi aksiya bozorini Xitoy bayrog'i ko'rinishiga olib keldi, o'zingiz o'ylang Amerika 500 milliard dollarga qilmoqchi bo'lgan ishni atigi 6 million evaziga amalga oshirilishi albatta katta o'zgarishni keltirib chiqaradi.📉

2025-yil ancha qiziqarli o'tadiganga o'xshaydi. Aytgancha DeepSeek Sun'iy intelekti hozirda tekin va sizdan olinadigan har qanday ma'lumotni yaxshigina summaga sotishmoqda 🤓


Back to the basics ??


Over $787 billion was wiped out from the US stock market yesterday.

Announcement of Deepseek(R1) which is competitor to chatgpt (performed well on several benchmarks) which required less money than 0.03% OpenAI's market capitalization. Basically something where less than $10 million wiped out so much money from US stock market

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How it all started

New Giveaway.

Literally I laughed after watching my stories from 2021 to now


Comment section going crazy😐 (if you understand)

Do not try to build a risky project by yourself (without hiring someone to be in control) if you do not know how to deal with it fully. He basically was studying physics in university and decided to create a site(with tor onion network) where people can sell anything(mostly drugs) that does not harm people like gun anonymously(no tracing back to the people). But as he was just starting out, he made a lot simple mistakes which FBI used to find and arrest him. As Donald Trump found punishment was too harsh, he decided to pardon him (Short video)

Never give up on ideas before trying

This is the problem from today's round. Problem basically need to remove two nodes from graph and divide it into highest possible number of parts. First idea hit was to virtually remove first node with highest number of connected nodes. Then find second best. Removing them is answer. This failed, because there could be cases where removing random with highest number might not be appropriate(Wrong answer test 2).

Second try: Then I tried checking with removing each node with highest number of connections as first (the best). (Time limit)

Finally, I almost gave up and tried thinking of greedy (if you don't know what it is, it is hard/impossible to prove ideas). Basically I tried to do 2nd try, but checking only 2 as the best(wrong answer test 4, I was a bit happy). Tried 5 and got accepted, I don't know 100% why. But there are some reasons which are intuitive.

Intuition rules😎
That wasn't expected solutions imo.

👮 Donald Trump has signed an executive order pardoning Ross Ulbricht

Ross Ulbricht is the creator of Silk Road, the first major darknet marketplace powered by Bitcoin

What’s your take on this decision? 🍷


Trump's upcoming inauguration speech📈

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Done with applications for now (fin. aids left)

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