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💿 Qur’oni Karim (O’zbek tilida ma’nolar tarjimasi)
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💖 BBC: Inside Einsteins Mind (Science Documentary)

The story of the most elegant and powerful theory in science - Albert Einstein's general relativity. When Einstein presented his formidable theory in November 1915, it turned our understanding of gravity, space and time completely on its head. Over the last 100 years, general relativity has enabled us to trace the origins of the universe to the Big Bang and to appreciate the enormous power of black holes. To mark the 100th anniversary of general relativity, this film takes us inside the head of Einstein to witness how his idea evolved, giving new insights into the birth of a masterpiece that has become a cornerstone of modern science. This is not as daunting as it sounds - because Einstein liked to think in pictures. The film is a magical visual journey that begins in Einstein's young mind, follows the thought experiments that gave him stunning insights about the physical world, and ultimately reaches the extremes of modern physics.

💮 @inglizchasiga

📊​IELTS imtihoniga noldan boshlab mustaqil tayyorlaning

🎚️ Boshlash:

30day English grammar master.pdf
📘 30 day English grammar master

💮 @inglizchasiga

🛫Aeroportlarda eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan inglizcha iboralar va so‘zlar, ularning o‘qilishi, tarjimasi va misollari:

1. Check-in

O‘qilishi: /ʧɛk ɪn/

Tarjima: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish

Misol: "Please check-in at least 2 hours before your flight."

2. Boarding pass

O‘qilishi: /ˈbɔːrdɪŋ pæs/

Tarjima: Parvozga chiqish chiptasi

Misol: "Show your boarding pass at the gate."

3. Baggage

O‘qilishi: /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/

Tarjima: Bagaj

Misol: "You can collect your baggage at carousel number 5."

4. Carry-on luggage

O‘qilishi: /ˈkæri ɒn ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/

Tarjima: Qo‘l yuki

Misol: "Only one piece of carry-on luggage is allowed."

5. Departure

O‘qilishi: /dɪˈpɑːrtʃər/

Tarjima: Jo‘nash

Misol: "The departure gate for flight 123 is now open."

6. Arrival

O‘qilishi: /əˈraɪvəl/

Tarjima: Kelish

Misol: "The flight’s estimated time of arrival is 10:30 AM."

7. Gate

O‘qilishi: /ɡeɪt/

Tarjima: Darvoza (chiqish joyi)

Misol: "Your flight departs from gate 12."

8. Security check

O‘qilishi: /sɪˈkjʊərɪti ʧɛk/

Tarjima: Xavfsizlik tekshiruvi

Misol: "Please proceed to the security check."

9. Flight number

O‘qilishi: /flaɪt ˈnʌmbər/

Tarjima: Parvoz raqami

Misol: "Your flight number is written on your boarding pass."

10. Delayed

- O‘qilishi: /dɪˈleɪd/ 
- Tarjima: Kechikkan 
- Misol: "The flight has been delayed due to bad weather."

11. Cancelled

- O‘qilishi: /ˈkænsəld/ 
- Tarjima: Bekor qilingan 
- Misol: "Your flight has been cancelled. Please contact the airline."

12. Customs

- O‘qilishi: /ˈkʌstəmz/ 
- Tarjima: Bojxona 
- Misol: "You need to declare any goods at customs."

13. Passport control

- O‘qilishi: /ˈpæspɔːrt kənˈtroʊl/ 
- Tarjima: Pasport nazorati 
- Misol: "Please have your passport ready for passport control."

14. Baggage claim

- O‘qilishi: /ˈbæɡɪdʒ kleɪm/ 
- Tarjima: Bagajni olish 
- Misol: "Proceed to baggage claim to collect your luggage."

15. Final call

- O‘qilishi: /ˈfaɪnəl kɔːl/ 
- Tarjima: So‘nggi chaqiriq 
- Misol: "This is the final call for flight 202 to London."

16. Connecting flight

- O‘qilishi: /kəˈnɛktɪŋ flaɪt/ 
- Tarjima: Ulovli parvoz 
- Misol: "You have a connecting flight in Paris."

17. Destination

- O‘qilishi: /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən/ 
- Tarjima: Manzil 
- Misol: "Your destination is New York."

18. On time

- O‘qilishi: /ɒn taɪm/ 
- Tarjima: O‘z vaqtida 
- Misol: "The flight is on time and will depart at 8:00 PM."

19. Seatbelt

- O‘qilishi: /ˈsiːtbɛlt/ 
- Tarjima: Xavfsizlik kamari 
- Misol: "Please fasten your seatbelt during take-off."

20. Turbulence

- O‘qilishi: /ˈtɜːrbjələns/ 
- Tarjima: Turbulentlik (parvozdagi tebranish) 
- Misol: "We may experience some turbulence during the flight."

21. Overhead compartment

- O‘qilishi: /ˌəʊvərˈhɛd kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ 
- Tarjima: Yuqoridagi yuk saqlash joyi 
- Misol: "Please place your bags in the overhead compartment."

22. Layover

- O‘qilishi: /ˈleɪoʊvər/ 
- Tarjima: Vaqtincha to‘xtash 
- Misol: "There is a two-hour layover in Istanbul."

23. Immigration

- O‘qilishi: /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ 
- Tarjima: Immigratsiya 
- Misol: "You will need to go through immigration upon arrival."

24. First class

- O‘qilishi: /fɜːrst klæs/ 
- Tarjima: Birinchi toifa 
- Misol: "I upgraded to a first-class seat for extra comfort."

25. Economy class

- O‘qilishi: /ɪˈkɒnəmi klæs/ 
- Tarjima: Iqtisodiy toifa 
- Misol: "Most passengers travel in economy class."

Bu so‘z va iboralar aeroportda yo‘lovchilar va xodimlar o‘rtasida tez-tez ishlatiladi.

💮 @inglizchasiga


📢 Interesting Facts About Uzbekistan

🇺🇿 Uzbek Meat Dishes

Kebabs, called shashlik, are one of the main meat dishes in Uzbekistan. Shashlik comes in many varieties, including ground beef (lyulya), mutton, beef, chicken, liver and vegetable. Not just anyone can make these tender, juicy, and somewhat fatty kebabs, whose secret marinade recipes are often passed on by word of mouth.
The most famous local roast beef variation is kazan kabob, made with lamb meat still on the bone which is fried in a pot with onions, potatoes and herbs. Dimlama is a roast with vegetables which is layered in a large pot and steamed. Kovurdok (kavurdak) is a roast with onions, potatoes and a little gravy.
Uzbek cutlets called tukhum dulma are made with boiled eggs. Basma is a dish of vegetables and meat (usually lamb) which is stewed in its own juice. Narhangi resembles domlama and basma in the cooking method but is prepared from minced lamb and vegetables.
But the most renowned Uzbek meat dish is plov (pilaf). Traditionally, plov is cooked by men. There is even a special word for such cooks – oshpaz, a title which must be earned. Pilaf is never cooked for just 2-3 people; it is made in huge pots, with each ingredient measured in kilograms. Every region in Uzbekistan has its own pilaf, but the basis is always the same - meat, rice, onions, carrots and spices.
Shavla is a dish made from the same ingredients as pilaf, only easier to prepare. Dolma are stuffed grape or cabbage leaves. Hasip are boiled sausages made from minced meat and rice, and kazy is a horse meat sausage.

💮 @inglizchasiga

🍱🥘🫕Restoranda eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan inglizcha iboralar va so‘zlar, ularning o‘qilishi, tarjimasi va misollari:

1. Menu

O‘qilishi: /ˈmenjuː/

Tarjima: Menyu

Misol: "Could you bring me the menu, please?"

2. Order

O‘qilishi: /ˈɔːrdər/

Tarjima: Buyurtma

Misol: "I would like to order a steak, please."

3. Starter (Appetizer)

O‘qilishi: /ˈstɑːrtər/ /ˈæpɪtaɪzər/

Tarjima: Appetizer (birinchi taom)

Misol: "For the starter, I’ll have the soup."

4. Main course

O‘qilishi: /meɪn kɔːrs/

Tarjima: Asosiy taom

Misol: "What do you recommend for the main course?"

5. Dessert

O‘qilishi: /dɪˈzɜːrt/

Tarjima: Shirinlik

Misol: "I’d like to have ice cream for dessert."

6. Drinks

O‘qilishi: /drɪŋks/

Tarjima: Ichimliklar

Misol: "What drinks do you have available?"

7. Waiter/Waitress

O‘qilishi: /ˈweɪtər/ /ˈweɪtrəs/

Tarjima: Ofitsiant / ofitsiant qiz

Misol: "Excuse me, waiter, can I get the bill, please?"

8. Table for two

O‘qilishi: /ˈteɪbəl fɔːr tuː/

Tarjima: Ikki kishilik stol

Misol: "We would like a table for two, please."

9. Reservation

O‘qilishi: /ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃən/

Tarjima: Oldindan buyurtma (rezervatsiya)

Misol: "Do you have a reservation for tonight?"

10. Specials

O‘qilishi: /ˈspɛʃəlz/

Tarjima: Maxsus taomlar (kunning taomlari)

Misol: "What are the specials for today?"

11. How would you like it cooked?

- O‘qilishi: /haʊ wʊd jʊ laɪk ɪt kʊkt/ 
- Tarjima: Qanday tayyorlashni xohlaysiz? 
- Misol: "How would you like your steak cooked—rare, medium, or well-done?"

12. Rare / Medium / Well-done

- O‘qilishi: /rɛər/ /ˈmiːdiəm/ /ˈwɛl dʌn/ 
- Tarjima: Xom / O‘rtacha / To‘liq pishgan 
- Misol: "I’d like my steak medium, please."

13. Check (Bill)

- O‘qilishi: /ʧɛk/ /bɪl/ 
- Tarjima: Hisob 
- Misol: "Can I get the check, please?"

14. Tip

- O‘qilishi: /tɪp/ 
- Tarjima: Choychaqa 
- Misol: "It’s customary to leave a 10% tip."

15. Takeaway (To-go)

- O‘qilishi: /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ /tuː ɡoʊ/ 
- Tarjima: O‘zi bilan olib ketish 
- Misol: "I’ll have a pizza to-go, please."

16. Allergies

- O‘qilishi: /ˈælərʤiz/ 
- Tarjima: Allergiyalar 
- Misol: "Do you have any food that is gluten-free? I have allergies."

17. Vegetarian

- O‘qilishi: /ˌvɛʤɪˈtɛriən/ 
- Tarjima: Vegetarian 
- Misol: "Do you have any vegetarian options on the menu?"

18. Refill

- O‘qilishi: /rɪˈfɪl/ 
- Tarjima: Qo‘shimcha (ichimlik to‘ldirish) 
- Misol: "Can I get a refill of my coffee, please?"

19. Sides

- O‘qilishi: /saɪdz/ 
- Tarjima: Qo‘shimcha taomlar 
- Misol: "What sides come with the steak?"

20. Enjoy your meal

- O‘qilishi: /ɪnˈʤɔɪ jʊər miːl/ 
- Tarjima: Yoqimli ishtaha 
- Misol: "Here’s your food. Enjoy your meal!"

21. Can I get this to-go?

- O‘qilishi: /kæn aɪ ɡɛt ðɪs tuː ɡoʊ/ 
- Tarjima: Buni olib ketishim mumkinmi? 
- Misol: "I couldn’t finish. Can I get this to-go?"

22. How is everything?

- O‘qilishi: /haʊ ɪz ɛvriθɪŋ/ 
- Tarjima: Hammasi yaxshimi? 
- Misol: "The waiter asked, ‘How is everything?’ and I said it was delicious."

Bu so‘z va iboralar restoranda xizmat ko‘rsatuvchilar va mijozlar o‘rtasida keng qo‘llaniladi va buyurtma berishda yordam beradi.

💮 @inglizchasiga

Advanced Grammar in Use.pdf
📘 "Advanced Grammar in Use"
👤 Martin Hewings

There are 100 units in the book, each looking at a particular area of grammar. Some sections within each unit focus on the particular use of a grammatical pattern, such as will be + -ing (as in will be travelling): others explore grammatical contrasts, such as whether to use would or used to in reporting past events, or when we use except or except for. The 100 units are grouped under a number of headings such as Tenses and The future, and you can find details of this in the Contents. Each unit consists of two pages. On the left-hand page are explanations and examples; on the right-hand page are practice exercises. The letters next to each exercise show you which section(s) of the left-hand page you need to understand to do that exercise.

💮 @inglizchasiga


📢 Interesting Facts About Uzbekistan

🇺🇿 Uzbekistan’s National Dishes

Uzbekistan Food

Uzbekistan Food is among the most delicious in the world, for over the centuries it absorbed and adapted the best recipes from neighboring cultures to create a flavorful and satisfying cuisine. A highlight of Uzbek cuisine in comparison with its Central Asian neighbors is that they enjoy not only meat dishes but vegetables and salads too. In fact, Uzbek fruits and vegetables are so good that they are exported to other countries.
This was not always the case, however. Until the 19th century the local diet consisted mostly of meat, dough, milk and cereals. Meat, particularly beef and lamb, remain the basis of the local diet today. Horse meat is also enjoyed as a delicacy, while poultry is less popular. Fish dishes are rather uncommon in this double-landlocked nation. Uzbekistan Food is rich in seasonings which accentuate the flavor of the dishes and leave a pleasant aftertaste.

Uzbeks are very hospitable people who will never let guests go hungry: First, because it will not be easy to decline a true invitation; second, because the Uzbek table is usually replete with food; and finally, because after a filling meal you are likely to be sent home with leftovers.

💮 @inglizchasiga

Dam olish onlari ham aqlni charxlash, ham hordiq olish uchun munosib taklif:

🎬 Cho‘qintirgan ota (1-2-3)
🎬 Muhabbat oyatlari (1-2)
🎬 "Uyda yolg‘iz" (1-2-3-4-5-6)
🎬 "Garri Potter" (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8)
🎬 Hayot mamot
🎬 "Qashqirlar makoni: Gladio"
🎬 Virus
🎬 Uoll Strit Bo‘risi
🎬 Samo farzandlari
🎬 Quyosh bolalari (2020)
🎬 "Garovdagi qiz"
🎬 Xo‘p janob
🎬 Xatiko: Eng sodiq do‘st
🎬 "Risolat"
🎬 "Titanik"
🎬 "Kichkina tabib"
🎬 "Samarqandu Buxoroning qonli kechmishi"
🎬 "Joker"
🎬 "Shamolni jilovlagan bola"
🎬 "Murtadlar"
🎬 "Muhammad Allohning elchisi"
🎬 "Yangi Dunyo"
🎬 "Romeo va Julietta"
🎬 "Yangi politsiyachilar tarixi"
🎬 "Ertadan keyin"
🎬 "1917"
🎬 "Ford Ferrariga qarshi"
🎬 "Kitob o‘g‘risi"
🎬 "O‘nta negr bolasi"
🎬 "Dunyo bo‘ylab 80 kun"
🎬 "Minari"
🎬 "Stiv Jobs"
🎬 "Javohir politsiyachi"
🎬 "Olimpning qulashi"
🎬 "Kakku Uyasi Uzra Parvoz"
🎬 "Uvays al Qaroniy hazratlari"
🎬 "Kichkintoy sayrga chiqdi"
🎬 "Platforma"
🎬 "Twilight | Сумерки" (1—5)
🎬 "Sen bilan uchrashguncha"
🎬 "Buyuk Getsbi"
🎬 "Interstellar"
🎬 "Umar Muxtor" (Sahro Arsloni)
🎬 "Vijdon amri"
🎬 "Otamdan qolgan dalalar"
🎬 "Gladiator"
🎬 "Wednesday" (serial)
🎬 "Dunyoning tugashi"
🎬 "Mo‘jiza" (1-2)
🎬 "Bishriy Hofiy"
🎬 "Logan"
🎬 "Oddiy askar Rayanning qaytishi"
🎬 "G‘urur va andisha"
🎬 "Hasan Basriy"
🎬 "Qochish rejasi"
🎬 "Sherlok" (serial)
🎬 "Yettinchi bo‘lmadagi mo‘jiza"
🎬 "Robiya"
🎬 "Eltuvchi" (1-4)
🎬 "Pahlavonlarni bo‘ysundirgan Jek"
🎬 "Yashil kitob"
🎬 "Daniyalik kelin"
🎬 "Indiana Jons" (1-4)
🎬 "Sen mening uyimsan"
🎬 "Avatar"
🎬 "Dastlabki kod"
🎬 "Podolsk kursantlari"
🎬 "Shindler ro‘yxati"
🎬 "Yaxshi, Yomon va yovuz"
🎬 "Ayla: Urush qizi"
🎬 Ilohiy ishq
🎬 "Qo'lingdan kelsa tutib ol"
🎬 "Qochqin"
🎬 "Niqob"
🎬 "Chernobil" (serial)
🎬 "Shamollarda qolgan hislarim"
🎬 "Otam va o‘g‘lim"
🎬 "Farengeyt bo'yicha 451"
🎬 "Maymunlar sayyorasi" (1-3)
🎬 "Botmagan quyosh"
🎬 "Qirol nutqi"
🎬 "Qora quti"
🎬 "Mavritaniyalik"
🎬 "Imom Abu Iso Muhammad Termiziy"
🎬 "Zakovatli Uill Xanting"
🎬 "Bir paytlar Gollivudda"
🎬 "Katta askar"
🎬 "Sevastopol mudofaasi"
🎬 "Aviator"
🎬 "Jek va loviya poyasi"
🎬 "Imom Al-Buxoriy"
🎬 "Karta, Pul va ikki miltiq"
🎬 "So'nggi legion"
🎬 "Novda"
🎬 "La'natlanganlar oroli"
🎬 "Muxojir"
🎬 "Aloqa"
🎬 "Oydin kecha"
🎬 "Zanjir" (serial)
🎬 "Maxsus topshiriq"
🎬 "Kutubxonachi" (1-2)
🎬 "Zamin Farzandi"
🎬 "Marslik"
🎬 "Hasad"
🎬 "Baxt ortidan quvib"
🎬 "Forrest Gamp"
🎬 "Karib dengizi qaroqchilari" (1-5)
🎬 "12 yil qullikda"
🎬 "Oydin kecha"
🎬 "Baxt kimyogari"
🎬 "Kar va ko‘r"
🎬 "Hayot go‘zal"
🎬 "Hidoyat yo‘li"
🎬 "Osmondagi bolalar" (1-3)
🎬 "Muqaddima"
🎬 "Shoushenkdan qochish"
🎬 "Jangchilar klubi"
🎬 "Taqdir o‘yini" (serial)
🎬 "Eng yaxshi taklif"
🎬 "G'arbiy frontda o'zgarish yo'q"
🎬 "Ko‘rinmas mehmon"

The Richest Man in Babylon.pdf
📘 "The Richest Man in Babylon"
✍️ George S. Clason

Beloved by millions, this timeless classic holds the key to all you desire and everything you wish to accomplish. This is the book that reveals the secret to personal wealth.

Countless readers have been helped by the famous “Babylonian parables,” hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. In language as simple as that found in the Bible, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Acclaimed as a modern-day classic, this celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of—and a solution to—your personal financial problems that will guide you through a lifetime. This is the book that holds the secrets to keeping your money—and making more.

The Richest Man in Babylon
Read it and recommend it to loved ones—and get on the road to riches.

💮 @inglizchasiga


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter dies aged 100

💬Good morning.
I'm Kim Siyoung
And this is the world now.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has died aged 100.
James Earl Carter Jr., who served as the 39th U.S. president from 1977 to 1981 passed away peacefully at his home in Plains, Georgia on Sunday afternoon, local time surrounded by his family, according to the Carter Center.

He had reportedly been receiving hospice care at his home for health issues, including melanoma that spread to his brain and liver.

At age 100, Carter was the longest-lived former president in U.S. history.

Incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden paid tribute to Carter, describing him as "a man of principle, faith, and humility," while President-elect Donald Trump said "we all owe him a debt of gratitude."

Jimmy Carter, a Georgia-born peanut farmer, won the presidency in 1976 with the promise of transparency amid the Watergate scandal and Vietnam War.

He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.

💮 @inglizchasiga

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💖 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Part 07]

💮 @inglizchasiga

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💖 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Part 06]

💮 @inglizchasiga

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💖 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Part 05]

💮 @inglizchasiga

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💖 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Part 04]

💮 @inglizchasiga

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