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🗣 Reading (o'qish) mahoratingizni oshiring
📃 Topic: My summer holidays in camp

I have a good summer holidays this year. And now I want to tell you about my rest time during my summer. The school year is over and I can do that I want. But my parents decide to send me to the summer camp. At the beginning I was angry, but my adventures were waiting me in the future.

I went to the summer camp. At the beginning I didn’t feel myself well. But in the second day I got acquainted with a good boy. We are speaking a lot of time about everything in the world. We spoke about dolphins. He told me how he visited a water park with his parents. At that time he could communicate with the dolphins.

In this summer camp I took part in the swimming competitions. Our team took the first place and we were much enjoyed. My trainer said me that I was the best sportsman in our team. As for me I think when I’ll come back home I’ll go to our local sport club. I hope I shall be the best sportsman there. My friends were the best in the football, volleyball, basketball. I was out-living for my friends, when they took part in chess competitions.

We had very much interesting events in the summer camp. I was in many interesting concerts. We listened rising stars. It was so wonderful. Also I went on the dance club. I danced with the best girl in the camp. All boys wanted to meet with her, but she looked only on me. It’s so beautiful, and I was so happy. She was the best girl in our camp.

We had many interesting times. We were drawing, swimming, took part in the sports competitions, watching interesting concerts. It was the best time in my life. What I was stupid, when I was angry on my parents in the beginning of the summer.

When I came back home from the summer camp, I asked forgiveness at my parents. I thankful them for my summer holidays. Now I can tell my classmates about the best summer holidays.

📋 Mavzuga oid notanish so‘zlar lug‘ati
Camp — lager
Acquainted — tanish, taniydigan
Dolphin — delfin
Competition - musobaqa
Our team — bizning jamoa
Local sport club - mahalliy sport klubi

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✅Vocabulary time

🔸 Happy - xursand
🔸 Sad - xafa/ g'amgin
🔸 Hungry - qorni och
🔸 Thirsty - chanqamoq
🔸 Hot - isib ketmoq
🔸 Cold - muzlab ketmoq
🔸 Tired - charchamoq
🔸 Sleepy - uyqusiragan
🔸 Surprised - hayratda qolmoq, ajablanmoq
🔸 Scared - qo'rqib ketmoq
🔸 Excited - xursand bo'lmoq
🔸 Bored - zerikmoq

💠 "To be" orqali o'zimizning holatimizni, kayfiyatimizni aytsak bo'ladi

S+ to be + ⏹

Mana shu to'rtburchak o'rniga holat va kayfiyatni bildiruvchi so'zlardan birini qo'yamiz.

Misol uchun:

🔸 I am happy
🔹 Men xursandman

🔸 She is sad
🔹 U(qiz bola) xafa

🔸 Durdona is hungry
🔹 Durdinani qorni och

🔸 We are thirsty
🔹 Biz chanqadik

🔸 I am hot
🔹 Men isib ketdim

🔸 Anvar is cold
🔹 Anvar muzlab ketdi

🔸 My students are sleepy
🔹 Mening öquvchilarim uyqusiragan (uyqusi kelgan)

🔸 You are scared
🔹 Siz qo'rqib ketdingiz

🔸 My friends are bored
🔹 Mening do'stlarim zerikkan

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🇬🇧 Ingliz tilini 1 oyda tekinga o'rganing 😳
Kirish tugmasini bosing👇

💭Ingliz tilini maksimal darajada xatolarsiz o'rganing!

🗯Phrasal verbs - Fe'lli iboralar;
🗯Grammars - Ingliz tili sof gramatikasi;
🗯Vocabulary - L¹ darajadan C² darajagacha bo'lgan lug'atlar.

Ingliz tilini noldan, grammatikasiz o'rganishga yordamlashuvchi ommabop ingliz tili kanali!


🇬🇧 At bilan yasalgan iboralar:

🔺 at the age of - yoshda
🔺 at the beginning -ning boshida
🔺 at all costs - nima qilib bo‘lsa ham
🔺 at dinner (supper, tea) - tushlikda (kechki ovqatda, choyda)
🔺 at somebody’s disposal -ning ixtiyorida
🔺 at the end - oxirida
🔺 at the expence of -ning hisobida
🔺 at first - avvalo
🔺 at the head of -ning boshida
🔺 at home - uyda
🔺 at least - hech bo‘lmaganda
🔺 at last - nihoyat
🔺 at (the) latest - eng kechi bilan
🔺 at a low (high) price (past) - baland narxda
🔺 at times - ba’zan
🔺 at corner - muyulishda
🔺 at the front (back) - oldinda (orqada)
🔺 at sea - dengizda (sayohatda)
🔺 at one’s option - birovning ixtiyori bilan
🔺 at once - birdan
🔺 at the rate of - hajmda
🔺 at any rate - har holda
🔺 at the request of -ning iltimosiga ko‘ra
🔺 at a salary of - maoshda
🔺 at somebody’s service -ning xizmatida
🔺 at fi rst sight - bir ko‘rishda
🔺 at a speed of - tezlikda
🔺 at a time - bir martada, bir vaqtda
🔺 at this (that, the same) time - shu (o‘sha, bir) vaqt (da)
🔺 at the top of one’s voice - tovushining boricha, bor ovozda
🔺 to be at war - urush holatida bo‘l moq
🔺 at night - tunda
🔺 at (the) most - eng ko‘pi bilan
🔺 at the traffi c lights - svetaforda
🔺 at the church - cherkovda
🔺 at the roundabout - aylanma
🔺 at a temperature - haroratda

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looting [ˈluːtɪŋ]
мародёрство, грабеж

steeling [ˈstiːlɪŋ]
воровство, кража

set on fire [set ɔn ˈfaɪə]
o’t yoqmoq, yondirmoq

community [kəˈmjuːnɪtɪ]
сообщество, общность

🇺🇸Some of the angry people started looting, breaking windows, stealing things, setting their own community on fire.
🇷🇺Некоторые разъярённые люди начали мародёрствовать, разбивать окна, воровать вещи, поджигать собственную общину.
🇺🇿Ba'zi g'azablangan odamlar talonchilik qilishni, derazalarni sindirishni, mol-mulkni o'g'irlashni, o'z jamiyatlari o't qo'yishni boshladilar.

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💡Collocations of the day 👌

✳️ Bugungi postimizda 'luck' (omad, baxt) so'zi bilan bog'liq collocationlarni o'rganamiz.

✅ better/good/pure/sheer luck - yaxshi/haqiqiy/to'liq omad
🔸 She wears a charm that she thinks brings her good luck. (U o'zidagi joziba unga yaxshi omad keltiradi deb o'ylaydi)
✅ bad/ill/rotten/tough luck - yomon holat/omadsizlik
🔸It was rotten luck to be ill on the day of the interview. (Intervyu kuni kasal bo'lib qo'lish juda yomon omadsizlik bo'ldi)
✅ a piece of/stroke of luck - omad epkini/baxtli daqiqa
🔸 By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop. (Omadim kelib, men uni mahalliy kitob do'konida uchratib qoldim)
✅ to give/bring somebody luck - kimgadir omad/baxt olib kelmoq
🔸This ring has always brought me good luck. (Bu uzuk menga har doim omad olib kelgan)
✅ to try sb's luck - kimningdir omadini sinab ko'rmoq
🔸I decided to try my luck at the roulette wheel. (Men omadimni ruletkada sinab ko'rishga qaror qildim)
✅ to run out of luck - omadi tugamoq
🔸It looks as though our luck has finally run out. (Omadimiz tugaganga o'xshaydi)
✅ for luck - omad keltirishi uchun
🔸I always carry it with me, just for luck.
✅ beginner's luck - birinchi bo'lgan odamning omadi
🔸I don't know why I did so well - it must be beginner's luck.
✅ better luck next time - keyingi safar omad keladi (ovutish ma'nosida)
🔸 If you didn't win a prize, better luck next time. (Mukofot yutmagan bo'lsangiz, keyingi safar omadingiz keladi)

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Salom kanalim a'zolari!
Men sizga hozir bir daxshat kanal haqida aytib bermoqchiman.U kanal ingliz tilini judayam zõr õqitar ekan va po'stlari tushunishga judayam oson.
Shak shubxasiz 5 oy ichida IELTS darajasiga chiqa olasiz. Agar hoziroq kirmasez 5 minutda õchirib yuboraman bu taklifni. 🏃‍♀Shoshiling🏃

On and in.
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🇬🇧INGLIZ TILI bizning tilga yaqin bolgani uchun uni organish oson
Yani bu tilni siz mustaqil ravishda 1/2 oy ichida qiyinchilklarsiz organishiz mumkin.
Bu kanal sizga yaqindan yordam beradi....
https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFN8Y1TA3fW2KQn5NQ 👇👇

So'zlashuv uchun: Iboralar
⚡️ Holidays and Wishes - Bayramlar va tilaklar

Good luck!

Happy birthday!
Tug'ilgan kuningiz bilan!

Happy new year!
Yangi yil bilan!

Merry Christmas!
Yangi yil ayomingiz bilan!

Happy Navruz!
Navro'z muborak!

Happy Eid!
Hayitingiz muborak!


Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)
Yoqimli ishtaxa

Bless you (when sneezing)
Sog' bo'ling

Best wishes!
Yaxshi tilaklar

Cheers! (or: to your health)
Sog'lik uchun!

Accept my best wishes
Ezgu tilaklarimni qabul qiling

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Aralash gaplar

🇬🇧 I'll do my best.
🇺🇿 Qo'limdan kelganicha harakat qilaman.

🇬🇧 Thank you for your advise.
🇺🇿 Maslahat uchun raxmat.

🇬🇧 Bring me a cup of tea!
🇺🇿 Menga bir piyola choy olib keling!

🇬🇧 - Shall I tell Guli what happened?
🇺🇿 - Bo'lgan voqeani Guliga aytaymi?

🇬🇧 - No, I wouldn't say anything.
🇺🇿 - Yo'q, men hech narsa aytmagan bo'lardim.

🇬🇧 What do you eat most?
🇺🇿 Siz ko'proq nima yeysiz?

🇬🇧 I'm very sorry.
🇺🇿 Kechiring juda afsusdaman.

🇬🇧 Could you give me something for a toothache?
🇺🇿 Tish og'rig'iga qarshi birorta dori bera olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Let's go to the restaurant.
🇺🇿 Keling restoranga boramiz.

🇬🇧 Can I just have a second of your time, please?
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz, menga bir daqiqa vaqtingizni ajrata olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Do you have brothers and sisters?
🇺🇿 Aka -singillaringiz bormi?

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Ko‘p foydalaniladigan sifatlar

🎯 decent — odobli, yaxshi xulqli
🎯 indecent — beadab
🎯 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z
🎯 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli
🎯 sincere — samimiy

🎯 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof
🎯 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh
🎯 guilty — aybdor
🎯 criminal — jinoyatchi
🎯 kind — mehribon

🎯 hostile — adovatli, dushmanlik
🎯 gentle — yuvosh, beozor
🎯 polite — odobli, xushmuomalali
🎯 rude — qo‘pol
🎯 generous — saxiy

🎯 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq, qurumsoq
🎯 talkative — gapdon, ko‘p gapiradigan
🎯 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash
🎯 reserved — vazmin
🎯 docile — itoatli

🎯 disobedient — itoatsiz, gapga kirmaydigan
🎯 strict — talabchan
🎯 mild — yumshoq, muloyim
🎯 reliable — ishonchli
🎯 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan

🎯 brave — mard, jasur
🎯 courageous — mard
🎯 coward — qo‘rqoq
🎯 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
🎯 reasonable — ongli, idrokli

🎯 prudent — mulohazali, o‘ylab ish qiladigan
🎯 light-minded — yengiltak
🎯 cautious — ehtiyotkor
🎯 incautious — beparvo
🎯 truthful - rostgo‘y

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

Geografik nomlar

🔰 Republic of Uzbekistan - O'zbekiston Respublikasi
🔰 Karakalpakstan - Qoraqalpoqiston
🔰 Regions - Viloyatlar
🔰 Andijon - Andijon
🔰 Bukhara - Buxoro
🔰 Namangan - Namangan
🔰 Samarkand - Samarqand
🔰 Syrdarya - Sirdaryo
🔰 Surkhandarya - Surhondaryo
🔰 Tashkent - Toshkent
🔰 Fergana - Farg'ona
🔰 Khorezm - Xorazm
🔰 Kashkadarya - Qashqadaryo

Regional centres -
Viloyatlarning markazlari
🔰 Andijon - Andijon
🔰 Bukhara - Buxoro
🔰 Namangan - Namangan
🔰 Samarkand - Samarqand
🔰 Gulistan - Guliston
🔰 Termiz - Termiz
🔰 Tashkent - Toshkent
🔰 Ferghana - Farg'ona
🔰 Urgench - Urganch
🔰 Kharshi - Qarshi

Mountains - Tog'lar
🔰 the Tien Shan - Tyanshan
🔰 The Gisaro-Olay - Hisor-Oloy
🔰 Rivers - Daryolar
🔰 The Syr-Darya River - Sirdaryo
🔰 The Amu-Darya River - Amudaryo
🔰 The Norin River - Norin
🔰 The Chirchik River - Chirchiq

Lakes - Ko'llar
🔰 The Aral Sea - Orol dengizi
🔰 The Sudochye Lake - Sudoche ko'li
🔰 The Arnasoy - Arnasoy ko'li
🔰 Deserts - Cho'llar
🔰 The Kizil-Kum - Qizilqum

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

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Inglizcha gapirish.

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧


To‘rtinchi darsda biz LOVE fe’lini ishlatdik. Endi boshqa fe’llarni ham ko‘rib chiqamiz. Masalan, [WORK - vork – ishlamoq]

1-SHAKL. TASDIQLASH: Hozirgi zamon

I work - ay vork - Men ishlayapman
You work - yu vork - Sen ishlayapsan
We work - vi vork - Biz ishlayapmiz
They work - zey vork - Ular ishlashyapti
He works - xi vorkc - U ishlayapti
She works - shi vorkc - U ishlayapti

2-SHAKL. TASDIQLASH: O‘tgan zamon

I worked - ay vorkd - Men ishladim
You worked - yu vorkd - Sen ishlading
We worked - vi vorkd - Biz ishladik
They worked - zey vorkd - Ular ishlashdi
He worked - xi vorkd - U ishladi
She worked - shi vorkd - U ishladi

3-SHAKL. TASDIQLASH: Kelasi zamon

I will work - ay vil vork - Men ishlayman
You will work - yu vil vork - Sen ishlaysan
We will work - vi vil vork - Biz ishlaymiz
They will work - zey vil vork - Ular ishlashadi
He will work - xi vil vork - U ishlaydi
She will work - shi vil vork - U ishlaydi

4-SHAKL. INKOR ETISH: Hozirgi zamon

I don't work - ay dount vork - Men ishlamayapman
You don't work - yu dount vork - Sen ishlamayapsan
We don't work - vi dount vork - Biz ishlamayapmiz
They don't work - zey dount vork - Ular ishlashmayapti
He doesn't work - xi daznt vork - U ishlamayapti
She doesn't work - shi daznt vork - U ishlamayapti

5-SHAKL. INKOR ETISH: O‘tgan zamon

I did not work - ay did not vork - Men ishlamadim
You did not work - yu did not vork - Sen ishlamading
We did not work - vi did not vork - Biz ishlamadik
They did not work - zey did not vork - Ular ishlashmadi
He did not work - xi did not vork - U ishlamadi
She did not work - shi did not vork - U ishlamadi

6-SHAKL. INKOR ETISH: Kelasi zamon

I will not work - ay vil not vork - Men ishlamayman
You will not work - yu vil not vork - Sen ishlamaysan
We will not work - vi vil not vork - Biz ishlamaymiz
They will not work - zey vil not vork - Ular ishlashmaydi
He will not work - xi vil not vork - U ishlamaydi
She will not work - shi vil not vork - U ishlamaydi

7-SHAKL. SAVOL BERISH: Hozirgi zamon

Do I work? - du ay vork - Men ishlayapmanmi?
Do You work? - du yu vork - Sen ishlayapsanmi?
Do We work? - du vi vork - Biz ishlayapmizmi?
Do They work? - du zey vork - Ular ishlashyaptimi?
Does He work? - daz xi vork - U ishlayaptimi?
Does She work? - daz shi vork - U ishlayaptimi?

8-SHAKL. SAVOL BERISH: O‘tgan zamon

Did I work? - did ay vork - Men ishladimmi?
Did You work? - did yu vork - Sen ishladingmi?
Did We work? - did vi vork - Biz ishladikmi?
Did They work? - did zey vork - Ular ishlashdimi?
Did He work? - did xi vork - U ishladimi?
Did She work? - did shi vork - U ishladimi?

9-SHAKL. SAVOL BERISH: Kelasi zamon

Will I work? - vil ay vork - Men ishlaymanmi?
Will You work? - vil yu vork - Sen ishlaysanmi?
Will We work? - vil vi vork - Biz ishlaymizmi?
Will They work? - vil zey vork - Ular ishlashadimi?
Will He work? - vil xi vork - U ishlaydimi?
Will She work? - vil shi vork - U ishlaydimi?

Ko‘rib turganingizdek yuqorida aytgan uslubimiz bo‘yicha ketyapti. Keyingi darsda noto‘g‘ri fe’llarning qaerda o‘zgarishini aytib o‘tamiz.

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

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Inglizcha gapirish.

@ingliz_tilinii_organamiz 👨‍🎓


O‘zi, har bir tilda o‘rganishni o‘sha yurt sohiblari bilan salomlashishdan boshlash kerak. Undan keyin esa, mulozamat so‘zlari o‘rganiladi. Ismingiz nima, deya olish va unga javob berish ham avval qilinadigan ishlarga kiradi.

Ingliz tilida salomlashish va mulozamat so‘zlari quyidagilar:

Hello! - xello - Salom!
Hi! - xay - Salom!
Good morning! - guud moning - Hayrli tong!
Good afternoon! - guud aftenuun - Hayrli kun!
Goog evening! - guud ivning - Hayrli kech!
Goog night! - guud nayt - Hayrli tun!
What’s up? - vats ap - Ishlar qalay?
How are you? - xau a yu - Qandaysiz? Qandaysan?
How are things? - xau a sings - Ishlar qalay?
Great, thanks! - griid senks - Rahmat, a’lo darajada!
Fine thanks, and you? - fayn senks end yu - Yaxshi, o‘zizchi?
Not bad! - no bed - Yomon emas!
I am glad to see you - ay em gled tu si yu - Sizni ko‘ganimdan xursandman
What is your name? - vat iz yo neym - Ismingiz nima?
My name is Anvar - may neym iz Anvar - Mening ismim Anvar
Nice to meet you! - nays tu mit yu - Tanishganimdan xursandman
Have a good/nice day - xev e guud/nays dey - Kuningiz hayrli o‘tsin
Good luck! - guud lak - Omad yor bo‘lsin!
Good bye - guud bay - Hayr
Bye - bay - Yaxshi qoling
See you later - si yu leyta - Keyinroq ko‘rishamiz
See you soon - si yu suun - Tez orada ko‘rishamiz
Excuse me - ekskyuz mi - Kechirasiz (qilmoqchi bo‘lishdan avval)
Sorry - sorri - Uzr (qilib bo‘lingan ish uchun)
I’m sorry - ay em sorri - Meni kechiring

Asosan shu so‘zlarni yodlab olsangiz kifoya qiladi.👌

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

#Phrasal verbs
Carry on= Davom ettirmoq
Pass out= Hushidan ketmoq
Pass away=Vafot etmoq
Look for= Qidirmoq
Look after= G‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq
Hold on= Kutmoq
Run out= Tugab qolmoq
Go back= Orqaga qaytmoq
Give up= To‘xtatmoq(ish- harakat )
Take off =Ko‘tarilmoq, Uchmoq(Samolyot)
Run away= Qochib ketmoqketmoq

@tezkor_ingliz_tili 🇬🇧

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