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Ingliz va Rus tilida o'z ona tilingizdek erkin gaplashish sirlarini o'rganasiz 👩🏻‍🏫
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🔵Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamon bor, ularning hammasi ushbu formula asosida yasaladi. 👇👇👇

1⃣. The Present Simple Tense. (Oddiy hozirgi zamon)
Positive- S+V.
Negative- S+do(does)+not+V.
Questions- Do(does)+S+V?

2⃣. The Simple Past Tense. (Oddiy o’tgan zamon)
Positive- S+Ved.
Negative- S+did+not+V.
Questions- Did+S+V.

3⃣. The Future Simple Tense. (Oddiy kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+V.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+V.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+V.

4⃣. The Simple Future in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+V.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+V.
Questions- Would(should)+S+V.

5⃣. The Present Continuous Tense.(Hozirgi davom zamon)
Positive- S+to be+Ving.
Negative- S+to be+not+Ving.
Questions- To be+S+Ving.

6⃣. The Past Continuous Tense. (O’tgan davom zamon)
Positive- S+was(were)+Ving.
Negative- S+was(were)+not+Ving.

7⃣. The Future Continuous Tense. (Kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+be+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+be+Ving.

8⃣. The Future Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+Ving.

9⃣. The Present Perfect Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+P.P.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+P.P.

1⃣0⃣. The Past Perfect Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+had+P.P.
Negative- S+had+not+P.P.

1⃣1⃣. The Future Perfect Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+P.P.

1⃣2⃣. The Future Perfect in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+P.P.

1⃣3⃣. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+been+Ving.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+been+Ving.

1⃣4⃣. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+had+been+Ving.
Negative- S+had+not+been+Ving.

1⃣5⃣. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+been+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+have+been+Ving.

16. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+been+Ving.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🌴List of Prepositional Phrases "AT"

☘️ at (a) high speed
☘️ at (the) risk (of)
☘️ at / by one’s side
☘️ at / for a fraction of
☘️ at / from the outset
☘️ at / in the end
☘️ at / on sight
☘️ at / on the double
☘️ at a / one time
☘️ at a disadvantage
☘️ at a discount
☘️ at a distance
☘️ at a glance
☘️ at a guess
☘️ at a loose and
☘️ at a loss
☘️ at a low ebb
☘️ at a moment’s notice
☘️ at a price
☘️ at a rate of
☘️ at a speed of
☘️ at a standstill
☘️ at all costs
☘️ at all events
☘️ at an advantage
☘️ at any cost
☘️ at any rate
☘️ at breakfast
☘️ at ease (with)
☘️ at face value
☘️ at fault
☘️ at full strength
☘️ at hand
☘️ at heart
☘️ at home (with)
☘️ at issue
☘️ at large
☘️ at least
☘️ at length
☘️ at liberty
☘️ at most
☘️ at night
☘️ at noon
☘️ at odds with
☘️ at once
☘️ at one’s best
☘️ at one’s discretion
☘️ at one’s disposal
☘️ at one’s leisure
☘️ at one’s request
☘️ at peace / war (with)
☘️ at play
☘️ at present
☘️ at random
☘️ at sea
☘️ at the / in front of
☘️ at the age of
☘️ at the beginning
☘️ at the expense of
☘️ at the foot of
☘️ at the hands of
☘️ at the height of
☘️ at the latest
☘️ at the mercy of
☘️ at the peak of
☘️ at the same time
☘️ at the thought of
☘️ at the time of
☘️ at the top of
☘️ at this juncture
☘️ at times
☘️ at war with
☘️ at work


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🔖Admit-tan olmoq
🔖Avoid-oldini olish
🔖Consider-hisobini olmoq
🔖Continue-davom etmoq
🔖Delay -kechiktirmoq
🔖Deny-inkor qilmoq
🔖 Enjoy-rohatlanmoq
🔖 Escape-qochmoq
🔖Excuse-bahona qilmoq
🔖 Finish-tugatmoq
🔖 Forgive-kechirmoq
🔖 Imagine-tasavvur qilmoq
🔖 Insist on - talab qilmoq
🔖Involve-tarkibiga olmoq
🔖Keep(=continue)-davom etmoq
🔖 Look forward to-umit qilmoq
🔖 Mention-eslatmoq
🔖Mind-fikr qilmoq
🔖Miss-o'tkazib yubormoq
🔖Object to-majbur bo'lmoq
🔖Practise-tajriba qilmoq
🔖Prevent-oldini olmoq
🔖Report - habar bermiq
🔖Resist- qarshilik bildirmoq
🔖Risk-tavakkal qilmoq
🔖Save-saqlab qolmoq
🔖Stand - turmoq
🔖Suggest - taklif qilmoq
- tushunmoq

Yuqoridagi fe'llardan so'ng fe'lning faqat gerundiy shakli keladi

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🚩 Grammatika vaqti

One / Ones

"One"(bir) so'zi ingliz tilida xuddi o'zbek tilidagiga o'xshash "qaysi biri" jumlasida ham ishlatiladi.
Which one - Qaysi biri? (birlikda)
Which ones - Qaysi birlari? (ko'plikda).

Birlikda doim "one", ko'plikda "ones" ishlatiladi.
Which car is yours? This one or that one? - Qaysi mashina sizniki? Bunisimi yoki anavisimi?

"These"(bular) va "those"(anavilar) so'zlari kelganda one/ones qo'yilmaydi:
Which flowers do you want? These or those? - Qaysi gullarni xohlaysiz? Bularnimi yoki anavilarnimi?

Aytilgan narsalar ko'rinib turgan bo'lsa, u narsani nomini aytmasdan one/ones bilan gapirish mumkin. Masalan, qo'lida ikkita shlyapani ko'rsatib, so'rayabdi:
Which one do you want? - Qaysi birini xohlaysiz?
Bu gapda "one" so'zi "hat"(shlyapa)ni bildiryapdi.

Agar aytilgan narsalar ko'rinib turmagan bo'lsa, 1-gap yoki 1-bo'lakda nomi aytilib, keyingisida one/ones ishlatiladi:
I need a pen. Have you got one? - Menga ruchka kerak. Bitta berib turolasizmi?

Agar gapda sifat so'zi bo'lsa, one/ones sifatdan keyin qo'yiladi:
I don't like the red shoes but I like the black ones - Menga qizil poyafzal yoqmaydi, ammo menga qorasi yoqadi.

Sifatdan oldin birlikda a/an, ko'plikda some kelishi:
This cup is dirty. Can I have a clean one? - Bu piyola kir. Menga tozasini berolasizmi?
My shoes very old. I must buy some new ones - Mening poyafzalim juda eski. Men yangilarini xarid qilishim zarur.

Ingliz tilida one/ones faqat savolda emas, javob berganda ham ishlatiladi. Agar taqqoslasak, o'zbek tilida javob berayotganda bu narsa ishlatilmaydi, uni o'rnida "si" qo'shimchasi qo'yiladi.
- I like that coat (Menga anavi palto yoqadi)
- Which one? (Qaysi biri?)
- The black one (Qorasi).

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


People and society

Relationship - rishta
Connection - aloqa

Blame - ayb
Fault - xato

Old - 1) eski; 2) katta, qari
Ancient - qadimiy

Crowd - olomon,omma
Audience - auditoriya, tomoshabin

Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
Please - xursand qilmoq

Support - ta'minlamoq
Assist - yordam bermoq

Kind - mehribon
Polite - xushmuomala

Sympathetic - hamdard, achinadigan
Likeable - yoqimtoy

Nervous - asabiy
Bad-tempered - tez asabiylashadigan

Sensitive - ta'sirchan, yig'loqi
Sensible - aqlli, ma'noli, bamani

Company - ulfatchilik
Group - guruh

Popular - mashhur ,sevimli
Famous - mashhur, taniqli

Typical - o'ziga xos
Usual - odatiy
Ordinary - oddiy

Close - yaqin, qalin (rishta)
Near - yaqin (joy)

Unknown - noma'lum
Infamous - yomon otlig', yomon nom chiqargan

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_2_unit 17

🔸️aim - maqsad
🔸️attach - mahkamlamoq
🔸️bet - pul tikmoq
🔸️carriage - ot arava
🔸️classic - odatiy
🔸️commute - piyoda yurmoq
🔸️confirm - tasdiqlamoq
🔸️criticize - tanqid qilmoq
🔸️differ - farq qilmoq
🔸️expense - chiqim, xarajat
🔸️formal - rasmiy
🔸️height - bo'y
🔸️invent - ixtiro qilmoq
🔸️junior - kichik
🔸️labor - mehnat
🔸️mechanic - mexanik
🔸️prime - birinchi, bosh
🔸️shift - joyini o'zgartirmoq
🔸️signal - belgi, signal
🔸️sincere - samimiy

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Study this example situation:

➕Geoff is a football referee. He always wears two watches during a game because it is possible that one watch will stop.
Geoff futbol referisi. U doim o’yin vaqtida ikkita soat taqadi, chunki bittasi to’xtab qolishi mumkin.

➖He wears two watches in case one of them stops.
➖U bittasi buzilib qolsa deb, ikkita soat taqadi.

In case one of them stops = ‘because it is possible that one of them will stop’.
in case — ...sa deb deya tarjima qilinadi.

Do not use will after in case. Use a present tense when you are talking about the future.
In case dan keyin will ni ishlatmang. Kelajak haqida gapirayotganingizda present zamonlari shaklidan foydalaning.

➖I don’t want to go out tonight in case John phones.
Jon telefon qilsa deb, bugun kechki payt tashqariga chiqmayman.

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Useful 📚

🔸A bottle (of milk) - (bir) butilkasi (sut)
🔸A glass (of water) - (bir) stakan (suv)
🔸A jug (of water) - (bir) ko'za (suv)
🔸A cup (of tea) - (bir) chashka (choy)
🔸A packet (of tea) - (bir) paket (choy)
🔸A jar (of honey) - (bir) banka (asal)
🔸A loaf (of bread) - (bir) baton (non)
🔸A slice (of bread) - (non) bo'lagi
🔸A carton (of milk) - (bir) pachkasi
🔸A can (of Coke) - (kola) bankasi
🔸A bottle (of Coke) - (kola) butilkasi
🔸A bowl (of sugar) - (shakar) solgich
🔸A kilo (of meat) - (go'sht) kilosi
🔸A bar (of soap) - (sovun) parchasi
🔸A bar (of chocolate) - (shokolad) plitkasi
🔸A piece (of chocolate) - (shokolad) parchasi
🔸A piece (of cheese) - (pishloq) parchasi
🔸A piece (of furniture) - (mebel) qismi

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agree - rozi bo'lmoq
agreement - kelishuv
disagree - rozi bo'lmaslik

belief - ishonch
believe - ishonmoq
(un)believable - ishonar(siz)

courage - jasurlik
courageous - jasur

elect - saylamoq
election - saylov

equal - teng
equality - tenglik
unequal - teng emas

life - hayot
live - jonli
alive - tirik

nation - millat
nationality - millat
(inter)national - xalqaro

peace - tinchlik
peaceful(ly) - tinch tarzda

prison - qamoq
prisoner - maxbus

shoot - o'q uzmoq
shot - shoot fe'lining o'tgan zamon shakli
shot - shoot fe'lining past participle shakli
shooting - o'q uzish

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break in(to) - bostirib kirmoq
catch up (with) - biror darajaga erishmoq
get away with - qochmoq
get up - turmoq
move in - ko'chmoq
put away - qaytarmoq
wake up - uyg'onmoq
wash up - yuvinmoq

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comment on - ...ga izoh bildirmoq
communicate with - ...bilan bog'lanmoq
glance at - ...ga nazar tashlamoq
receive sth from - ...dan nimanidur qabul qilmoq
reply to - ...ga javob bermoq
send sth to smb - kimgadur nimanidur jo'natmoq
talk about - ...haqida gaplashmoq
tell sb about - kimgadur ...haqida aytmoq
translate into - ...ga tarjima qilmoq
write about - ...haqida yozmoq
information about - ...haqida ma'lumot

a letter about - ...haqida xat

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certain - aniq
certainly - shubhasiz
certainty - aniq narsa

communicate - aloqa qilmoq
communication - aloqa

connect - ulanmoq
connection - ulanish
disconnect - uzilmoq

deliver - yetkazib bermoq
delivery - yetkazib berish

express - ifodalamoq
expression - ifoda
expressive - ifodali

inform - ma'lumot bermoq
informative - informatsion
information - ma'lumot

predict - oldindan aytmoq
prediction - bashorat
predictable - kutilayotgan

secret - sir
secretly - sirli
secrecy - maxfiylik, sirlilik

speak - gapirmoq
speech - nutq
speaker - notiq

translate - tarjima qilmoq
translation - tarjima
translator - tarjimon

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boil - qaynamoq 
boiler - qaynatgich
boiling - qaynash
chemist - kimyogar
chemical - kimyoviy
chemistry - kimyo
conclude - xulosa qilmoq
conclusion - xulosa
examine - imtihon qilmoq
exam(ination) - imtihon
examiner - imtihon oluvchi

fascinate - jalb qilmoq
fascination - jalb qilish
fascinating - jalb qiladigan

history - tarix
historic - tarixiy
historian - tarixchi

identical - o'xshash
identically - o'xshash tarzda
long - uzun
length - uzunlik
measure - o'lchamoq
measurement - o'lchov
science - fan
scientist - olim

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🗣 So'zlashuv uchun kerakli iboralar.

🇷🇺  что ты делаешь в свободное время? - Bo'sh vaqtlaringda nima qilasan?

🇷🇺  как погода? - Havo qanaqa?

🇷🇺 какую музыку ты любишь? - qanaqa musiqani yoqtirasan?

🇷🇺 ты с нами? - Sen biz bilanmisan?

🇷🇺 где ты? - Qayerdasan?

🇷🇺 где ты был? - Qayerda eding?

🇷🇺  почему тебя не было? - Nega yo'q eding?

🇷🇺 о чем ты думаешь? - Nimalar haqida o'ylayapsan?

🇷🇺 что мне теперь делать? - Endi nima qilay?

🇷🇺 что ты хочешь сказать? - Nima demoqchisan?

🇷🇺 то ты подразумеваешь под
этим словом? Что ты имеешь ввиду? - Bu gaping bilan nima demoqchisan?

🇷🇺 что случилось? - Nima bo'ldi?

🇷🇺 как это? - Bu qanaqa

🇷🇺 ты это видел? - Buni ko'rdingmi?

🇷🇺 что это за вопрос? - Bu qanaqa savol bo'ldi?

🇷🇺  Что у тебя на уме? - Seni fikring qanaqa?

🇷🇺 тебе то что? - Senga nima? (seni ishing nima?)

🇷🇺  почему опоздали? - Nega kech qoldilaring?

🇷🇺  в чем причина? - Buni sababi nima?

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Video chiqti instagrami borlar padeshka qilib layk kament portlatamiz rahmat:👇🏻


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Unit 18. Inventions and discoveries


artificial - sun'iy
automatic - avtomatik
complicated - qiyin
decrease - kamaymoq
digital - raqamli
discover - kashf qilmoq
effect - natija
equipment - jihoz
estimate - tahmin qilish
exact - aniq
experiment - tajriba
gadget - uskuna
hardware - kompyutez jihozi
invent - ixtiro qilmoq
involve - ichiga olmoq
laboratory - laboratoriya
lack - kam bo'lmoq
laptop - kichik kompyuter
maximum - eng yuqori daraja
minimum - eng past daraja
operate - boshqarmoq
plastic - plastik
program - programma
research - tadqiqot
run - yugurmoq 2. biror biznesni yurgazmoq
screen - ekran
software - ma'lum vazifani bajaruvchi kompyuterda ishlatiladigan programma
sudden - to'satdan
technology - texnologiya
unique - antiqa

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add - qo'shmoq
addition - qo'shimcha

afford - qurbi yetmoq
affordable - sotib olsa bo'ladigan

compare - solishtirmoq
comparison - taqqoslash

decide - qaror qilmoq
decision - qaror

expense - harajat
expensive - qimmat

judge - muhokama qilmoq
judgement - hukm

serve - xizmat qilmoq
service - xizmat
servant - xizmatkor

true - rost
truth - haqiqat
untrue - noto'g'ri
truthful - rostgo'y

use - foydalanmoq
useful - foydali
useless - foydasiz

value - qadr-qimmat
valuable - qimmatli

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✈️ “Daily Habits” (Kundalik odatlar) mavzusiga doir bir nechta idiomalar!

✈️Cretature of habit – bir narsani bir xil usulda bajaruvchi inson.

Most people are creatures of habit when it comes to their routines.
(Koʻp insonlar kundalik yumushlarini bir xil tarzda bajaradilar)

✈️Kick/ break the habit – biror ishni odat sifatida qilishni to’xtatish (voz kechish)

I try to kick the habit of worrying too much.
(Men ko’p qayg’urish odatimni tashlamoqchiman (to’xtatmoqchiman)).

✈️Old habits die hard – anchadan beri o’rganib qolgan narsadan voz kechish mushkul

It was hard to give up sweets. Old habits die hard.
(Shirinliklarni iste’mol qilishni tashlash juda qiyin. Anchadan beri o’rganib qolgan narsadan voz kechish mushkul)

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