Jakhongir Aliy | W 8.0 l S 7.5

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Category: Linguistics

Writing 8.0 | Speaking 7.5
IELTS instructor at Everest (Everest Mirzo Ulug'bek)

9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 [ short-term goal ]

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I am very proud of my students; they are all very hardworking

Look at this

Congratulations, Ruxshona

This is not the end, though

Rukhshona got this score a few days ago. I forgot to share it with you. It is a bit sad when you are at C1 level, but cannot get it due to certain circumstances. It is not the end. It is still a decent score, a score that can open any door for future, with the exception of teaching English.)

Anyway, it was pleasant to work with you, and I hope you will achieve other plans that you have for your future.


Ertaga 2 p.m da mock-like session (listening and reading) qilaman o'quvchilarim uchun. Ulardan tashqari 4 kishi uchun ham free seats bor, keselar boladi
Yozilish uchun: @Jahongir_Aliy

TOPIC: Young people who commit crimes should be treated the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is proposed that young offenders should receive the same legal treatment as adult criminals. Taking various rational factors into account, I completely disagree with this proposal.

Treating juvenile criminals the same way as adults cannot be fair when biological factors are also considered. Before reaching adulthood, the human body undergoes critical developmental processes, after which we reach emotional maturity. As young people have not reached this psychological maturity, their unlawful actions can be overlooked, meaning identical punishments cannot be applied to these young people with adult criminals. Studies also emphasize this developmental difference and suggest that juveniles’ impulsive behavior is nothing but natural and relate this to the development of certain parts of young people’s brains.

Young people’s strong potential for rehabilitation can also justify the fact that young offenders should be treated differently than adults. The very developmental process can also mean that young people’s behavior can be reformed as they, during this process, usually undergo behavioral changes, forming their true individuality. This means that with proper education and psychological support, there can be a chance to make them reintegrate into society and become law-abiding citizens, even after committing a crime. For example, in Norway, reeducation of young offenders and their involvement in community service are prioritized so that these people can change positively and contribute to societal progress, instead of spending years in prison with harmful environments. Notably, this approach has helped Norway to reduce juvenile crime significantly, which can make us conclude that the same legal treatment for both young and adult criminals can be inefficient only.

It should also be noted that applying identical punishments to both young and adult criminals can be counterproductive even if applied as a deterrent. This can be explained by the same developmental process mentioned above, because the adult criminal system may expose juveniles to harmful environments, which possibly foster violence and a lack of education. All these can turn young offenders into lifelong criminals, who possibly struggle to reintegrate into society and commit a crime upon release.

In conclusion, imposing the same punishments on both young and adult criminals can neither be fair nor effective. This is because young people’s cognitive development should be a vital factor to take into consideration. Treating differently can be beneficial in the long run since this approach would not ignore the importance of psychological development, the possibility of reshaping young people’s behavior, and preventing reoffending. All of these can make young criminals less culpable for harsh punishments or long prison sentences.

#roadto9 #essayby@IELTSwithAliy

By reading my recent essays, you can learn how to explain ideas deeply and comprehensively without any repitition, which also helps you produce a great essay with nice vocabulary, chunks, and more than 300 words

The population of many cities is growing rapidly.

What are the effects on people living in these cities? What can be done to maintain the quality of life of these people?

Rapid growth of population is taking place in many cities. While this phenomenon can have certain negative effects, various solutions can also be proposed to maintain the quality of life in cities.

An increasing number of city inhabitants may escalate environmental problems. This growth usually leads to increased private car usage, traffic congestion, and the usage of various products whose ultimate place is landfills, thereby raising greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to already concerning environmental problems in urban areas. In Tashkent city, for example, its population growth in recent years has worsened air quality to the point where people cannot breathe without medical masks, especially in the winter months. This explains why increased city populations can harm the environment and even compound people’s lives in unprecedented ways.

A growth in city populations can place pressure on public infrastructure, which exacerbates the quality of life there. As the number of city inhabitants rises, so does the demand for public goods. This can be particularly seen in public transportation and healthcare systems since these are people’s basic needs in day-to-day life. For instance, in Cairo, Egypt, due to rapid urbanization in recent decades, the city’s population has grown exponentially and put immense strain on public transport, making its inhabitants rely on inadequate and unsatisfactory public transport. This is the reason why overpopulation can affect the quality of public services in a negative way.

To maintain a decent quality of life in cities with growing populations, the government should take measures to control private car use while simultaneously encouraging city inhabitants to use public transport. This would be effective when we consider the fact that traditional cars and their fossil fuel consumption are arguably the main culprits behind the ever-increasing amount of greenhouse gases, and there are several ways to do so. Among many, the most effective one would be the purchase or production of buses and subways and laying dedicated bus roads to ensure that passengers do not face traffic congestion. Restrictive policies and taxes implemented by the Singaporean government would be a great example here. To discourage private car ownership, Singapore imposed taxes and extra fees on using private cars and invested heavily in public transport systems at the same time. This made the country one of the most costly places to have a private car and successfully encouraged the usage of public transport.

Increasing green spaces would be another way of ensuring high living standards in urban areas with growing populations. Green areas can play an important role in improving air quality, especially in urban areas where carbon dioxide is relentlessly released in many ways. This is because such areas can reduce carbon dioxide levels, serving as natural absorbers of carbon dioxide and mitigating air pollution. Additionally, in cities where more and more people have hectic and thereby stressful lifestyles, green spaces, with their tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, can serve as a hub for enjoyment and stress relief. Studies also suggest that people with busy schedules prefer to visit parks or such green spaces to destress and recharge their batteries after a long and tiring workday, showing the vital importance of green areas in urban environments.

In conclusion, issues of deteriorated environmental conditions and increased pressure on public infrastructure can stem from overpopulation in urban areas. To maintain high standards of living, the government can take certain measures such as focusing more on the improvement of public transportation and creating new green spaces. These actions can lessen the burden on public goods and mitigate air pollution prevalent in cities these days.

#essayby@IELTSwithAliy #roadto9

cake seems to be the best

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O'quvchilarim 8.0 olsa qandedir sovg'a bermoqchiman, nima tavsiya qilaslar👀

23.04 ga bosamizmi👀

9.0 in shaa Allah 🔥

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Va yana bir yaxshi tomoni uni Everestda ham topshirish mumkin :)

Biz imtihonlarga tayyormiz!

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As a teacher, you sometimes need to convey some things in a different and unusual way. Also, I believe it is funnier

📣 Another piece of news about FREE Ramadan Listening Challenge for My Students! 📣

Want to practice your English listening skills at your own pace during Ramadan? 🌙

I'm offering a FREE, flexible Listening Challenge in my Introduction Groups!

• Listen to authentic conversations
• Learn useful vocabulary
• Improve your listening comprehension at your convenience

Who can attend: My introduction students
Reading challenge mobaynida listeningni ham 7.5+ ga ko'tarish boshqacha bo'sa kerak )

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Yangi pre-ielts group 🔥🔥

1-dars: 4-mart seshanba 14:30
O'qituvchi: Men o'zim (IELTS 8.0)
Kelib qatnashib ko'rselar bo'ladi

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Bugun soat 2 p.m da doimgidek oquvchilarim uchun mock-like session otkazaman, 4 ta odamga joy bor qatnashmoqchilar bosa agar. Reading listening va uni deep analizi boladi

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Puma ham his qilyapti lekin

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