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Instead of worrying about the opinions of others, focus on maximizing your potential:

Mind - Sharpen it.
Body - Strengthen it.
Soul - Nourish it.
Become unstoppable.

Put the action ptinciple to work. Next time you experience
big fear or little fear, steady yourself Then search for an answer to
this question: What kind of action can I take to conquer my fear?

his incident, familiar to thousands of former Navy men,
illustrates just one point: action cures fear. Indecision, postpone ment, on the other hand, fertilize fear.

Truly, fear is a powerful force. In one way or another fear
prevents people from getting what they want from life.

The old "it's-only-in-your-mind" treatment presumes fear
doesn't really exist. But it does. Fear is real. Fear is success enemy
number one. Fear stops people from capitalizing on opportunity;
fear wears down physical vitality; fear actually makes people sick,
causes organic difficulties, shortens life; fear closes your mouth
when you want to speak.

Yes, fear is real. And we must recognize it exists before we
can conquer it.
Most fear today is psychological. Worry, tension, embar rassment, panic all stem from mismanaged, negative imagina tion. But simply knowing the breeding ground of fear doesn't
cure fear. If a physician discovers you have an infection in some
part of your body, he doesn't stop there. He proceeds with treat ment to cure the infection.

not luck but preparation, planning, and success-producing
thinking preceded his good fortune. Take a second look at
what appears to be someone's 'bad luck." Look, and you'll
discover certain specific reasons. Mr. Success receives a set back; he learns and profits, But when Mr. Mediocre loses,
he fails to learn.
2. Don't be a wishful thinker. Don't waste your mental mus cles dreaming of an effortless way to win success. We don't
become successful simply through luck. Success comes
from doing those thiflgs and mastering those principles
that produce success. Don't count on luck for promotions,
victories, the good things in life. Luck simply isn't designed
to deliver these good things. Instead, just concentrate on
developing those qualities in yourself that will make you a

Sleep is your superpower. @daily_ted_talks.pdf

Matt Walker: Sleep is your superpower

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

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Matt Walker: Sleep is your superpower

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

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Matt Walker: Sleep is your superpower

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