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📆 Bahorgi Erasmus+ haftaligi 13-18 May 2024
Milliy Erasmus+ jamoasi tomonidan o'tkazilayotgan ushbu haftalik doirasida Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Urganch filialida "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM" mavzusidagi tadbirga taklif qilamiz. Tadbir 17-may sanasida 14:00 da Elektron hukumat xonasida (Zal 2) bo'lib o'tadi.
Spring Erasmus+ week 13-18 May 2024
We invite you to the event on the topic "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM" at the Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, which is being held by The National Erasmus+ team. The event will be held on May 17 at 14:00 in Hall 2.
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UBTUIT official
Milliy Erasmus+ jamoasi tomonidan o'tkazilayotgan ushbu haftalik doirasida Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Urganch filialida "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM" mavzusidagi tadbirga taklif qilamiz. Tadbir 17-may sanasida 14:00 da Elektron hukumat xonasida (Zal 2) bo'lib o'tadi.
Spring Erasmus+ week 13-18 May 2024
We invite you to the event on the topic "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM" at the Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, which is being held by The National Erasmus+ team. The event will be held on May 17 at 14:00 in Hall 2.
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UBTUIT official