📖Dars #108 Aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladigan turg'un birikmalar
✳️ Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
✅ all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
✅ keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
✅ by the time - borib, -guncha
✅ lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
✅ by the way - aytgancha
✅ on the contrary - aksincha
✅ make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
✅ do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq
✅ do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
✅ do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
✅ on the whole - umuman olganda
✅ tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
✅ tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
✅ do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
✅ for the sake of - sharafiga
✅ the same - bir xil
✅ for the time being - hozircha
✅ the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
✅ under the impression - taassurot ostida
✅ in the distance - uzoqda
✅ in the daytime - kunduzi
✅ in the end - oxiri, niyohat
✅ in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida
✅ in the sun - quyoshda
✅ in the dark - qorong’uda
✅ in the shade - soyada
✅ in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
✅ in the meantime - hozirda
✅ in the past - oʻtmishda
✅ in the original - o'z tilida
✅ on the phone - telefonda
✅ in the face of - biror sharoitga qaramasdan, natijasida
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
✳️ Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
✅ all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
✅ keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
✅ by the time - borib, -guncha
✅ lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
✅ by the way - aytgancha
✅ on the contrary - aksincha
✅ make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
✅ do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq
✅ do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
✅ do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
✅ on the whole - umuman olganda
✅ tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
✅ tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
✅ do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
✅ for the sake of - sharafiga
✅ the same - bir xil
✅ for the time being - hozircha
✅ the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
✅ under the impression - taassurot ostida
✅ in the distance - uzoqda
✅ in the daytime - kunduzi
✅ in the end - oxiri, niyohat
✅ in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida
✅ in the sun - quyoshda
✅ in the dark - qorong’uda
✅ in the shade - soyada
✅ in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
✅ in the meantime - hozirda
✅ in the past - oʻtmishda
✅ in the original - o'z tilida
✅ on the phone - telefonda
✅ in the face of - biror sharoitga qaramasdan, natijasida
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA