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"نصف جمال الإنسان في لسانه، والنصف الآخر في عقله،
أما الوجه فليس أكثر من غلاف يبلى مع الزمن."

“Half of a person’s beauty is in his tongue, and the other half is in his mind, but the face is nothing more than a cover that fades with time.

📌 Do not forget about your Friday challenge

Умар ибн Абдулазизникига кечаси меҳмон келди. У мактуб ёзиб ўтирган эди. Чироғи ўчиб қолай деди. Меҳмон:
«Туриб, чироқни тўғрилаб қўяйми?» деди.
«Меҳмонини хизматга қўйиш одамнинг карамидан эмас», деди Умар ибн Абдулазиз.
«Хизматчига билдирайми?» деди.
«У биринчи марта ухлаб қолиши», деди-да, ўзи туриб, чироққа мой тўлдирди.
«Эй мўминларнинг амири, ўзингиз овора бўлдингиз-а?!» деди меҳмон.
«Борганимда Умар эдим, қайтганимда ҳам Умарман. Мендан бирор нарса камайиб қолмади. Одамларнинг яхшиси тавозели бўлганидир», деди Умар ибн Абдулазиз.

В первые годы, когда у мусульман с СНГ появилась возможность обучаться у арабок, толпами записывались сестры и это несмотря на то, что были другие обязанности по дому, работа, учеба и тд находили время..
В основном как раз-таки обучались многодетные
домохозяйки Сейчас же наоборот все решили посвятить себя другим делам, языкам, скупают курсы по продвижению страниц, закупы с Китая и тд, всё это хорошо и где-то даже полезно зарабатывать самой, но когда тема касается арабского у всех появляются проблемы, семья и работа. Вывод. Почему-то с другими курсами человек наоборот находит в себе силы и добивается поставленной цели. А с изучением
Корана эти силы испаряются.
Дорогие сестры, учитесь, изучайте языки, медицину, узнавайте новое, зарабатывайте, но расставляйте приоритеты правильно, не забывайте о нашем главном предназначении в этой жизни.

Look at the screen ✨

Uzbek bread and uzbek cream feel like essentials of iftar as much as dates for me😅

📌Learning true meaning of sabr - It is far from an understanding of this word in our culture

If you think you’re foolish or a failure and start looking for proof, you’ll definitely find it. Even if you’ve done something wrong, remember this hadith:

None of you should say: "My soul has become evil," but he should say: "My soul has become remorseless.

— Al-Bukhari Sahih 6180; Al-Adab al-Mufrad 810; Muslim 2251

On the other hand, if you believe you’re a good person and look for evidence to support it, you’ll find that too. That’s why it’s important to focus on your good traits, recognize them, and keep working to improve yourself.

Such an inspiring story, which makes us think about our Taqwa

Yes, it might seem to long, but we should remember how fast the previous years of our life passed

Baraka Allahu Fikum✨💫

🎯 If we memorize 1 ayah every day —> we can become Hafiz in 17 years

🎯 If we memorize 2 ayahs every day —> we can become Hafiz in 8.5 years

🎯 If we memorize 3 ayahs every day —> we can become Hafiz in 5.7 years

📌When you have a muslim professor in an American university

✨Dear Sir/Madam ——-> Assalamu alaykum

✨Your sincerely ——-> Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Assalamu alaykum every I decided to be on this channel constantly
Biizni Allah✨

People will leave you, they will forget you and abandon you when you need them the most. They will mistreat you and use you. Thats why I don't like most people I meet. And thats why you never should rely on people. Allah is more than enough.

#reminder Empty chatter is one of my weak points

Your power is in knowing that only your Lord's opinion of you matters.
When you find that power, those who pass judgements will wonder what the source of your strength and confidence is. When they go home and take off their masks, they will sit and wonder.
Mobeen Hakeem

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The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures - death."

- [At-Tirmidhi]

- How come a man who's
attractive, intelligent and
well spoken is all alone
in this world?

- He is attractive enough to know
that beauty fades, intelligence
enough to know the pain after
love and well spoken to know
that people will still twist his
words to fit their own interest.


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