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✅ IELTS Writing Vocabulary

Nouns to describe downward trends📉 in Task 1

• A decline…
• A fall…
• A drop…
• A decrease…
• A downward movement…
• A reduction…
• A dip…
• A half…

Verbs and phrases to describe downward trends📉

• Decline (d)
• Fall (fell)
• Drop (ped)
• Decrease (d)
• Had a downward movement
• Plummet(ed)
• Go (went) down
• Was reduced (ed)
• Plunge(d)
• Dip (ped)

❗️ Note that the verb "reduce" is used in the passive voice in task 1.


The crime rate was reduced by 5% over the period..

🎸1. Music genre - musiqa turi
• My favourite music genre is rap.

🎸2. Band - qo'shiqchilar gruhi
I'm much into a jazz band

🎸3. Playlist - qoshiqlar ro'yxati
• I love this song so it's always on my playlist.

🎸4. Applause - olqishlar, qarsaklar
• There was non-stop applause for him

🎸5. Album - musiqiy albom, qo'shiqlar to'plami
• His latest album will come out in the spring.

✅"I like it" ya'ni "Menga yoqdi", "Men uni yaxshi ko'raman" deb aytishning boshqa usullari

I like it.

🔹 I adore it.
🔹 It looks great.
🔹 It looks fantastic.
🔹 I’m keen on it.
🔹 I’m addicted to it.
🔹 I’m really into it.
🔹I’m partial to it.
🔹I’m passionate about it.
🔹 I can’t get enough of it.
🔹 I have got a soft spot for it.
🔹 I am interested.
🔹 I’m crazy about it.
🔹I love it.


ikkalasi ham" deb tarjima qilinadi. Ikkita narsa yoki shaxs haqida gapiryotganimizda ishlatamiz.


both dan keyin ko'plik ishlatamiz

Ex: I like both cars. Menga ikkala moshina ham yoqadi.

Dou you speak French or English?
I speak both.
Siz fransuz tilida gapirasizmi yoki ingliz tilida?
Ikkalasida ham.

Both Susan and Peter helped me. Susan va Peter ham menga yordam berishdi.

[Both (of the) + noun ]

Both (of the ) students passed the exam. Talablarning ikkalasi ham imtihondan o'tishdi.

[ Both Of + object pronoun ]

Both of them passed the exam
Ularning ikkalasi ham imtihondan o'tishdi.



❌ I must to study for the exam.
✅ I must study for the exam.

❌ Me and him are going to the party.
✅ He and I are going to the party.

❌ The test was very hardly.
✅ The test was very hard.

❌ This is the most happiest day of my life.
✅ This is the happiest day of my life.


❤️ 𝗨𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂
💙 Senga bog'liq, seni qo'lingda

Ex: It's up to you. It's your decision

Ex: Mum, the choice of restaurant for lunch is up to you.




Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?

No, that rarely happened to me, but one of my best friends experienced that kind of thing and shared it with me. She said she had to call the police and let the locksmith deal with the problem. That really caused her a lot of trouble.

Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?

No, I don’t always bring a lot of keys with me because I have the habit of forgetting things, so I always keep the other keys at a particular place in my home so that I can easily get them.

Have you ever lost your keys?

Yes, actually, one time, I lost my two-wheeler keys. At that time, I called my father, and he took the duplicate keys from home and gave it to me because he was my real-life hero.

Do you think leaving your keys with a neighbour is a good idea?

Yes, but it depends upon whether your neighbours are trustworthy or not. If they are trustworthy, it is the best decision because sometimes your family member or roommates do not have duplicate keys, so they can take them from them.


Must va Have to farqi !

I must - men qilishim shart

I must call my grandmother - men buvimga qo'ng'iroq qilishim shart ( ulardan ancha vaqt habar olmadim deb qo'ng'roq qilmoqchiman)

Have to - ma'nosi must bilan bir xil. Lekin vunda vaziyat tashqi omillarga bog'liq bo'lsa ishlatiladi

I have to wear a uniform - men forma kiyishim shart. (O'zim hohlab emas, maktab qonun qoidalariga asosan)

Demak : Must - hohish o'zimizdan kelib chiqsa ishlatiladi;

Have to - tashqi omillarga bog'liq bo'lsa ishlatiladi (ya'ni biz o'zimiz hohlab emas kimnidir gapi yoki buyrug'ri bilan shu ishni bajaramiz.


Assalomu alaykum

Bu tun fayzli tun ekan 🌙

Barchamizni ezgu va xolis niyatlarimizga yetishishni nasib qilsin ❤️



Make your own examples


🦋 in -  ichida
🦋inside - ichida
🦋into - ichiga
🦋near - yonida
🦋next - yonida, atrofida
🦋of…. - ning
🦋on - Ustida, ichida
🦋opposite - qarama-qarshi
🦋out….- dan
🦋outside - tashqarida
🦋over - tepasida, o’stida
🦋per - uchun
🦋plus - qo’shuv
🦋round - taxminan
🦋since…- dan beri
🦋than… - dan ko’ra
🦋through - orasidan, orqali
🦋till - gacha
🦋to….- ga
🦋toward…- ga
🦋under- tagida, pastida
🦋unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
🦋until - gacha
🦋up…- ga, …da
🦋with - bilan
🦋with in - ichida
🦋without… - siz
🦋two words - ikta so’zlar
🦋according to…- ga qaraganda

"Go" bilan keladigan iboralar ✅

🟠 go crazy - jinni bo'lish
🟠 go mad - jahli chiqish
🟠 go missing - yo'qolish
🟠 go on foot - piyoda yurish
🟠 go dark - qorong'ulashish
🟠 go deaf - kar bo'lish
🟠 go bad - buzulib qolish, aynib qolish
🟠 go bald - kal bo'lish
🟠 go abroad - chet elga chiqish
🟠 go fishing - baliq ovlash
🟠 go astray - adashib qolish
🟠 go bankrupt - bankrot bo'lish
🟠 go blind - ko'r bo'lish / sezmay qolish
🟠 go online - aloqaga chiqish
🟠 go overseas - okeandan o'tish
🟠 go quiet - jim bo'lib qolish
🟠 go sailing - suzish / qayiqda suzish
🟠 go to war - urush boshlash
🟠 go yellow - sariq bo'lish


Zero conditional ✅
First conditional ✅
Second conditional ✅
Third conditional ✅


How many correct answers did you find❓

5 ta 🏆
4 ta ❤️
3 ta 🔥
2 ta 🕊
1 ta 😢
0 ta 💔

If it snows, ......... still drive to the coast ?
  •   Will you
  •   Would you
  •   Would you have
7 votes

If they had not ......... the car, I would have driven you
  •   Take
  •   Taken
  •   Would take
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  •   Will fail
  •   Fail
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  •   Would
  •   Will
  •   Would have
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  •   Rained
  •   Will rain
  •   Would rain
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