Little va Few - so'roq, inkor gapda ishlatiladi. Oz, ozgina, kam deb tarjima qilinadi.
Example : Is there little sugar in the box? Qutida shakar kammi?
There are too few people in the street. It is 10 p.m. Ko'chada juda kam odam bor. Soat 22.00.
Darak gapda ham ishlatilishi mumkin quyidagi aniqlovchilari bilan:
Very - juda
Rather - aksincha
Too - ham
So - shunday
As - kabi
How - qanday
Agar aniqlovchisi bo'lmasa
Little= not much
Few= not many ishlatiladi
There are not many people in the street. It is 10 p.m. Ko'chada ko'p odam yo'q. Soat 22.00
A little
A few - oz, kam (ammo yetarli)
We have a little sugar at home to bake a cake. You needn't go to the shop.
Bizda to'rt pishirish uchun uyda ozgina shakar bor edi. Sen do'konga borishing shart emas.
I am a newcomer. I have few friends here. Men yangi kelganman. Bu yerda do'stlarim kam.
I am a newcomer. But I have a few friends here. Men yangi kelgandam. Lekin bu yerda bir qancha do'stlarim bor.