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F is back) He is not alone – he brought ☄️ with him.

New word

To get a bite to eat - to get smth to eat (informal)


New word

Toughen up! — o'zingni ushla/erkak bo'l!


Mira kriket maydonida hozirgacha aniqlanmagan talantlarini ko'rsatdi. (=kriketni bunaqa yaxshi o'ynashini hozirgacha bilmagan edik)

New word: hitherto


This is very much like the task I got in the exam back in 2023. It had more bars, though.

The bar chart compares Australian men and women in terms of the amount of weekly time they spent working. Overall, while the proportion of women working short hours was higher than their male counterparts, the reverse was true for longer hours, with the exception of the category of 80+ working hours, where both genders showed equal figures. Notably, the figure for working 30-50 hours was the highest among both men and women.

Considerably higher proportions of Australian men worked 30-50 hours in a week than women, roughly 43% as opposed to 35%. Similarly, men spending 60-80 hours on work accounted for 30%, which was higher than that of women by a margin of approximately 12%. By contrast, equal percentages of males and females allocated 80 hours or more to working on a weekly basis.

In stark contrast, shorter working hours were more popular among women. The figure for women working up to 10 hours stood at 15%, which was three times as high as that for the opposite gender. However, the discrepancy in the category of 10-20 hours was narrower, around 23% for women that was approximately double that of men, at nearly 12%.

194 word|| 21mins

300+ words

The table compares the the quantities of milk and butter consumed and these two products’ health AH by age categories in a country in Europe. Overall, the consumption rates of both dairy products are higher in older age brackets, with the largest being among those aged 65+ for milk and 45-65 for butter, respectively. Notably, while people drink higher proportions of low fat milk, the consumption of full fat butter is relatively more common compared to that of milk.

As for milk consumption, the figure for people aged 65 and older is dominant, at 1900 ml. Those who fall in the 45-65 category rank second, closely followed by the third oldest group (1670ml as opposed to 1650ml). People at the age of 25 or younger show the smallest figure of 1200ml per week.

Peope’s habit of choosing milk in terms of fat content shows that low fat milk is generally more widespread. 80% of the milk that the 26-45-year-old drink contains low fat compared to 70% for 65+ year old people. The difference between these two types of milk is less pronounced in the remaining age brackets, at around 50% each.

The highest proportion of butter consumption is recorded among people aged 45-65, at 60g, which is twice as much as that among those aged 65 and more, at 30g. The youngest two age groups consume considerably less butter, at 12g and 19g, respectively.

Regarding the types of butter consumed, whereas 60% of butter eaten by people at the age of 25 and younger contains full fat, this figure stands at 50% for both full fat and low fat butter among 45-65-year-old people. In stark contrast, those in the age bracket of 26-45 rely significantly more on low fat butter, at 62%, which is the highest figure in this category. Similarly, the oldest age group consumes slightly more low fat butter – 51% as opposed to 49%.

Would you dare to write a report for this Task 1?

If you hesitate whether about starting something, read this quote:

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.

—Edmund Burke

Central Bank is launching sale of 100-gram gold bars

Starting January 17, 2025, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan will introduce 100-gram gold bars for sale through commercial banks, complementing the existing range of 5, 10, 20, and 50-gram measured gold bars.

©️ kun.uz


Ver well-written! Straight to the point.

Forward from: My English

Ustoz har doim oʻquvchiga muloyim gapirishi kerakmi?

☝️ Bu savolga vijdonan javob beradigan boʻlsak, odamiga qarab degan javob chiqadi. Chunki hamma bir xil emas. Hamma ham ustozning aytganini toʻla-toʻkis, mukammal bajarmaydi. Shunday ekan, oʻqituvchi baʼzida kimgadir qattiqroq gapirishga majbur boʻladi. Azbaroyi u oʻquvchini yomon koʻrganidan emas (odatda, ustoz nafratlanadigan oʻquvchilar deyarli boʻlmaydi), balki ilmni puxta egallashi va ustoz oʻsha oʻquvchining ota-onasi oldida yuzi yorugʻ boʻlishini xohlab shunday qiladi.

Afsuski, oʻquvchilar buni xato tushunadi va ustoz meni yomon koʻryapti degan xayolga borib, boshqa muloyim ustoz qidirish payiga tushadi.

Endi oʻzingizga savol bering: Sizga xatolaringizni boricha yuzingizga aytadigan ustoz kerakmi yoki oʻqisang oʻzing uchun deb eʼtibor bermaydigan oʻqituvchimi? Qaysi birida bilimingiz koʻproq oshadi?

🤔 Oʻrganishdagi xatolarni anglab, toʻgʻri yoʻldan ketgan yaxshimi yoki bilganini qilib, oxirida boshi devorga urilib, afsus chekkanmi?

⭐️ My English

According to recent news, Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement. Finally, Palestinians can enjoy peace. Alhamdulillah.

Some people hold the view that when deciding to learn subjects, students should be selective and learn the ones that they are good at. However, others think that all subjects are equally important. I personally believe that students should learn the subjects that can really be helpful in their future life, not just the ones that they find interesting.

Those who claim all subjects should be learned think that each subject plays a certain role in life. They hold the view that no matter students’ interests, they will feel the need for knowledge outside their favourite subjects at some point in the future. For example, a math teacher may get into trouble and need medical knowledge to provide first aid. In order to be able to deal with this problem, he should have learned biology before. Likewise, advocates of this view often believe that everybody should be able to play a musical instrument as it is a sign of an ethic person.

There is another group of people who strongly believe that it would be best if students have the right to choose the subjects in which they do well. According to them, focusing solely on the subjects which are interesting for students is beneficial as long as they have a higher probability of becoming successful. This is because they can acquire them at noticeably faster rates since they have passion towards them. This way doesn’t put pressure on them and let them learn freely. For example, a person who has a knack for sports can only practice their favourite sports and become a professional sportsman.

Despite the arguments above, in my opinion, not all subjects are necessarily important, and thus, students should learn a handful of subjects that are really crucial. These subjects include ones related to science, through which they can contribute to the development of their country. Science subjects are so crucial that it is hardly possible to imagine living safely and developing without them. For example, doctors cure people and work on different methods of treatment for unprecedented illnesses. If students learn only the subjects they like, they cannot possibly become doctors and this job requires to know biology, chemistry and several other subjects alike.

In conclusion, while learning only favourite subjects can boost students’ potential to reach success faster, some people think acquiring all subjects is of high importance as they are all equally needed. However, I believe that students ought to learn only science subjects as they play a crucial role in countries’ development.


Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should concentrate on only those subjects that they find interesting and they are best at.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


The bar chart compares the amount of money doctors and other workers earned annually in seven countries in 2004. Overall, doctors were paid significantly better in all the nations listed than other kinds of workers, with the highest discrepancy being in the US. Notably, the US was recorded to pay more money for both doctors and other types of workers.

Doctors’ pay in the US, Switzerland and France were noticeably higher than in the remaining countries in 2004. While $120,000 was paid to a doctor in the US, which was the highest salary in the chart, this figure was much lower in France and Switzerland, at about $70,000 each. As for the salary other workers received, the US was again the leader, with roughly $45,000. Switzerland and France ranked second and third, with $40,000 and $30,000, respectively.

In the remaining countries, both doctors’ and other workers’ income was lower, ranging between $50,000 and around $65,000 for doctors. As for the money other types of employees earned, the figures were pretty much similar, at around $22,000.

175 words


The chart below shows the annual pay (thousands of US dollars) for doctors and other workers in seven countries in 2004.


This angle got me

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