Forward from: Ingliz tilida so'zlashish
π© So'zlashuv ko'p ishlatiladigan eng kerakli iboralar
π I am afraid you are wrong β Afsuski siz adashyapsiz
π I didn't catch the last word β Oxirgi gapingizni (soβz) tushunmadim
π If I am not mistaken β Adashmasam
π In other words. β Boshqa soβzlar bilan
π In short. β Xullas (qisqasi)
π It doesn't matter β muhim emas (farqi yoβq)
π It is a good idea β Bu yaxshi fikr
π It is new to me β Bu men uchun yangilik
π Let us hope for the best β Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik.
π On the one hand . β Bir tomondanβ¦
π On the other hand . β Boshqa tomondan
A'zo bo'lishni unutmang π
π I am afraid you are wrong β Afsuski siz adashyapsiz
π I didn't catch the last word β Oxirgi gapingizni (soβz) tushunmadim
π If I am not mistaken β Adashmasam
π In other words. β Boshqa soβzlar bilan
π In short. β Xullas (qisqasi)
π It doesn't matter β muhim emas (farqi yoβq)
π It is a good idea β Bu yaxshi fikr
π It is new to me β Bu men uchun yangilik
π Let us hope for the best β Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik.
π On the one hand . β Bir tomondanβ¦
π On the other hand . β Boshqa tomondan
A'zo bo'lishni unutmang π