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Contact: @Ismoil_Mirabdullaev_bot

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It is a website to register IMEI codes and check for their availability.

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Shogirdlarimizdan biri yaqinda EPAMdan suhbatdan o'tganlari haqida yuqoridagi aytgan edim. Suhbatda tushgan savollarni boshqalarga ham foydasi tegib qolar deb, yozib olgan ekanlar. Shunga kerak bo'lib qolsa albatta o'zingizga saqlab boshqalarga ham ulashib qo'ying 😉

- Adapive bilan responsive design/verstka nima farqi bor?
- Accessibility nima?
- SEO ni qanday qilib yaxshilasa bo'ladi?
- Positionlarni sanab ber
- SCSS / Less ishlatganmisan? Oddiy CSS dan farqini aytib bering

- Closure nima?
- Event loop nima?
- Promise nima ?
- Async Await haqida gapirib ber
- Javascript single threadmi yoki multithread?
- WebWorker nima?
- Set va Map nima ?
- Type turlari va farqlari nimada?
- eventDelegation nima?
- Map bn Object ni farqi
- Hoisting nima ?
- TDZ (Temporary Dead Zone) nima?

- type bilan interface ni farqi nimada?
- Generics nima ?
- Qaysi holatlarda TypeScript kerak / kerak emas.

- Class componentlar bilan ishlatganmisiz?
- Class component bilan Function Componentning farqi?
- Nega aynan Class component ishlatishim kerak?
- Reconsilation nima?
- Lifecycle methods Class componentlarda va Functional componentda qanday ishlatilinadi?
- Qanday qilib kodni optimize qilgan bo'lardingiz?
- HOC nima?

- Code reviewda qatnashganmisiz?
- CI/CD nima? foydalanganmisiz?
- Agile / Kanban haqida gapirib bering?
- Cloud servicelar dan foydalanib ko'rganmisiz?
- Docker ni ishlatib ko'rganmisiz?
- Xujumlar haqida gapirib bering.
- RestApi bn Graphql ni farqi?
- Test yozib ko'rganmisiz?
- Tailwind / Bootstrap ishlatib ko'rganmisiz? Ularni qachon ishlatish kerak / kerak emas?

Amaliy savollar:
1. function retryFetch(url, count, delay) {}, response ijobiy kelmaguncha shu funksiya ${count} marta ishlashi kerak.
2. hasDuplicate function yozib ber. Arrayni ichida bir ma'lumot takrorlangan bo'lsa true qaytarishi kerak
3. sum function yozib ber. sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
4. harflar nechta qatnashganini topib beruvchi funksiya yozib bering. test => {t: 2, e: 1, s: 1}
5. Arrayning flat methodini qo'lda yozib bering.

Barcha amaliy savollarda time comlexity bn space complexityni aytish so'raldi

Bundan tashqari 3-4 ta consolega nima chiqishi haqida ma'lumot so'radi

P.S. Suhbat javobi hali chiqqani yo'q, shunga imkoni bo'lsa do'stimiz haqqiga duo qilib qo'ysangiz xursand bo'lar edik 😊



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#java #important


- Naming convention & Variables & Operators & Primitives

- Type casting & Reference types & var

- boolean expressions & Equality Strings and objects using == and equals

- if/else & ternary & switch

- Loops

- Garbage collection

- One-Multi-dimensional & Reference

- Class Arrays

- Definition & Class & Constructors & This keywords & dynamic blocks

- Access modifiers & Encapsulation & Packages

- Methods and var-arg methods & Overloading and static polymorphism

- Static keywords: methods & fields & static blocks

- Class Enum

- Nested, inner & anonymous classes

- Generic classes & methods

- Inheritance Definition & super & class casting

- Overrides methods & dynamic polymorphism

- Abstract classes & Interfaces

- final & final classes & methods

- Class Object

- Checked & unchecked exceptions & errors & Custom exceptions

- try-catch-finally & try-with-resources & multi-catch

- Method that throws an exception

- Intermediate operations

- Method references

- Collectors operations: Decomposition, concatenation, reduction, grouping

- Terminal operations

- IntStream, DoubleStream etc.

- Functional Interfaces & Lambda Expressions

- Create and manipulate Strings & Text blocks c

- Classes StringBuilder & StringBuffer

- Read and write console.

- Scanner. Formatter. I\O Streams

- Read and write file data. I\O Streams

- List & Deque. Add, remove, update, sort, iteration

- Set: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration

- Map: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration

- Collections Base

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Java Programming Basics
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Students 👨‍🏫: 143,184 students
Duration ⏰: 2hr 48min of on-demand video
Created by: Charles Mulic
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Java Tutorial for Beginners
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Java for beginners: Java basics - Programming Fundamentals
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Java Programming, Lambda and more (Java 13, 12, 11, 10, 9,8)
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Students 👨‍🏫: 40,473 students
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Teacher 👨‍🏫 : Rob Miller
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Java Multithreading
Rating ⭐️: 4.6 out of 5
Students 👨‍🏫: 284,786 students
Duration ⏰: 2hr 58min of on-demand video
Created by: John Purcell
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Java Tutorial for Absolute Beginners
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Students 👨‍🏫: 61,070 students
Duration ⏰: 9hr 9min of on-demand video
Created by: Ashok Tulachan
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Learn Java Programming For Beginners | Core Java Tutorial | Java Basics | Great Learning
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Duration ⏰: 2-3 hours worth of material
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Offered by: Great Learning
🔗 Course link

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