3Ds max 2022

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek

Name (ismim) : Rasulbek
Nationality (millatim) : Uzbek
Second channel (ikkinchi kanal) : @Rasulbek_portfolio_1

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Coreldraw graphics suite 2024

🇬🇧 Instruction: unarchive the file and run the "disc image file" inside it. After installation is completed open the "fix" folder and copy the serial number from "read me" file and paste it to a requested area. Then close the application and copy .dll file from "fix" folder and paste it to a location where you installed the program. Finally, feel free to launch app. (For more info check out "read me" file)

🇺🇿 Ko'rsatma: faylni arxivdan chiqarib oling va uning ichidagi "disc image file" ni ishga tushiring.  O'rnatish tugallangandan so'ng, "fix" jildini oching va "read me" faylidan seriya raqamini ko'chiring va uni so'ralgan maydonga joylashtiring.  Keyin dasturni yoping va .dll faylini "fix" jildidan nusxasini oling va uni dastur o'rnatilgan papkaga  joylashtiring.  Nihoyat, ilovani ishga tushiring.  (Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun "read me" faylini tekshiring)


I started my new journey with "Adobe illustrator". These are my initial works. Wish me good luck! 😊.

@rasulbek_designer 👈🏻 this is my new portfolio channel. I will post my new works as soon as I finish.

Men yangi sayohatimni "Adobe illustrator" bilan boshladim. Bu mening dastlabki ishlarim. Menga omad tilang! 😊.

@rasulbek_designer 👈🏻 bu mening yangi portfolio kanalim. Yangi yaratgan ishlarimni shu kanalda joylab boraman



💡Lifehack for Redmi users. If you are tired of ads while you are listening to music on your music app, you can try this and get rid of ads

💡Redmi foydalanuvchilari uchun layfhak. Agar siz o'zingizni musiqa ilovangizda musiqa eshitayotganda reklamalar chiqishi joningizga tekkan bo'lsa bu usulni qo'llab ko'ring

Kanal linki 👉: t.me/download_max

Autocad 2015

How to instal: unzip all files together, turn off antiviruses and wi-fi

register it with x-force file in it

My portfolio channel 👉 @Rasulbek_portfolio_1

3ds Max 2022.part10.rar
3Ds max 2022

🛑 Download all 10 files and unarchive them together and install .exe(application) file🛑

Tarjimasi: Barcha fayllarni birgalikda arxivdan chiqaring va .exe faylni yuklab oling

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