O'tgan oy davomida talabalar natijasini post qilolmadim.
Xudo xoxlasa, bir qancha judayam
mehnatkash talabalar mart oyida exam topshirishmoqda, natijalarini Alloh nasib qilsa e'lon qilamiz.Yuqorida esa aksariyat post qilinmagan resultlarni qoldiryapman.
Dilobar 6.5, with 7 in speaking
It wasn't an easy prep for her as she has a family and a baby, yet she's done impressively well!
We've applied for EoR, and I believe it'll change to an overall 7.0 soon, in shaa Allah.
Rakhmonali 6.5, with 7.0 in reading/listening
Ali is a great guy, soon getting a degree in medicine, and he got the exact result he needed, thank God!
Charos 6.5, with 7.0 in listening.
It was her first attempt and she's pleased with what she has achieved as someone who is still in high school.
Fakhriddin 6.0
Another nice guy majoring in medicine, and he's content that God granted him a band score enough for all his plans!
Khojiakbar 6.0, with 7.0 in listening
As a school graduate, he needed a 6.0 for starting his bachelor's degree.
And here we are - God gave him the band score he wanted and needed
Quote'ni ochib, har bir talaba haqidagi qisqacha fikrni o'qishingiz mumkin✅
@doniyorIELTS - helping you achieve exactly what you need
WALL STREET LC - where I work, where I belong☄️