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Qo’shilish uchun majburiyat yo’q🙋🏻‍♂️
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Student life

Hit the books
[ Jiddiy va qat'iy o'rganishni boshlamoq ]

Burn the midnight oil
[ Yarim tungacha o'qimoq ]

Have your nose in a book
[ Doimiy o'qimoq va o'rganmoq ]

Learn smth by heart
[ Nimanidur yodlamoq ]

Rack brain
[ Bosh qotirmoq ]

Ace an exam
[ Imtihondan muvaffaqiyatli o'tmoq ]

Pass with flying colors
[ Oson va yuqori ball bilan o'tmoq ]

Flunk out of smth
[ Haydalmoq : Natijalari qoniqarli bo'lmaganligi sababli ]

School of hard knocks
[ Hayotdagi qiyin tajribalar orqali o'rtanmoq ]

Teacher's pet
[ Ustozni sevimli o'quvchisi ]


💡 Today’s word !!!

😐 Outside of the reach

[ erishishning imkoni yo’q ]

~ Sometimes we make high expectations and even set unrealistic goals which are outside of the reach

Make high expectations- ko’piga umid qilmoq / kutmoq

☑️Set unrealistic goals - noreal maqsadlar qo’ymoq


Thank you for participating.

Take care.

Bu esa meni kanalim.

Any questions?

It has become increasingly hard for children to fully focus on lessons at school. While this can be attributed to excessive phone usage and boring lessons, the solutions would lie in more parental control and introduction of more interactive lessons.

First body paragraph: causes

One of the main reasons for the lack of concentration is using phones too much. (why/how?) Many students these days own mobile phones and they constantly(non-stop) receive notifications from different applications, such as social media and other messaging apps. (what is the result?) These messages usually divide students’ attention. Monotonous(boring) lessons can be another contributing factor. (why?) This is because many schools around the world still use traditional teaching methods and the lessons are usually teacher-oriented/centered. Although this method is effective to some extent(=to some degree), it generally fails to(cannot) engage(=attract) the students, which results in boredom during the lessons.

However, there are several ways by which the problem can be tackled. One effective measure is the involvement of parents. (how) Parents can restrict the amount of time children spend using their phones.(what is the result?) If children were not allowed to use their phones more than necessary, this would reduce distractions, resulting in improved focus. Another approach is to make lessons more interactive. (what do you mean by this?) Organizing games, using technology, and rewarding active participants can help make the lessons more engaging for students.

In conclusion, the main reasons behind the issue are using phones excessively and unengaging lessons. The problem can be addressed once(=when) parents are involved and lessons are made more interesting.

Topic sentences for causes:
One of the main reasons for X is Y
X can be another contributing factor
X is the main/another driver of Y

Topic sentences for solutions:
One effective measure is …
X is another solution
Another approach is …

Topic sentences for effects:
X is mostly affected by this
Y has a substantial effect on X
the impact of X can also be seen on Y

Include a bridging sentence between the paragraphs:
However, there are several ways by which the problem can be tackled.
Despite this, the problem can be alleviated(=mitigate/ease) in a number of ways.

Topic sentence ?

Causes: excessive phone usage and boring lessons
Solutions: parental supervision/control and introduction of more interactive lesson


Children today find it difficult to concentrate on or to pay attention to school.
What are the reasons? - Causes?
How can we solve this problem? – Solutions?

4) While this can be attributed to X and Y, the solutions would lie in doing X and Y – more creative and original way for causes and solutions

5) While this can be explained by X and Y, the situation can be improved by/through X and Y - more creative and original way causes and solutions

6) While this can be attributed to X and Y, the situation can have far-reaching implications/effects on X and Y - Cause - Effects

7) While the situation can have far-reaching implications/effects on X and Y, these effects can be curbed by/through X and Y - Effect - Solution

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