The table and bar graph illustrate how much time men and women spent on leisure and housework in 2008.
Overall, both genders spent the most time on TV, video, and radio and the least on sport. Furthermore, women were more engaged in nearly all household chores than men, with the exception of repair work. Finally, a comparison of the two graphs reveals that the amount of leisure time women enjoyed was noticeably less than that of men, which could be due to the greater involvement of females in housework.
Regarding the amount of time men and women spent on recreation, both showed the greatest preference for TV, video, and radio, with the former outpacing the latter by 19 minutes (137 and 118). Coming in a distant second, reading was enjoyed by both males and females nearly equally, with each spending just under 20 minutes. Engagement in sports, in contrast, ranked lowest, with the respective figures of 15 and 11 minutes for men and women.
As for household activities, a significant gender disparity could be observed. In fact, women spent more than twice as much time on cooking and washing the dishes as men, at about 75 minutes. Similarly, men spent three times less time on clothes washing and ironing than women, at 10 and 30 minutes, respectively. The margin was smaller for shopping, which occupied 25 and 35 minutes for men and women. Repairing was not only the least common type of housework, but it was also the type where men outpaced women, with the former spending virtually double the amount of time as the latter.
Overall, both genders spent the most time on TV, video, and radio and the least on sport. Furthermore, women were more engaged in nearly all household chores than men, with the exception of repair work. Finally, a comparison of the two graphs reveals that the amount of leisure time women enjoyed was noticeably less than that of men, which could be due to the greater involvement of females in housework.
Regarding the amount of time men and women spent on recreation, both showed the greatest preference for TV, video, and radio, with the former outpacing the latter by 19 minutes (137 and 118). Coming in a distant second, reading was enjoyed by both males and females nearly equally, with each spending just under 20 minutes. Engagement in sports, in contrast, ranked lowest, with the respective figures of 15 and 11 minutes for men and women.
As for household activities, a significant gender disparity could be observed. In fact, women spent more than twice as much time on cooking and washing the dishes as men, at about 75 minutes. Similarly, men spent three times less time on clothes washing and ironing than women, at 10 and 30 minutes, respectively. The margin was smaller for shopping, which occupied 25 and 35 minutes for men and women. Repairing was not only the least common type of housework, but it was also the type where men outpaced women, with the former spending virtually double the amount of time as the latter.