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tashqarida quyosh lekin qorni sovug'i

🏛 How to Choose the Right University?🏛

Choosing the right university is a crucial step in your study abroad journey. Here are 6 factors that helped me to choose right university.

1.Course Offerings 📚
Make sure the university offers the program that matches your career goals and interests.

2.Location 🌍
Think about where you want to live. Consider climate, lifestyle, and proximity to opportunities for internships or work.

3.Reputation & Rankings 🎓Research the university’s global ranking and reputation in your field. A well-regarded institution can boost your career prospects.

4.Scholarships & Financial Aid 💰
Check for available scholarships or financial aid options that can help reduce your expenses.

5.Student Support Services 🤝Look for universities that provide support for international students, including counseling, career advice, visa support and cultural activities.

6.Understand Your Acceptance Potential 📊Assess your scores, extracurriculars, and other factors to see if you meet with the university’s requirements. Choose places where your profile aligns with admission requirements.

©️Study Overseas with Avazbek Ismoilov

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Tug'ilgan kuning bilan hamma tabriklashi🙃

"Issiqroq kiyinib yur" deydigan odam bo'lishi🙂(s_18👩‍🎓🥲

sovuq kunda issiq kofe ichish☕️(s_18👩‍🎓😌

Biz yutdik🥳🥳🥳

Forward from: VisaCorner |Study Abroad
Assalomu alaykum aziz do’stlar!
📲VisaCorner - bu qonuniy konsulting xizmati bo'lib, AQSH ,Kanada, Buyuk Britaniya, Janubiy Koreya va Yevropaning nufuzli universitetlariga bakalavr va magistratura dasturlariga hujjat topshirish, kafolatlangan grantlarni yutish va barcha viza jarayonlarida sizlarga yordam beradi. ⭐️

@VisaCorner #️⃣

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feruwimi kanalida bo’lish

Shunchalik ko'p haqiqatlarni bildimki, bulardan keyin insonlarga ishonish tuyg'usi deyarli qolmadi.


Feeling the winter vibe

You are not in a competition with anyone else.

muhimi umidni uzmaslik

har kuni olayotgan duolaring va ular kelajakni o'zgartirishi

yosh bo'la turib ko'plab natijalarga erta erishish

olma daraxti ostida tortishish qonunini kashf etish

Premium sovg'a qilishlari 😍

Stipendiyang tushishi

Mendan boshqa adminlar ham ''baxt bu'' ga postlar yozishlari.

There will be sadness.
There will be pain.
There will be grief.

But there is hope.
And there is grace.
And there is mercy.

And there will be rest.
And there will be celebration.
And there will be light.
And there will be healing.

There will be

Lovely 💗

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