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#stay_tuned 😂

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Yo yo something special is gonna happen

The real luck:
To be with a person who never gets tired of understanding your overthinking and nonsense attitude.

Hmm , Yashillikni targ'ib qilayotgan odamlar nega aynan bu rangni tanlaganini bilarmikan . Yoki boshqacharoq aytganda bu yashillikning asosi nima ekanligiga aqli yetarmikan .

Ko'pchilik ekologiya - bu daraxt ekish deb o'ylashadi , O'EP tomonidan jarimaga tortilgan odamlar esa — harajat deb o'ylashadi . Ekologiya so'zini tabiat,atrof-muhit kabi so'zlarga almashtirsak yaxshi bo'lardi nazarimda . Chunki Ekologiya - bu organizmlar, jumladan, odamlarning bir-biriga ta'siri . Bu degani ba'zi bir qatlam majburan , asabi buzilib bari bir qurib ketadigan joylarga daract ekishidan foyda yo'q, daraxtlar qurib ketadi — suv uvol bo'ladi .

Odam ish qilishidan oldin biroz o'ylashi kerak . Hozirgi kunda ko'pchilik Yashillik va ekologiya uchun deb bong urishyapti (aslida o'simliklar nega yashil rangda bo'lishini hayolining bir uchiga ham keltirmasdan ).

Atrof-muhit va ekologiyani yaxshilash mumkinmi ? Umuman olganda ha , lekin aytib o'tilganidey hamma bir bo'lib harakat qilishi kerak !

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Когда ты чувствуешь себя некрасивым, помни, что твое лицо — это сочетание сотен поколений людей, которые влюблялись друг в друга.

Agar o'zingni xunuk his qilsang, shuni yodda tut: sening yuzing — asrlar davomida bir-birini sevgan ajdodlaringdan qolgan bebaho meros.

Begzod akamni TOP 100 likda turadigan univerga kirganini eshitib men : Begzod akam o'qishga kiripti 🎉🎉🎊🎊😭😭

other dormians:🎉🎉🎉☺️🎊🎊🕺💃

Don't you want to be part of Ibn Sino MUN25'?

It's gonna be okay in the end, if it's not okay, then it's not the end

Ok 😭😭😭💀✨

We often admire the beauty of nature, space, water, and the world around us. But have you ever thought about how beautiful every single person is? When you look at someone, you’re not just seeing an individual—you’re seeing the echoes of generations before them. Their ancestors, their lineage, the stories carried in their features, the silent history written in their eyes.
Who were their ancestors? What cultures and nations intertwined to shape them into who they are today? It’s fascinating to think about. I love analyzing people—not just their appearance but their essence, their way of thinking, their morals, their perspectives. Every person is a universe of history, experience, and unique beauty.


Let's just be happy without stereotipic ideas, without any surface discriminations , without any gender discriminations . Let's learn something from each other ! Dear gentle men and beatiful women - let's just live in tolerance and be happy!

my latenight thoughts be like :

None of us are free until everyone is free.

freedom for black people

is feminism required in our society

future proffessions

how to punish some people for being rude with older people


пью чай , окно открыто . небо темнеет совсем незаметно, вечер близится к ночи, а я несоизмеримо счастлив просто от такой возможности — никуда не спешить, пить горячий чай, заедать шоколадными конфетами и наслаждаться последним днем прекрасного, не без тоски, января.

Ideal inson mavjud emas , hammamiz ham bizni xarob qilgan insonlarni sog'inamiz , ularni yaxshi yaxshi ko'ramiz , ularga muhtoj bo'lamiz go'yo ,

bizni qadrlaganlarni esa xarob qilamiz.

While photographs may not lie, liars my photograph.

~Lewis Hine

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