Asalkhon Sharipova | Channel

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Linguistics

📣 Asalkhon Sharipova
🇺🇸 SUSI Finalist 2024
🇮🇳 Youth Ambassador at YIA
🗣️ IELTS 8,5 Speaking 9
📚 UWED | DTM 180,5
🚀 'Swap Up', ‘GirlsUp’ projects
✅ Speaking Course: IDC
✅ Student Results: @idc_results
Admin: @asalkhons_admin
Reklama: @asalkhon_ads

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Uzbekistan, English
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U didn’t like the content with my mom?

🥰 Where are our reactions?)


966 0 0 9 127

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1.5k 0 5 10 306

You wanna see how the date went?) 🥰

One ‘❤️‍🔥’


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2k 0 5 21 253

Tomorrow is special ☺️

Girls surprise your best friends with this beautiful day because it’s international friendship day 👩


2.5k 0 15 14 181

This is Saidamir

If there is anyone whom I can say achieved the 🇺🇸American Dream, then that is Saidamir

🤩 Yess, he had it all

Saidamir biz orzu qilgan narsalarni amalga oshirgan, Saidamir:

▫️FLEX qatnashuvchisi 2022-2023
▫️CUNY (City University of New York) 2-kurs talabasi
▫️AQShda 3 yillik tajriba
▫️Harvard Conferenceda 2 marotaba grant sohibi
▫️United Nations New York'da NAFSA vakili

EDUCATED loyihasining asoschisi va jamoa boshqaruvchisi

He is a founder, a leader, an american guy - all in one Uzbek 🇺🇿 soul

Hop, Saidamir ni bu joyda topaolasiz 😌 ⬇️


3.1k 0 22 17 118

🇺🇸 Amerikada o’qimoqchi bolganlar bormi oramızda?)

Bitta ‘💘’

I will share one surprise with you😌

3k 0 3 28 356

My whole life is like a Mario Game

😂🫶🏻 I have an idea, I create it, I make it and then experience its reality

➡️ Everything around you is people’s ideas that they risked to do

Don’t be scared to try!


3.7k 0 19 20 224

The harsh truth 😂🫶🏻

Har bitta orzuni ozini dokumentatsiyasi boladi - nomer va registratsiya qoldi)

Ko’p odam shu narsalarni korsatmaydi nimagadir


4.4k 0 7 18 283

🚘 First Car Purchase

Mission Accomplished

Shu bilan nasib qildi BYD olishga- oz harakatimiz bilan. 1 yil tinmay ishlagan maksadımız amalga oshdi 🥹

Nasib 21 yoshda Tesla Y model haydab yurishga 🫶🏻

🫀 Dreams come true


5.4k 0 26 33 447

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❤️‍🔥 Personal Story

Nimaga aynan men shuni xohladim ?

Menga motivatsiya bergan narsa 🥹


4.5k 0 33 42 370

Bir yil oldin bu kun kelishini tasavvur ham qilolmasdim 🥹

Lekin u keldi

300 ‘❤️‍🔥’ obzor uchun


4.5k 0 26 30 786

I said yes…


4.7k 0 16 35 425

Flow of Inspiration

Sometimes you sit around reading and suddenly an idea comes along about whatever: new projects, new habit, new thoughts 💭

Always Record Them

Everything that you can see and not see (future plans) was just a thought here

➡️ Thought - Imagination- Plan- Reality

Remember that what comes into your mind does NOT come to others, so it means it was meant for you!


6.2k 0 14 14 100

Will you be the next in IDC?)

☺️💘 We have only 7 seats to offer

Final shot is through your decision, don’t miss out on that chance 🫀

➡️ Registration: @asalkhons_admin

💘 Every Person is a Soul with Energy

IDC Community

I love my job, because it gives me the most beautiful ability ever- to explore people’s souls 🫀🥹

IDCda kecha darsda aytgandik siz assosiy personaj ✨, siz yaratasiz, siz gapirasiz, siz fikrlaysiz

Chunki Speaking bu Siz + Fikr

And this is our secret, that is it

@asalkhons_admin (🫶🏻 final seats)

🫀 Reality = Thought + Action

Kanchalik bitta ishonch bildirish oquvchilarimizga rezulatatlar olib kelganini kordingiz kecha

✨🥹 Bugun esa shu atmosferani sizga beraman

Bilaman kop odam Fev-April IELTS topshiryaptilar, va sizga study-plan dars qilmoqchiman

Study Plan darsi 300+ odamga rezultat olib kelgan, 1ta Dars- 3 oy plan

Va bugun soat 20:30da siz keyingi bolshingiz mumkun😌


This is IDC Consultations

🫀 Our Support at IDC with

▫️ Consultations
▫️ IDC Tea Talks 🍵
▫️ Special Lessons

Manage to join our IDC 6.0 until our seats run out 😌

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ 2 kun qoldi


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Yes, we DO IT

IDC kursimizda darslar, practice, mock, eventlar tashqari

➡️ Mendan shaxsan 1-on-1 consultation before exam olasiz

😌 Oddiy konsultatsiya emas, men sizdan IELTS App savol berib, javobingizdan kelib chiqib, muammongizni aniqlayman

▫️Fluency issue
▫️Lexical Resource
▫️Grammar Range


Siz uchun special ✨ exercise yasayman muammongizni yechish uchun osongina

IDCga 6.0ga qoshilsangiz- konsultatsiya qilamiz😌

Registratsiya ➡️ @asalkhons_admin

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