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Let the ai remember for you



Forward from: builder.mindset
There’s messages in every game. Like Pac-man. D’you know what PAC stands for? P A C. Program and control. He’s program and control man. The whole thing’s a metaphor. He thinks he’s got free will, but really, he’s trapped in a maze, in a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head. And even if he does manage to escape by slipping out one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back in the other side. People think it’s a happy game, it’s not a happy game, it’s a fucking nightmare world and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it. It’s all code, if you listen closely you can hear the numbers.

There’s a cosmic flowchart that dictates where you can and where you can’t go.

World Governments Summit (Jahon hukumatlari sammiti) dan ko'rish shart bo'lgan videolar.

1. A Conversation with the Founder of ChatGPT - Sam Altman

2. A Conversation with the Co-Founder & CEO of Palantir: Winners and Losers in the AI Age

3. A Conversation with Yann LeCun AI: Lifeline or Landmine?

4. A Conversation with the Founder of NVIDIA: Who Will Shape the Future of AI?


Technovation girlsda mentorlarga qabul ochilibdi, topshiringlar. Faqat qizlar uchun.


Forward from: Unknown

Are there any people willing to become mentors for Technovation teams, international IT competition for girls?

Mentors are expected to guide and help a team with developing an application that solves a problem in our community.

I got a chance to travel to Silicon Valley with my mentor after we got into the finals, so you can too if your team also becomes a finalist 🌟

Register to be a mentor here:


$700 - Fev, 2024

$148 - 6 Yan, 2023


Idea > Prompt > UI/UX dizayn

GalileoAI ishga tushdi, servis yozgan promptingiz uchun mobil ilovalar yoki websaytlar uchun dizayn chizib beradi. Chizilgan dizaynni figmaga o'tkazib ishlatish mumkin.

Shaxsiy loyihlaringizning MVPsi uchun dizaynga pul sarflamasdan, tezda ishga tushirish uchun juda asqotadi.

GalileoAI loyihasi oldin Facebook va Googleda ishlagan dizaynerlar tomonidan yasalgan.



Forward from: builder.mindset
You have already achieved goals you said would make you happy

The design in figma VS what i coded.

🍳 Cooking something new


Forward from: builder.mindset
No one hates you from above.

5 + 1 tools I use to speed up mobile app development

1. - An online tool that simplifies converting logos into app icons for Android and iOS. It's user-friendly and streamlines the process for developers.

2. - This generator crafts privacy policies suitable for both websites and apps, ensuring legal compliance and user trust.

3. - A creative platform for generating app screenshots and mockups tailored for app stores, offering a variety of free templates to create unique and visually appealing mockups.

4. - Utilizes AI to generate innovative and professional logos for mobile applications.

5. - Catered to both iOS and Android app developers, this platform focuses on enhancing organic traffic, app downloads, and overall visibility in app stores. It offers services like keyword installs, package installs, and ratings and reviews to boost app popularity.

6. - A unique platform for iOS developers, allowing them to showcase their app portfolio in a centralized location. It features automatic updates from the App Store, profile customization, and real-time performance insights.


Ycombinator W24 davomida, Sam Altman GPT-5 e’lon qilinishi va AGIga tez orada erishilishini aytib o’tgan, va shu faktorlarni hisobga olgan holda product/startup qurishni tavsiya bergan.


2024 yilning 2% (1.863%) o'tdi, shu paytgacha nimalar qildingiz?

🌟 OpenSource startups from Y Combinator '23' :

1. Twenty: A Salesforce alternative with a community-driven approach.

2. AgentGPT: Browser-based tool to deploy AI agents.

3. Continue: Simplify coding in VS Code/JetBrains with LLMs.

4. Khoj: Your AI co-pilot for managing personal knowledge.

5. Ergomake: Streamline your pull request previews.

6. Xeol: Detect outdated software in various environments.

7. Dioxus: Versatile GUI library for multiple platforms.

8. RecipeUI: Transform how you interact with APIs.


Forward from: Lex Fridman
We're all NPCs in somebody's game, if you zoom out far enough.

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