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✴️Other ways to say "Big" in Arabic

1. كبير (Kabir) – Big, large
2. ضخم (Dakhm) – Huge, massive
3. واسع (Wasia’) – Spacious, wide
4. عظيم (Azim) – Great, grand
5. هائل (Ha’il) – Enormous, tremendous
6. عملاق (Imlaq) – Giant, gigantic
7. جسيم (Jaseem) – Substantial, hefty
8. فسيح (Faseeh) – Vast, roomy
9. باهر (Bahir) – Magnificent, splendid (context-dependent)
10. ضخم الجثة (Dakhm al-jutha) – Large-bodied

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❇️Different ways to say “hello” in Arabic, along with their English translations:

✅1. السلام عليكم (As-salamu alaykum)
• Peace be upon you. (Formal and widely used greeting.)
✅2. مرحبا (Marhaban)
• Hello. (Neutral and common.)
✅3. أهلاً وسهلاً (Ahlan wa sahlan)
• Welcome. (Warm and inviting.)
✅4. أهلاً (Ahlan)
• Hi. (Casual and friendly.)
✅5. صباح الخير (Sabah al-khayr)
• Good morning. (Used in the morning.)
✅6. مساء الخير (Masa’ al-khayr)
• Good evening. (Used in the evening.)
✅7. كيف الحال؟ (Kayfa al-hal?)
• How are you? (Common to start a conversation.)
✅8. يا هلا (Ya hala)
• Hi there! (Casual and welcoming.)
✅9. أهلاً بيك/بيكي (Ahlan bik/biki)
• Hello to you (m/f). (Gender-specific variation.)
✅10. سلام (Salam)
• Peace. (Very informal.)

❇️These greetings vary depending on the dialect and level of formality.

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