Abdulaziz Ma'subiy (18+)

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Blogs

• O'quvchi, Observant, Oʻzbekistonlik
PM 2024
Murojaat uchun: @masubiy

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Together ✊

P.S. Trenddan qolmaylik dedik.


Platformaga to'liq ko'chib o'tdim. IMDB va RTdan listing va structure jihatdan yaxshiroq. Balki rating ham. 'Kinoman'lik sari ilk qadam🧐



Subyektivda mentordan berilgan eng subyektiv fikr: "Viloyatlardegi maktablarni bilmiman, lekin ularam agar yaxshi o'qituvchi bo'lsa, bemalol daromad topsa bo'ladi."


Found a couple of relics from the past — memories unlocked 🌟


Forward from: YALL | Shahriyor

New era's coming...


Unutmang, davlat ishida ishlab zulmkor, adolatsiz va razillarga bo'ysunib yashashingiz mumkin. Ammo bir kun kelib, so'roq qilinayotganingizda "Men faqat buyruqni bajargan" deyish bilan qutulmaysiz.


Forward from: Abdulaziz Ma'subiy (18+)
Bo'shashma! Barakalla, Abduqodir!


How many of these games have you played before?


O'ylab qarasam, har kuni "Oqterakmi Ko'kterak?" o'ynarkanman. Metrodan tushaverishda!


Bir hafta yomon o'tmadi. Tajriba shuni talab qilmoqdaki, Instagramga yana 5 daqiqa qo'shish kerak ekan.


The end is near...


Golden rule: who betrays you once, will betray you a thousand times. You don't have to drink the whole sea to realize it's salty.


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It's been 39 days as of 14.02.2025.

❤️ And now I would like to announce my TOP 10 romance movies based on this criteria:

1. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things
2. Last Christmas
3. When Harry Met Sally...
4. The Broken Hearts Gallery
5. The Kissing Booth Series
6. La La Land
7. After Series
8. The In Between
9. Love at First Sight
10. All the Bright Places

P.S. These are selected from the ones I've seen so far. The list will likely change as I watch more.


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Eringiz urmoqdami? Badanlaringiz ko'karib, og'riqdan qiynalyapsizmi? Unda buni yechimi oson. Unga she'r aytib bering.


Ustoz meni doskaga chiqardi va o'zim uchun 6 kishilik jamoa yig'ishimni so'radi. Men esa ismini bilgan 5 kishini chaqirdim.


32 students, 8 marked, 7 absent.


Same, same


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