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⚡️EduCast podkastimizning oltinchi soni TEKNOFEST musobaqasining g'olibi Akbarshoh Qosimov bilan bo'lib o'tdi.

Akbarshoh o'zining tajribalari bilan bo'lishgan holda, musobaqa haqida foydalanuvchilarimizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob berdilar.

📌 Qatnasha olmaganlar ko'nglingizni tushirmang. Biz siz uchun podkastmizning yozib olingan shaklini YouTube sahifamizga joyladik. Ko'ring, foydali bo'lsa do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing

🔗 Quyidagi havola orqali tomosha qiling:


Bugun mehr nimaligini hozir guvohi bo’lmoqdaman. Baribir bir insonga bir inson, uni mehri kerak bo’ladi ekan

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1 mlrd so‘mlik sovrin jamg‘armasi, bosh sovrin – BYD Chazor – IQTIDORLI BOLALAR RESPUBLIKA OLIMPIADASI IBRO-2025 ga ro'yxatdan o'tish boshlandi.

Batafsil ma'lumot va ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

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Very very busy schedule,
I will back soon!

I have a lot of news guys stay tuned

Bugun shu kun ekan) bir gaplashamiz!

🇦🇺 This morning, I had the privilege of meeting with the Australian Space Agency. Our discussion covered a range of exciting topics, including space stations and Australia’s upcoming Moon mission.

🚀 I’m also thrilled to share that we have scheduled a STEM workshop for high school students, aiming to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts. Stay tuned—this will be an incredible learning experience!

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Kim bilan uchrashyappan topilachi


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🚀 EduCast podkastimizning navbatdagi sonini qarshi oling!

EduCast podkasti sizni ilhomlantiradigan muvaffaqiyat hikoyasi bilan davom etadi!

Bu galgi mehmonimiz – Akbarshoh Qosimov, TEKNOFEST musobaqasida jamoasi bilan ishtirok etib, 2333ta jamoalar orasida Performance Award egallagan finalist! 🎉

Suhbat davomida mehmonimiz musobaqa tajribasi va muvaffaqiyat sirlari bilan o‘rtoqlashadilar, sizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga javob beradilar. Agar siz ham kelajak texnologiyalarida o‘z o‘rningizni topishni istasangiz, bu podkastni o‘tkazib yubormang!

📅 Qachon? 6-fevral, 20:00
📍 Qayerda? @EduGrandsUz telegram kanalida.

Savollaringizni oldindan tayyorlab qo‘ying va jonli suhbatga tayyorlaning!
Sizni kutib qolamiz!


138 0 1 15 21

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🚀 My First Rocket Launch Experience!

I am thrilled to share that I successfully designed, built, and launched my very first rocket! This project has been an incredible learning experience, requiring both precision and creativity.

🔍 Key Highlights:

Achieved a total altitude of 120 meters, returning safely to the ground using a parachute recovery system.
The rocket landed approximately 1 km away from the launch site — what an exciting recovery mission!
Construction took a total of 8 hours, with daily one-hour sessions focused on design, testing, and assembly.
⚖️ Weight Specifications:

Total weight with motor: 19 grams
Without motor: 15 grams

🙏 A big thank you to everyone who has supported and inspired me throughout this journey. Let's keep aiming for the stars!


Thanks January no more finals

Well, let’s make it happen!

Aviation Safety - mazza

Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tu

So, i got 26/30 from Airports and 22/30 from engineering drowing!

At least i don’t retake finals!

Let’s smash second semester too

Well, finally i am done with my semester one✅

361 0 0 10 12

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375 0 1 11 14


393 0 0 12 14

Chemistry was fireeee

20 last posts shown.