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✅Advanced Vocabulary for students, especially for whom want to take an IELTS or Multilevel exam.
💫Created on: 20/03/2024
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Cambridge va Achieverdan charchaganlar uchun

The Best Preparation For IELTS Speaking.pdf
Sizlarga vada qilgangan kitob

For speaking
Agar oqib foyda topsangiz
Commentda + belgisn qoldring

1.9k 0 94 17 126

Good morning 🌅

Xayrli tong

Have a nice weekend 😇🕌

3k 0 1 11 56

Writing task 1️⃣

➖ Writing task 1 phrases
➖ Useful language
➖ Opening and ending phrases

Vadaga vafo bilan , jangchilarim🤼

3.4k 0 139 4 48

Good morning 🌅
Assalomu alaykum

Speaking material share qilaymi?

222 ta
🔥 olovcha boʻlsa tashlayman

3.7k 0 3 17 210

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 👍

A person who collects coins as a hobby

The back side of a coin with inscriptions or designs

The front side of a coin, usually featuring a portrait or symbol

Extra coins that are not needed immediately

Small amounts of coins you have on hand

Physical money in the form of coins or notes

The money that is used in a country

A small, flat, round piece of metal used as money


☝️☝️☝️Guys!!! Shu Postga 77 ta 🔥 olovcha bosak
Bita zor writing task 1⃣ uchun vocabulary kitobcha bizdan

3.6k 0 0 15 103


Basic words to describe people

• 🗣️ Talkative - a person who talks too much.
• 🌟 Eccentric - unusual and different from others.
• 😊 Cheerful - a person who is always happy and full of energy.
• 🤔 Indecisive - a person unable to make a final decision.
• 🤦 Clumsy - a person who always breaks things.
• 😟 Anxious / Apprehensive - worries about something.
• 💪 Assertive - a person who looks confident.
• ✨ Charming - attractive.
• 😒 Cynical - a person who does not really believe others.
• 😏 Egoistic - self-centered; a person who always puts themselves first.
• 🤷 Gullible - a naive person.
• 🤨 Self-conscious - a person who is well-aware of their character and problems.
• 🤗 Sensible - understanding others and their emotions.
• 🗣️ Tactful - very careful while talking with others.
• 🥰 Well-liked - a person who everybody likes.
• 🙄 Self-absorbed - a person who is occupied with their feelings and opinions only.
• 🧘 Well-adjusted - a person who got used to something.
• 💁 Self-assured - self-confident.
• 😇 Well-behaved - a person with good behavior.
• 🎓 Well-bred / Well-brought-up - a person who got good manners and education from their parents.
• 🏆 Self-congratulatory - showing pride in one’s achievements.
• 😌 Self-deprecating - modest/humble.
• 👗 Well-dressed - a person with fine clothing.
• 🎓 Well-educated - a person with desirable education.
• 👑 Self-important - a person who always cares the most about himself.
• 📚 Well-informed - a person who knows a lot of stuff.
• 🤵‍♂️ Well-mannered - a person with good manners.
• 💪 Self-reliant - a person who always believes in himself.
• 🏅 Well-rounded - having a lot of skills.
• 🤲 Considerate - a person who also cares about others.
• 😢 Sensitive - emotional/easily influenced by others


4.3k 1 186 4 142

❗️IELTS olsam iPhone 13 olaman degan eding bir vaqtlar.

Allaqachon iPhone 16 chiqdi lekin san hali ham IELTS olmading


Vocabulary of Traffic

Vehicles - transport vositalari

Congested (roads) - tiqilinch (yo‘llar)

Clog - tiqilib qolmoq

Private cars - shaxsiy mashinalar

Motorists - haydovchilar

Traffic jams - tiqilinchlik (probka)

Chock-a-block - tiqilinch, to‘la

Car parks - avtoturargohlar

Garages - garajlar

Parking meters - to‘lovli avtoturargoh metrlar

Frustration - asabiylashish, g'azablanish

Traffic offences - yo‘l harakati qoidabuzarliklari

Fine - jarima

Gridlock - harakat to‘xtalishi, tiqilinch

Pedestrianized - piyodalarga ajratilgan

Rush hour - shoshilinch soatlar

Traffic warden - yo‘l nazoratchisi (GAI)

Windscreen - old oyna

Tailback - tiqilinchlik

Bottle-neck - tiqilinch joy, tor joy

😉Har bir so'zni yodlang!

🚀Join: @advancedvocabularytake

IELTS Writing Review 2023 (ZIM).pdf
Writing Zim 2023 - Band 7.0+ essays collection

Join: 📱 @advancedvocabularytake

5.9k 0 175 8 136

✅ “Diligence” — mehnatsevar

Hozirni o’zida yodlimiz va bitta gap tuzib qoldiramiz

🕊Join: @advancedvocabularytake

6.2k 43 36 102 76

🚀One in a million (C1) – juda noyob va qimmatli kishi yoki narsa.
— She is one in a million.

🚀Dead-drop gorgeous (C1) – Ajoyib darajada chiroyli; juda jozibali yoki go'zal.
— My girlfriend is dead-drop gorgeous.😅

🚀Get held up (C1) – Kechikib qolmoq; to‘satdan biror narsa tufayli to‘xtab qolmoq yoki ushlanib qolmoq.
— Sorry I’m late. I just got held up on the way.

🚀Get it done (C1) –  Tugatmoq; ishni tez va samarali bajarmoq
— We have a lot of work today. Let’s focus and get it done.

🚀Give it a shot (C1) – Urinib ko‘rmoq; biror narsani sinab ko‘rmoq yoki harakat qilmoq.
— Just give it a shot and see what happens!

🚀Make it happen (C1) – reja yoki maqsadni amalga oshirmoq
— I’ll make it happen, not immediately, but definitely.

🚀It has to do with (C1) - bilan bog’liq
— Your depression is to do with your mindset

🚀Keep track of (C1) – Kuzatib bormoq, jarayon yoki holatni nazorat qilmoq.
— It’s important to keep track of your progress when learning a new skill.

: channel

8k 0 215 17 188

C2 words.pdf
🔔Ma'lumotlar foydali bo'lyaptimi? Agar sizga yordamimiz tegayotgan bo'lsa pastdagi #comment qismiga + qoldiring, befarq bo'lmaysiz degan umiddamiz!

🤭Bizga qoʻshiling 🙌

222ta 🐳 kitcha yigʻaylik 😎

6.5k 1 295 42 173

B2 words.pdf
Shundey vada qilingan osha kitoblarimzni 🥳🥳🥳

Shu postimzga 🐳 200 ta dan keyin 😇👍
C1 va C2  varyantlarin tashliman 🔥

7.4k 0 256 10 364


11. Intrigued. -  g'ayritabiy

12. Outgoing. -  chiquvchi

13. Abnormal. -  g'ayritabiy

14. Mature. -  pishgan

15. Handsome. -  kelishgan

16. Cloudy. -  bulutli

17. Fearful. -  qo'rqinchli

18. Soggy. -  xo'l

19. Deadpan.  -   o'lik

20. made. -  yaxshi

21. Halting. -  to'xtagan

☑️Stay with us;

7.4k 3 158 11 180

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✓ " I FORGOT " - Yo'q deyishning 4 ta usuli 🎄☃️🌝❄️

• It slipped my mind

• It doesn't ring a bell

• I've lost my train of thoughts

• It went in one ear and... Out the other

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