Yakhyo Kadyrov

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Blogs

Sharing an internal part of my journey.

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Uzbekistan, English
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Up2Mates is expanding, and we’re on the lookout for volunteers to join our team.

Positions We’re Hiring For:

💻 Developers
Location: Fully remote
Skills recommended to have: python, aiogram library, SQL
Experience: Not required

🎨 Designer
Location: Fully remote
Experience: Recommended but not mandatory

📱 Social Media Manager (SMM)
Location: Based in Tashkent
Experience: Highly encouraged, but not mandatory

Why Us?

1️⃣ Skill Development: Enhance your professional skills in your chosen field while contributing to a meaningful project.
2️⃣ Real-World Experience: Be part of the early stages of building a product from the ground up. This is a chance to explore your field of interest with no pressure at all.
3️⃣Demonstrable Project for Your CV/EC: Your contributions will directly shape our platform. Your name will be featured in our product, giving you a fantastic showcase for your resume or portfolio.
4️⃣ Equity Opportunity: High performers who stay committed and demonstrate exceptional efficiency over time may be eligible for a stake in the project’s equity.

If you want to join our team text to @Up2Matesexpansion

For the lazy ones: we created our journal with some cool features for journaling and goal achieving, but we want to test it first. Thus, we need 4 people who will be given the paper version of our journal, and after X days, their opinion on the journal will be asked. If you want to be one of them, fill out this form - https://forms.gle/orkTQtsM9Njv4LtWA

Over the past month, Husan and I have been working on creating something that combines Notion, Microsoft To-Do, and traditional paper journaling.

But we won’t go public.

Why? We need to find out: Does it really work? Or are we just being delusional? And thus we’re looking for 4 testers—2 males and 2 females—to try our paper journal for FREE. After a set period, we’ll ask for your honest feedback to see if it truly helps with self-understanding and goal achievement.

If you’re ready to dive deep into self-reflection and get our paper journal for free, fill out the form below.
❗️We’ll select only 4 people and kick off our testing!

Link - https://forms.gle/orkTQtsM9Njv4LtWA

P.S. Journal is in Uzbek.

Can't agree more.
The biggest issue we face today is that people don't know what they want to do and let days pass without purpose. Salaries and social applause are becoming the only sources of enjoyment for doing things they don't know how to do or don't want to do. At the end of the day, you will be the one regretting.

Good night!

For those tired of the unchanging pace of life, filled with consumption: create. Find something that motivates and tempts you, and try to create something around it. Draw, write, record, post, run, build, etc.
Enough has been consumed; what you should do now is create.
The society of consumers welcomes creators.


If I were to choose the best social media platform, it would be Reddit.

Recently, I realized that it's the true representation of "social space in internet." People all over the world unite and share their opinions—yes, opinions. Reddit has become a place to get hella different views on everything from Star Wars to noocracy as an alternative to democracy. Reddit makes you think; first, you face one opinion, but then you confront an opposing opinion, and now you have to compare both. While\, on Instagram or TikTok, you just consume content and that is it. Thus, if you have not tried Reddit, give it a try.

Forward from: KY
It's all in your head.

You are as incapable, unhappy, uncreative, unsuccessful, unintelligent as you convince yourself to be.

Your sufferings are 99% perceived. Most of the pain you tell yourself you experience is merely the pigment of your beliefs and imagination.

It's you who can create the life you want, and you who can just be so stubborn to force it not to happen.

Imagine the perfect life possible. If you could, that already means it's possible to bring about. The only thing that remains is making it a reality.

Decided to share the YouTube channels I'd recommend to my younger self if I had the chance. (Sounds clickbait)

🇺🇿YouTube channels in Uzbek

Lolazor and Nma Gap podcasts.

Why Lolazor? I usually watch Lolazor to educate myself. Every podcast of theirs covers deep societal issues, and they try to get to the roots of them. I highly appreciate the hosts as well; Xushnudbek and Bakiroo turn the podcast into a treasure of views and insights. A must-watch, especially for social science students.

Why Nma Gap? One of those "Evening podcasts." The reason I like them is diversity. Diversity in the people they invite, from Rasul Kushirbaev to stand-up comedians. It helps to gain a bit of knowledge in different areas, so why not?

🇷🇺YouTube channels in Russian

Говорящий Сапог, Denis Semenikhin, and Гуманитарщина.

Why Говорящий Сапог and Denis Semenikhin? No editing, no clickbait previews or titles, just them sitting in chairs and discussing something. Their discussions usually add a bit of logic to the illogical world we live in. They make me rethink and sometimes change the logic behind my actions and thoughts.

Why Гуманитарщина? A treasure. A treasure of sociological knowledge. From the basics of politics to why Zoomers don't want to work. If you are planning to major in social sciences and know Russian, I would recommend you watch.

🇺🇸YouTube channels in English

Odysseas, Pursuit of Wonder and This.

Why Odysseas? I don't know exactly why I watch him, so it's for you to decide, but I still enjoy his videos and have learned a lot.

Why Pursuit of Wonder? The same reason as Говорящий Сапог and Denis Semenikhin, but it covers a bit more complex topics.

Why This.? Interesting, fun, and enjoyable. An entertainment-like channel.


Forward from: Простые Мысли
Мир-таки тупеет.

В своё время, я опубликовал видео на тему глобального снижения интеллекта. Тема чрезвычайно сложна, и у меня при всём желании не получилось бы рассмотреть все её аспекты с разных сторон: аргументировать против потенциальной критики, предположить альтернативные гипотезы, развеять мифы и укрепить тезис до степени неразрушаемости.

Сегодня я тоже не буду этим заниматься, но просто хочу поделиться исследованием, сильно укрепляющим мою позицию. Оно прошло мимо моего внимания, но выводы в нём... Радикальные. Опубликовано оно было в 2023 году и ставило своей задачей с помощью моделей спроецировать общее снижение IQ планеты к 2100-му году.

Если коротко, результаты можно увидеть на первом скриншоте. С актуальных на сегодня 86 ожидается снижение на десять единиц - до 76. Это ОЧЕНЬ серьезно.

Но есть и нюансы, интересные.

Например, на втором скриншоте мы видим, что не все страны теряют интеллект также быстро, как другие. Например, в России рейт не такой высокий: 0.22 единиц за десятилетие, тогда как в Румынии - 0.65, в Китае - 0.37, а в Турции - 0.55

Наблюдается тенденция: чем ниже национальный интеллект, тем быстрее он теряется. Добавьте к этому то, что фертильность в странах с низким IQ намного выше, а зависимость почти линейная: 0.71 (третий скриншот) и очень предварительно получится, что вырисовываются более-менее устойчивые политически и географически анклавы со стабильно высоким интеллектом, который снижается не так быстро, как в других странах. Возможно, именно эти анклавы сохранят своё преимущество с помощью генетической модификации младенцев и прогресса в других технологиях.

Здесь уже чисто мои спекуляции, но вырисовываются понятные тенденции: конкурентными останутся только страны, способные стимулировать миграцию из стран с высоким IQ и инвестирующие существенные деньги в научный прогресс, и пока что стран с такой стратегией не так много: Китай и может быть США. Страны СНГ для оптимального исхода очевидно не имеют достаточно хорошей налоговой политики, а образовательные институты уже давно потеряли свой престиж, несмотря на всё ещё высокое качество образования, особенно в топовых технических ВУЗах.

Сохранить стабильность, будучи анклавом, окружённым хаосом - это очень непростая задача, которая требует серьезной консолидации общества. Если вводить этот параметр, то перспективным видится только Китай.

PS: это вообще не темы, о которых я обычно говорю и не то, чего вы, вероятно, ожидаете. Однако, для меня эти вопросы интересны. Тем не менее, мне ничего не стоит такие посты не публиковать, если по вашему мнению им тут не место. Будут лежать в моей базе данных, дайте знать.

As admissions came to an end, I want to make this channel active once again.
What would you find interesting for me to post?

Rediscovering life after college admissions


"This week will decide our future!!"

No, it won't. What you do today will decide your future. And most interestingly, you don't have a future if it's linked to your college degree.

Have a good evening

Adash - @yakhyobekinnit

In the sound of fireworks, I found the courage to get out of Google Docs to wish you all a happy New Year. Your presence in this channel is what drives me to share my thoughts that usually don't get shared personally. Thank you for being in this channel. I wish you all success in achieving your goals, but most importantly, I wish you inner peace. Once again, happy New Year!

I will reflect on this year after a few days; I have a lot to share!

No need to repost.
This post is enough.

"I sometimes wonder if life is really as simple as it seems. Phones, video games and all of the doesn't matter. Just get out in nature, meditate, try and talk to God, because this stuff can and will change you. Have a good day."

Random comment on YouTube

20 last posts shown.