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### Vocabulary

🔹 Successmuvaffaqiyat
🔹 Persistenceijodiyat
🔹 Progresstaraqqiyot

Success is built on persistence and progress. Every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. ❞

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

IDP IELTS registratsiya qilib beramiz.(registratsiya qilib berish bepul😉)
☑️ Ya'ni ro'yxatdan o'tish

Biz imtixonga ro'yxatdan o'tishingizga yordam beramiz IELTS to'lovini o'zingiz qilasiz !

Registratsiya uchun @idpregisterbot orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting yoki 👨‍💻@IDP_Register 👈 ga murojat qiling.

### Vocabulary

🔹 Patience – sabr
🔹 Determination – qat’iyat
🔹 Growth – o‘sish

Growth takes patience and determination. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to learn and improve. ❞

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Believe it or not, I am able to read 100 pages of a book in under 3 seconds.

Ishonasizmi yo'qmi, libbo'y kitobni 100 sahifasini 3 second ga obormay o'qiy olaman.


Example Sentences:

English: He was determined to pass the IELTS exam at all costs.

Uzbekcha: U IELTS imtihonini qanday boʻlmasin topshirishga qat'iy edi.

English: She wanted to protect her children at all costs.

Uzbekcha: U bolalarini har qanday holatda ham himoya qilishni xohlardi.

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Tushunarlimi ?

Ha 🔥
tushunmadim 💔

Uzbek tarjimasi: "Har qanday holatda ham" "Har qanday narxga boʻlsa ham"

Agar siz biror narsani at all costs qilishni xohlasangiz, siz uni qanday xarajat, mehnat yoki qurbonlik boʻlishidan qat'i nazar amalga oshirishga tayyorsiz.

🇺🇿juratsiz, tortinchoq

📖Definition:nervous and without much confidence

🔹Some students' knowledge does not increase rapidly because they are timorous person.
🔸Ba'zi o'quvchilarning bilimlari tez o'smaydi, chunki ular tortinchoq inson.

💬 Make a sentence in the comment below


Nechta topa oldingiz jigarlar

3 ta ❤️‍🔥
2 ta 🍈
1 ta 🎃

Test yoqqan bo'lsa izoh qoldiring)👇

  •   Juda baland
  •   Juda band
3 votes

  •   Qadrdon
  •   Dushman
15 votes

Comes across
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  •   Uchrashmoq
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Vocabulary test time‼️

"AND" deyishning 4 usuli

I enjoyed the movie, Additionally, the acting was superb

The shop had amazing collection, furthermore they provide coupons

she's a talented singer, moreover she plays multiple instruments

On top of that
The hotel is comfortable, on top of that, provides complimentary breakfast

• Boshqa usullarni bilasizmi?


Nechta topa oldingiz jigarlar❓

3 ta ❤️‍🔥
2 ta 🍈
1 ta 🎃

Test yoqqan bo'lsa izoh qoldiring)👇

Inseparable part
  •   Muhim emas
  •   Ajralmas qism
79 votes

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