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👨‍🏫 Examiner:Shakhzod

Your score:5,5

📈 Fluency and coherence:6,0
📈 Lexical resources:6,0
📈 Grammatical range &
📈 Pronunciation:5,0

🔤1️⃣-- Phrasal verb

⚠️Brush up (on) - Eslab olmoq, Qaytarmoq

Meaning: Refresh or improve your knowledge

Example: I thought I'd brush up on my French before going to Paris.

Make sentences by using "Brush up (on)" in the comments section👇


Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Service haqidagi feedback bilan tanishib ishonch hosil qilishingiz mumkin☺️

👨‍🏫 Examiner:Shakhzod
🧑‍🎓Candidate: Aziza

Your score: 8.0

📈 Fluency and coherence:9.0
📈 Lexical resources:8.0
📈 Grammatical range &
📈 Pronunciation:8.0

🔤2️⃣—— Adjective

⚠️Eminent - Nomdor, Mashhur

Meaning: Famous, Respected or Important

Example: "Tohir Aka is one of the eminent bloggers on Instagram."😆

Make sentences by using "eminent" in the comments section👇


Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

🟢IDP IELTS uchun biz orqali Registratsiyadan o'ting va Free Date Transfer imkonyatiga ega bo'ling

⚠️Date Transfer costs 610.000 UZS bu sizni cho'ntagizga foyda😊

👨‍🏫 Examiner: Shakhzod
🧑‍🎓Candidate: Noza

Your score: 7.5

📈 Fluency and coherence: 8.0
📈 Lexical resources: 8.0
📈 Grammatical range &
accuracy: 7.0/7.5
📈 Pronunciation: 8.0

2.2k 0 16 22 16

🔤1️⃣—— Adjective

⚠️Excessive - Haddan Tashqari, Ortiqcha

Meaning: Too much or too many

Example: His girlfriend’s excessive texting made his iPhone hotter than the sun😆

Make sentences by using "excessive" in the comments section👇


Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

🔤1️⃣—— Adjective

⚠️Prominent - Asosiy, Taniqli

Meaning: Very well known and important

Example: "Barcelona has a prominent place in La Liga and more fans than Real Madrid."

Make sentences by using "prominent" in the comments section👇


Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

4k 0 41 19 26

Forward from: SpeakUPuz ️️
Aprel oyida o'tkaziladigan Paper Based imtihonlari sanalari bilan tanishing:
Andijan — 5/26-aprel
Bukhara — 12/26-aprel
Fergana — 5/12/24-aprel
Jizzakh — 12-aprel
Karshi — 5/26-aprel
Namangan — 5/12/26-aprel
Navoi — 5-aprel
Nukus — 12-aprel
Samarkand — 5/12/26-aprel
Termez — 5/24-aprel
Urgench — 12/26-aprel
📆 Tashkent shahrida esa har imtihon kunida (5/12/24/26-aprel) bo'lib o'tadi.

✍️ Imtihonlarga @idpregisterbot yoki @IDP_Register orqali ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz mumkin.

🏃 Shoshiling, joylar chegaralangan!

🔤2️⃣—— Adjective

⚠️Predominantly - Asosan, Odatda

Meaning: Mostly or mainly

Example: "My diet is predominantly healthy—except for the pizza, burgers, and ice cream.😆

Make sentences by using "predominantly" in the comments section👇


Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Registration help 🙂

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Xizmat bepul duo qilib qo'yasz

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Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun
@idpregisterbot yoki 👨‍💻 @IDP_Register ga murojaat qiling.

👨‍🏫 Examiner:Shakhzod
🧑‍🎓Candidate: Ra'no

Your score: 6.5

📈 Fluency and coherence: 7.0
📈 Lexical resources: 7.0
📈 Grammatical range &
accuracy: 6.0
📈 Pronunciation: 7.0

😓Question/Answer Session about taking the Test with IDP IELTS

📍Discussion Zone: Channel
Time: 20:30

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🔤2️⃣—— Adjective

⚠️Innumerable - Son sanoqsiz, Juda ko'p

Meaning: Too many to be counted, or very many

Example: "Having two girlfriends means dealing with innumerable problems, such as not being able to use your phone in front of them."😆

Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

🔤2️⃣—— Adjectives

⚠️Short - sighted - Kalta o'ylaydigan

Meaning: not thinking enough about how an action will affect the future

Example: "Getting married once and thinking about marrying again—that’s really short-sighted!" 😆

⚠️Far - sighted - O'ylab ish qiladigan

Meaning: The ability to plan wisely and think ahead

Example: "I thought having two girlfriends was a far-sighted plan… until they both found out😆

Channel: @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

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IDP IELTS registratsiya qilib beramiz.(registratsiya qilib berish bepul😉)
☑️ Ya'ni ro'yxatdan o'tish

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Registratsiya uchun @idpregisterbot orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting yoki 👨‍💻@IDP_Register 👈 ga murojat qiling.

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