📘 Book 3 | Unit 13
📑 Word list
🟦 millionaire [mɪljənɛər] n. — millioner
🔻>> A millionaire is a person who has at least a million dollars. >> A millionaire kamida million dollar puli bor shaxs.
— He became a millionaire because he was smart with his money.
— U pullari bilan aqlli ish tutgani uchun millionerga aylandi.
🟦 port [pɔːrt] n. — port, bandargoh
🔻>> A port is a place where ships stop to load and unload things. >> A port kemalar narsalarni yuklash va tushirish uchun to'xtaydigan joy.
— The ship was being loaded with materials at the port.
— Portda kemaga materiallar yuklanayotgan edi.
🟦 sheriff [ʃerɪf] n. — sherif
🔻>> A sheriff is a police officer who is in charge of a large area. >> A sheriff katta joyga hukmi o'tadigan politsiya ofitseri.
— It was the sheriff’s job to make the city safe.
— Shaharni xavfsiz saqlash sherifning ishi edi.
🟦 startle [stɑːrtl] v. — qo'rqitib yubormoq
🔻>> To startle means to scare someone suddenly. >> To startle birortasini to'satdan qo'rqitmoq degani.
— The loud crash startled the sleeping woman.
— Baland to'qnashuv ovozi uxlayotgan ayolni qo'rqitib yubordi.
🟦 sweat [swet] v. — terlamoq
🔻>> To sweat means to lose liquid from the body through the skin. >> To sweat teri orqali suyuqlik chiqishi degani.
— Whenever I workout, I sweat quite a bit.
— Har safar mashg‘ulot o‘tkazsam, biroz terlayman.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 millionaire [mɪljənɛər] n. — millioner
🔻>> A millionaire is a person who has at least a million dollars. >> A millionaire kamida million dollar puli bor shaxs.
— He became a millionaire because he was smart with his money.
— U pullari bilan aqlli ish tutgani uchun millionerga aylandi.
🟦 port [pɔːrt] n. — port, bandargoh
🔻>> A port is a place where ships stop to load and unload things. >> A port kemalar narsalarni yuklash va tushirish uchun to'xtaydigan joy.
— The ship was being loaded with materials at the port.
— Portda kemaga materiallar yuklanayotgan edi.
🟦 sheriff [ʃerɪf] n. — sherif
🔻>> A sheriff is a police officer who is in charge of a large area. >> A sheriff katta joyga hukmi o'tadigan politsiya ofitseri.
— It was the sheriff’s job to make the city safe.
— Shaharni xavfsiz saqlash sherifning ishi edi.
🟦 startle [stɑːrtl] v. — qo'rqitib yubormoq
🔻>> To startle means to scare someone suddenly. >> To startle birortasini to'satdan qo'rqitmoq degani.
— The loud crash startled the sleeping woman.
— Baland to'qnashuv ovozi uxlayotgan ayolni qo'rqitib yubordi.
🟦 sweat [swet] v. — terlamoq
🔻>> To sweat means to lose liquid from the body through the skin. >> To sweat teri orqali suyuqlik chiqishi degani.
— Whenever I workout, I sweat quite a bit.
— Har safar mashg‘ulot o‘tkazsam, biroz terlayman.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.