Book 3 | Unit 16
📑 Word list🟦
pill [
pil] n. — hapdori, (kapsula)
🔻>> A
pill is a small object that has medicine inside. >> A
pill ichida dorisi bo'lgan kichik narsa.
— She took a
pill for her headache.
— U bosh og'rig'ini qoldirgani hapdori ichdi.🟦
presume [
prɪˈzuːm] v. — -deb o'ylamoq
🔻>> To
presume is to believe something is true without being certain. >> To
presume biror narsa to'g'riligiga ishonish.
— Since he raised his hand, the teacher
presumed he knew the answer.
— U qo'lini ko'targani sababli o'qituvchi uni javobni biladi deb o'yladi.
privacy [
praɪvəsɪ] n. — yolg'izlik, xolilik
🔻>> To have
privacy is to be away from other people. >>
Privacy ga ega bo'lish, qolgan odamlardan holi bo'lish degani.
— Please hang the sign on the door so we can have some
— Holi qolishimiz uchun belgini eshikka osib qoʻying.🟦
punishment [
pʌnɪʃmənt] n. — jazo
🔻>> A
punishment is something that one must endure for any wrong doing. >> A
punishment bu har qanday noto'g'ri ish uchun bardosh berishi kerak bo'lgan narsadir.
— He was given a punishment for being rude to the teacher.
— U o'qituvchiga qo'pol munosabatda bo'lgani uchun jazolandi.🟦
sensible [
sensəbl] adj. — aqlli, mulohazali
🔻>> If someone is
sensible, they make good decisions. >> Agar birortasi
sensible bo'lsa, u yaxshi qaror qabul qiladi.
— It was
sensible for her to save some money each month.
— Har oy bir oz pul yig'ish u uchun aqlli ish bo'ldi.
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