Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words

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1) bygone (adjective)
Definition: Belonging to an earlier time or the past.
Translation: o‘tgan, eski
Example: The museum showcases artifacts from a bygone era.

2) capital (noun)
Definition: The city where a country's or region's government is located.
Translation: poytaxt
Example: Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan.

3) current (adjective)
Definition: Happening or being used now.
Translation: hozirgi, amaldagi
Example: The current situation requires immediate attention.

4) silt up (phrasal verb)
Definition: To become filled with fine sand, soil, or mud, usually in a river or reservoir.
Translation: loyqa bilan to‘ldirmoq
Example: The river silted up after the heavy rains.

5) flood (noun)
Definition: An overflow of water that covers land that is normally dry.
Translation: suv toshqini
Example: The flood caused severe damage to the village.

6) incarnation (noun)
Definition: A living being embodying a deity or spirit.
Translation: timsol, namuna
Example: In Hindu mythology, Vishnu has many incarnations.

7) earthquake (noun)
Definition: A sudden shaking of the ground caused by movements in the Earth's crust.
Translation: zilzila
Example: The earthquake destroyed several buildings in the city.

8) pond (noun)
Definition: A small body of still water.
Translation: hovuz, ko‘lmak
Example: Ducks were swimming in the pond.

9) well (noun)
Definition: A deep hole dug in the ground to obtain water.
Translation: quduq
Example: Villagers rely on the well for drinking water.

10) hallmark (noun)
Definition: A distinctive feature or characteristic.
Translation: o‘ziga xos belgi
Example: Creativity is the hallmark of a great artist.

11) ruin (noun)
Definition: The physical destruction or disintegration of something.
Translation: xaroba
Example: The ruins of the ancient castle attract many tourists.

12) aesthetically (adverb)
Definition: In a way that relates to beauty or appearance.
Translation: estetik jihatdan, did bilan
Example: The building is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

13) zigzagging (verb)
Definition: Moving in a pattern with sharp turns in opposite directions.
Translation: egri-bugri, ilonizi bo‘lib harakatlanmoq
Example: The road zigzags up the mountain.

14) veranda (noun)
Definition: A roofed platform along the outside of a house.
Translation: ayvon
Example: We sat on the veranda enjoying the sunset.

15) ornate (adjective)
Definition: Decorated with complex patterns or details.
Translation: bezakli
Example: The ornate vase was placed in the center of the table.

16) overlook (verb)
Definition: To have a view from above.
Translation: ko‘rinmoq
Example: The balcony overlooks the garden.

17) highway (noun)
Definition: A main road, especially one connecting major cities.
Translation: avtomagistral, katta yo'l
Example: They traveled by highway to the neighboring city.

18) Colonnaded (adjective)
Definition: Having a series of columns supporting a roof or forming a decorative structure.
Translation: ustunlar bilan bezatilgan, ko‘p ustunli
Example: The colonnaded walkway led to the temple entrance.

19) far-flung (adjective)
Definition: Distant or remote.
Translation: uzoq, olis
Example: They explored far-flung regions of the world.

20) fling (verb)
Definition: To throw or hurl something with force.
Translation: uloqtirmoq, otmoq
Example: She flung her bag onto the couch after a long day.

21) gaze (verb)
Definition: To look steadily at something with admiration or wonder.
Translation: tikilib qaramoq, termilmoq
Example: He gazed at the stars in amazement.

22) marvel (noun)
Definition: A wonderful or astonishing thing or person.
Translation: mo‘’jiza
Example: The Taj Mahal is a marvel of architecture.

23) reminder (noun)
Definition: Something that makes you remember something else.
Translation: eslatma, dalolat
Example: The clock tower serves as a reminder of the city's history.

24) artistry (noun)
Definition: Creative skill or ability.
Translation: san’atkorlik, yaratuvchanlik mahorati
Example: The artistry of the painting impressed everyone.

Test 138 ⬇️

1) Serious (adjective)
Definition: Very important and needing attention; not joking or silly.
Translation: jiddiy, muhim
Example: Climate change is a serious problem that affects the entire planet.

2) Cut back (phrasal verb)
Definition: To reduce the amount or use of something.
Translation: kamaytirmoq, qisqartirmoq
Example: Many people are cutting back on unnecessary expenses to save money.

3) major (adjective)
Definition: Very large, important, or significant.
Translation: katta, muhim, salmoqli
Example: The government made a major decision to invest in renewable energy.

4) spacecraft (noun)
Definition: A vehicle designed for travel or operation in outer space.
Translation: kosmik kema
Example: The spacecraft successfully landed on the surface of Mars.

5) weigh (verb)
Definition: To have a certain weight or to measure how heavy something is.
Translation: og‘irlikka ega bo‘lmoq, tosh bosmoq
Example: The package weighs about two kilograms.

6) refract (verb)
Definition: To bend light or sound waves when they pass through something, such as glass or water.
Translation: sinmoq, qaytarmoq, yo‘nalishini o‘zgartirmoq
Example: A prism refracts light to create a rainbow of colors.

You can find the rest of the words from test 113

Test 137 ⬇️

1) figure (noun)
Definition: Numbers or statistics used to represent information.
Translation: raqamlar, statistik ma'lumotlar
Example: According to the latest figures, the population of the city has increased by 10%.

2) multilingual (adjective)
Definition: Able to speak or use several languages.
Translation: ko‘p tilda gaplasha oladigan
Example: Being multilingual is an advantage when traveling internationally.

3) sequential (adjective)
Definition: Happening in a particular order, one after another.
Translation: ketma-ket, izchil
Example: The instructions were given in sequential steps to make the process easier.

4) activate (verb)
Definition: To make something start working or become active.
Translation: faollashtirmoq, ishga tushirmoq
Example: Press this button to activate the machine.

5) corresponding (adjective)
Definition: Matching or having a direct connection to something.
Translation: mos keladigan, muvofiq
Example: Each student was assigned a corresponding number for identification.

6) compelling (adjective)
Definition: Very convincing or interesting; making you want to pay attention.
Translation: ishonchli, asosli; qiziqarli
Example: The book presents a compelling argument for environmental protection.

7) persistent (adjective)
Definition: Continuing to exist or happen, especially in a way that is annoying or difficult to stop.
Translation: davomli, uzluksiz
Example: He had a persistent cough that wouldn’t go away.

8) competition (noun)
Definition: A situation in which people or things are trying to achieve the same goal.
Translation: raqobat, bellashuv
Example: The competition between the two companies has been fierce.

9) quite (adverb)
Definition: To some extent, but not completely; very.
Translation: ancha, juda; butunlay
Example: I’m quite tired after working all day.

10) constant (adjective)
Definition: Happening all the time or repeatedly without stopping.
Translation: doimiy, uzluksiz
Example: The constant noise from the construction site made it hard to concentrate.

11) juggle (verb)
Definition: To handle or managing multiple things at the same time.
Translation: bir vaqtda bir nechta ishni eplamoq
Example: Working while studying requires a lot of juggling to stay on track.

12) font (noun)
Definition: A set of letters and symbols in a particular style and size.
Translation: shrift, yozuv
Example: The document was written in a bold font to make it stand out.

13) excel at (verb)
Definition: To do very well or be better than others in a particular area.
Translation: a'lo darajada bo‘lmoq, zo‘r eplamoq
Example: She excels at solving difficult math problems.

Test 136 ⬇️

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1) coconut (noun)
Definition: A large, oval seed from a coconut palm, with a hard outer shell and sweet, white flesh inside.
Translation: kokos
Example: The coconut is widely used for its milk, oil, and meat in various cuisines.

2) on the other hand (phrase)
Definition: Used to introduce a contrasting point of view or fact.
Translation: boshqa tomondan
Example: In Polynesia, coconuts are a common part of life, but on the other hand, they are exotic in the western world.

3) unusual (adjective)
Definition: Not commonly seen or experienced; out of the ordinary.
Translation: noodatiy, g‘ayrioddiy
Example: In the past, coconuts were considered unusual and rare in Europe.

4) palm (noun)
Definition: A type of tropical tree with large leaves that are typically found in coastal areas.
Translation: palma daraxti
Example: The coconut palm can grow up to 30 meters tall.

5) fringed (adjective)
Definition: Having a border or edge of something, often decorative.
Translation: chetlari .. bilan o‘ralgan
Example: Palm-fringed beaches are often used to promote tropical vacations.

6) beach (noun)
Definition: A sandy or pebbly shore by the sea or a lake.
Translation: sohil, qirg‘oq
Example: Tourists love to relax on the white sandy beach under the coconut palms.

7) cannonball (noun)
Definition: A round, heavy ball historically used as a projectile in cannons; often compared to the shape of a coconut.
Translation: zambarak o‘qi
Example: The brown coconut looks like a cannonball with its round, hard shell.

8) smooth (adjective)
Definition: Having an even and regular surface, free from roughness.
Translation: tekis, silliq
Example: The coconut palm has a smooth, grey trunk.

9) slender (adjective)
Definition: Thin or narrow in form.
Translation: ozg‘in, ingichka
Example: The coconut palm is known for its slender and tall trunk.

10) hardwood (noun)
Definition: Timber from broad-leaved trees, often used in construction and furniture-making.
Translation: qattiq yog‘och, xoda
Example: Coconut timber is now used as a replacement for endangered hardwoods in furniture.

11) surmount (verb)
Definition: To sit or be positioned on top of something.
Translation: ustida joylashmoq, tepasida bo‘lmoq
Example: The coconut palm is surmounted by a crown of long leaves.

12) rosette (noun)
Definition: A circular arrangement of leaves or petals resembling a rose.
Translation: atirgul shakli
Example: The leaves of the coconut palm form a rosette at the top of the trunk.

13) vein (noun)
Definition: A long, narrow structure that provides support to leaves, stems, or animals.
Translation: tomir
Example: The veins of the coconut leaf are used to make brushes in many parts of the world.

14) brush (noun)
Definition: A tool with bristles used for cleaning or grooming.
Translation: cho‘tka
Example: Coconut leaf veins are stripped and used as brushes in rural areas.

15) immature (adjective)
Definition: Not fully developed.
Translation: yetilmagan
Example: The immature coconut flowers are tightly clustered at the top of the tree.

16) tightly (adverb)
Definition: Firmly fixed in place, not loose.
Translation: mahkam, zich
Example: The coconut flowers grow tightly packed together in clusters.

17) stem (noun)
Definition: The main support or stalk of a plant.
Translation: poya
Example: The flower stems of the coconut palm can be tapped for their sap.

18) tap (verb)
Definition: To extract liquid from a plant by cutting or drilling into it.
Translation: ichidan suyuqlikni olmoq
Example: Farmers tap the coconut stems to collect sap for making drinks.

19) sap (noun)
Definition: The liquid that circulates through a plant, carrying nutrients.
Translation: o‘simlik shirasi
Example: The sap from the coconut flower stems can be boiled down to make sugar.

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Test 135 ⬇️

1) gross domestic product [GDP] (noun)
Definition: The total value of goods and services produced within a country in a year.
Translation: yalpi ichki mahsulot (YaIM)
Example: Tourism contributes significantly to New Zealand's gross domestic product.

2) overseas (adverb/adjective)
Definition: In or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea.
Translation: chet elda/-ga/-dan, xorijga
Example: Many products in New Zealand are exported overseas.

3) scenic (adjective)
Definition: Having beautiful natural scenery.
Translation: go‘zal manzarali, xushmanzara
Example: New Zealand is famous for its scenic beauty, attracting tourists from around the world.

4) exhilarating (adjective)
Definition: Making one feel very happy and excited.
Translation: quvnoq, zavqli
Example: The exhilarating outdoor activities in New Zealand include skydiving and bungee jumping.

5) outdoor (adjective)
Definition: Done, situated, or used in the open air.
Translation: tashqi, ochiq havoda
Example: New Zealand is known for its wide range of outdoor adventures.

6) carry (verb)
Definition: To contain or include something as part of its content.
Translation: o‘z ichiga olmoq
Example: The website carried features about famous people and places in New Zealand.

7) rugby (noun)
Definition: A team sport played with an oval ball that can be carried or kicked.
Translation: regbi o‘yini
Example: Rugby is one of the most popular sports in New Zealand.

8) blockbuster (noun)
Definition: A very successful and popular movie, book, or other product.
Translation: katta muvaffaqiyatga erishgan asar (film, kitob va hkz.)
Example: Several blockbuster films have been shot in New Zealand, showcasing its natural beauty.

9) stunning (adjective)
Definition: Extremely impressive or attractive.
Translation: ajoyib, hayratlanarli
Example: The stunning scenery of New Zealand makes it a popular destination for filmmakers.

10) scenery (noun)
Definition: The natural features of a landscape, considered in terms of their appearance.
Translation: manzara
Example: The scenery in New Zealand varies from beautiful beaches to majestic mountains.

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Test 134 ⬇️

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