Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words

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We provide definitions, translations, and examples for new words based on texts from the book.
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24) Preservation treatment (noun)
Definition: Actions taken to protect or restore an object or structure to prevent further damage or decay.
Translation: (inshootlarni) saqlash, asrab-avaylash
Example: Some have been recovered from the Hensham villa and are now undergoing preservation treatment

1) Western (adjective)
Definition: Referring to the direction or region in the west.
Translation: G‘arbiy
Example: On the outer western wall, the archaeologists uncovered a number of foundation stones.

2) Made out to be (phrase)
Definition: Perceived or presented as something, often implying that it might not be accurate or true.
Translation: deb ko‘rsatilmoq, deb hisoblanmoq
Example: On one is carved what the archaeologists made out to be a Latin inscription.

3) Century (noun)
Definition: A period of 100 years.
Translation: Asr
Example: The stone has endured centuries of erosion.

4) Work out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To understand something by thinking or calculating.
Translation: topmoq, tushunmoq
Example: The team has yet to work out what it says.

5) Section (noun)
Definition: A part or piece of something.
Translation: Qism, bo‘lak
Example: Another find was a section of traditional Roman mosaic.

6) Mosaic (noun)
Definition: A picture or pattern made from small pieces of colored stone or glass.
Translation: Mozaika, kichik parchalardan yasalgan naqsh
Example: The team uncovered a section of traditional Roman mosaic.

7) Incomplete (adjective)
Definition: Not finished or lacking parts.
Translation: To‘liq bo‘lmagan, mukammal emas
Example: The mosaic was incomplete but showed a geometrical pattern.

8) Enough (adjective/adverb)
Definition: As much as needed.
Translation: Yetarli
Example: Enough pieces remain to show a geometrical pattern.

9) Pattern (noun)
Definition: A repeated decorative design.
Translation: Naqsh, shakl, bezak
Example: The mosaic showed a geometrical pattern.

10) Stylised (adjective)
Definition: Shown in a simplified or artistic way.
Translation: noreal uslubda yaratilgan
Example: The mosaic had a stylised design.

11) Villa (noun)
Definition: A large house in the countryside or near the sea.
Translation: Vila, dacha
Example: Durrand assumes that a bathhouse would have been part of the villa.

12) Crumble (verb)
Definition: To break into small pieces.
Translation: ko‘chib tushmoq, maydalanib ketmoq
Example: Much of the system has long since crumbled at Hensham.

13) Hypocaust (noun)
Definition: An ancient Roman heating system using hot air beneath the floor.
Translation: pol tagidan isitish tizimi
Example: The heating system would have been based on a typical Roman hypocaust.

14) Furnace (noun)
Definition: A structure for producing high heat.
Translation: Pech, o‘txona
Example: The furnace produced the hot air needed to be kept burning all the time.

15) Burn (verb)
Definition: To produce heat or flames.
Translation: Yonmoq
Example: The furnace needed to be kept burning all the time.

16) Fall to (phrasal verb)
Definition: To become the responsibility of someone.
Translation: yelkasiga tushmoq, majburiyati bo‘lmoq
Example: The task would have fallen to the villa’s slaves.

17) Underfloor (adjective)
Definition: Located beneath the floor.
Translation: Pol ostidagi
Example: The underfloor space was made by setting the floor on top of piles of square stones.

18) Gap (noun)
Definition: An empty space or opening.
Translation: Bo‘shliq, bo‘sh joy
Example: The gap meant that the hot air could flow freely under the floor.

19) Mean (verb)
Definition: To indicate or result in a particular situation or effect.
Translation: Sabab bo‘lmoq; anglatmoq
Example: This created gaps that meant the hot air could flow freely under the floor.

20) Solid (adjective)
Definition: Strong and not easily broken.
Translation: Mustahkam, pishiq
Example: The structure became more solid with a layer of concrete.

21) Brick (noun)
Definition: A block of baked clay used for building.
Translation: G‘isht
Example: The walls above the heating system were made of bricks.

22) Key point (noun)
Definition: The most important part of something.
Translation: muhim jihat
Example: The key point was that the walls were hollow to allow heat to rise.

23) Preservation (noun)
Definition: The process of keeping something in its original state.
Translation: Saqlash, asrash
Example: Some items are now undergoing preservation treatment.

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23) Shudder (noun)
Definition: A quick tremor or movement of excitement or fear.
Translation: Titroq, seskanish
Example: There is a shudder of recognition when a joke lands well.

24) Milking (verb)
Definition: Extracting or taking full advantage of something.
Translation: To‘liq foydalanmoq
Example: Humans milk their natural emotional responses for creativity.

25) Tap into (phrasal verb)
Definition: To make use of a resource or ability.
Translation: Foydalanmoq, foydalanish yo‘lini topmoq
Example: Jokes tap into our evaluative mechanisms.

26) Evaluate (verb)
Definition: To assess or judge something.
Translation: Baholamoq
Example: Evaluating humor requires mental agility.

27) Machinery (noun)
Definition: Systems or processes within a structure.
Translation: Tizim, mexanizm
Example: Evaluative machinery helps us understand jokes.

28) Disgusting (adjective)
Definition: Causing strong dislike or nausea.
Translation: yoqimsiz
Example: Humor can be funny and disgusting simultaneously.

29) Luxury (noun)
Definition: A state of great comfort or indulgence.
Translation: rohat, xuzr-halovat
Example: Humor may be considered a luxury, but it has evolutionary benefits.

30) Analytical (adjective)
Definition: Relating to logical reasoning and analysis.
Translation: Tahliliy
Example: Humor is a combination of analytical and emotional processes.

31) Handle (verb)
Definition: To manage or deal with something effectively.
Translation: eplamoq, boshqarmoq, uddalamoq
Example: Understanding humor helps us handle complex human interactions.

1) Technique (noun)
Definition: A method or way of doing something.
Translation: Usul, metod, texnika
Example: Psychologist Vinod Goel investigated humour using a new technique.

2) Magnetic field (noun)
Definition: Area around a magnet or electric current where magnetic force is felt.
Translation: Magnit maydoni
Example: MRI scanners use magnetic fields to track brain activity.

3) Radio wave (noun)
Definition: Electromagnetic wave used in communication and imaging.
Translation: Radio to‘lqin
Example: An MRI scanner uses radio waves to track changes in oxygenated blood.

4) Oxygenated blood (noun)
Definition: Blood rich in oxygen, typically found in arteries.
Translation: Kislorodga to‘yingan qon
Example: MRI tracks the flow of oxygenated blood during mental activities.

5) Snapshot (noun)
Definition: Brief records or representations of a situation.
Translation: Qisqa vaqtda olingan tasvir, kadr
Example: New developments allow half-second snapshots of brain activity.

6) Appreciating (verb)
Definition: Understanding or enjoying something by recognizing its value or meaning.
Translation: fahmlamoq, tushunmoq
Example: Goel found evidence that appreciating a joke involves a wide mental shift.

7) Prefrontal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the front part of the brain's frontal lobe.
Translation: miyaning old qismi
Example: The prefrontal cortex lit up during problem-solving activities.

8) Lobe (noun)
Definition: Rounded or flat parts of an organ, such as the brain.
Translation: Miya qismi
Example: Activity was observed in the temporal lobes of the brain.

9) Rouse (verb)
Definition: To awaken or activate.
Translation: Faollashtirmoq, uyg‘otmoq
Example: Attempts to rouse stored knowledge occur during jokes.

10) Punchline (noun)
Definition: The climax or the funniest part of a joke.
Translation: latifaning eng kulgili oxirgi qismi
Example: The punchline caused activity in the orbital prefrontal cortex.

11) Sprang (verb)
Definition: (past of spring) Suddenly appeared or became active.
Translation: birdan paydo bo‘lmoq, jonlanmoq
Example: A new brain area sprang to life when the punchline arrived.

12) Tuck (verb)
Definition: Placed in a small, hidden, or convenient place.
Translation: Joylashtirmoq, qoplamoq
Example: The orbital cortex is tucked behind the orbits of the eyes.

13) Orbit (noun)
Definition: The bony structures surrounding the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z kosasi
Example: The orbital cortex is located near the orbits of the eyes.

14) Assessment (noun)
Definition: Judgment or evaluation.
Translation: Baholash
Example: Making rapid emotional assessments is a demanding task.

15) Demanding (adjective)
Definition: Requiring great effort or attention.
Translation: Mashaqqatli, ko‘p mehnat talab qiladigan.
Example: Understanding humor is a demanding mental process.

16) Blink (noun)
Definition: A quick closing and opening of the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z ochib-yumish, kiprik qoqish
Example: Emotional shifts occur in the blink of an eye.

17) Abrupt (adjective)
Definition: Sudden and unexpected.
Translation: To‘satdan, behosdan
Example: These abrupt changes produce emotional reactions.

18) Cortical (adjective)
Definition: Related to the outer layer of the brain.
Translation: Miya po‘stiga oid
Example: The cortical apparatus regulates emotional responses.

19) Apparatus (noun)
Definition: A complex structure within a system.
Translation: struktura, tizim
Example: The brain's cortical apparatus plays a key role in humor processing.

20) Warm-blooded (adjective)
Definition: Animals that maintain a constant body temperature.
Translation: Issiqqonli
Example: Warm-blooded animals adjust their emotions constantly.

21) Tiny (adjective)
Definition: Very small.
Translation: Juda kichik
Example: Tiny adjustments in emotions occur in response to stimuli.

22) Snap (verb)
Definition: Quickly or suddenly moves into place.
Translation: Tezda joyiga tushmoq
Example: A sought-for answer snaps into place with recognition.

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1) Bait (noun)
Definition: Substances used to attract animals, especially for capture or study.
Translation: xo‘rak
Example: Baits can be used to attract and concentrate foragers.

2) Elusive (adjective)
Definition: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
Translation: Tutish qiyin, topish qiyin
Example: Baits attract species that are otherwise elusive.

3) Utilise (verb)
Definition: To make use of something effectively.
Translation: Foydalanmoq, ishlatmoq
Example: A range of baits should be utilised.

4) Card (noun)
Definition: A flat, thin piece of material, often paper or plastic.
Translation: Kartochka, yupqa karton
Example: Baits should be situated on small paper cards.

5) Test-tube (noun)
Definition: A cylindrical glass container used in scientific experiments.
Translation: Probirka
Example: Baits can be placed in test-tubes or vials.

6) Vial (noun)
Definition: A small glass or plastic container used for liquids.
Translation: Flakon, kichik idish
Example: Ants were collected in vials.

7) Spot (verb)
Definition: To see, notice, or recognize something.
Translation: Payqamoq, aniqlamoq
Example: The cards make it easier to spot ants.

8) Ant (noun)
Definition: A small insect that lives in colonies.
Translation: Chumoli
Example: Many ants forage in the layer of leaves.

9) Escape (verb)
Definition: To get away from something.
Translation: Qochmoq, chiqib ketmoq
Example: Ants escape into the surrounding litter.

10) Surrounding (adjective)
Definition: Existing or present around something.
Translation: Atrofdagi, o‘rab turgan
Example: The surrounding leaf litter serves as a habitat.

11) Litter (noun)
Definition: A layer of dead leaves and other debris on the ground.
Translation: mayda chiqindi, has-xashak, to‘kilgan barglar
Example: Ants forage in the layer of leaf litter.

12) Layer (noun)
Definition: A sheet, quantity, or thickness of material covering a surface.
Translation: Qavat, qatlam
Example: The ants forage primarily in the layer of leaves.

13) Screen (noun)
Definition: A device with a mesh for separating materials.
Translation: Elak, to‘r
Example: The leaf litter is sifted through a coarse screen.

14) Funnel (noun)
Definition: A cone-shaped tool used to guide liquid or small objects into a container.
Translation: Voronka, truba
Example: Leaf litter is placed on a screen over a funnel.

15) Alcohol (noun)
Definition: A chemical substance, often used as a preservative.
Translation: Spirt
Example: Ants are collected in alcohol below the funnel.

16) Marshy (adjective)
Definition: Wet and swampy.
Translation: Botqoqli, loy
Example: This method works well in marshy areas.

17) Sift (verb)
Definition: To separate or remove by using a sieve or screen.
Translation: Elakdan o‘tkazmoq, ajratmoq
Example: The leaf litter is sifted before placing it above the funnel.

18) Coarse (adjective)
Definition: Rough or large in texture.
Translation: katta; qo‘pol
Example: A coarse screen removes larger leaves and twigs.

19) Container (noun)
Definition: An object used to hold or store things.
Translation: Idish, konteyner
Example: A small container is placed in the ground as a trap.

20) Preference (noun)
Definition: A greater liking for one alternative over another.
Translation: afzal ko‘rish, xohish
Example: The size of the traps is influenced by personal preference.

21) Evaporate (verb)
Definition: To turn from liquid into vapor.
Translation: Bug‘lanmoq, bug‘lamoq
Example: Alcohol evaporates quickly if not sealed.

22) Dry out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To become completely dry.
Translation: Qurib qolmoq
Example: The traps will dry out if not maintained properly.

23) Maintenance (noun)
Definition: The process of keeping something in good condition.
Translation: texnik xizmat ko‘rsatish, yaxshi holatda asrab turish
Example: Pitfall traps require minimal maintenance.

24) Disadvantage (noun)
Definition: An unfavorable or limiting factor.
Translation: Kamchilik, noqulaylik
Example: A disadvantage is that some species avoid the traps.

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24) Swing (verb)
Definition: Moved back and forth in an arc.
Translation: Tebranmoq, chayqalmoq
Example: The pendulum swung in a wide arc initially.

25) Arc (noun)
Definition: A part of the circumference of a circle.
Translation: yoy
Example: The pendulum’s arc became smaller with improved design.

26) Anchor (noun)
Definition: A device shaped like a ship’s anchor, used in a clock mechanism.
Translation: Langar, langarga o‘xshash mexanizm
Example: The anchor escapement was a major innovation.

27) Motion (noun)
Definition: The process of moving.
Translation: Harakat
Example: The motion of the pendulum regulated time precisely.

28) Rock (verb)
Definition: To move gently back and forth.
Translation: Tebranmoq, chayqalmoq, silkinmoq
Example: The pendulum rocks to drive the escapement.

29) Amount (noun)
Definition: A quantity of something.
Translation: Miqdor
Example: Each tooth of the gear moved by a precise amount.

30) Permit (verb)
Definition: To allow something to happen.
Translation: imkon bermoq
Example: The invention permitted greater accuracy in clocks.

31) Moreover (adverb)
Definition: In addition to what has been said.
Translation: Bundan tashqari, buning ustiga
Example: Moreover, the invention led to the development of new designs.

32) Invention (noun)
Definition: A new creation or discovery.
Translation: Ixtiro
Example: The invention of the anchor escapement was significant.

33) Beat (verb)
Definition: To mark time with a regular rhythm.
Translation: Urmoq, dukillatmoq, urilmoq
Example: The pendulum could beat once per second.

34) Nearly (adverb)
Definition: Almost.
Translation: Deyarli
Example: Nearly all modern devices use quartz-crystal clocks.

35) Beam (verb)
Definition: To send out signals or energy.
Translation: (to‘lqinlarni uzoq masofaga) yubormoq, nurlatmoq
Example: Time signals are beamed from satellites.

36) Calibrate (verb)
Definition: To adjust for accuracy.
Translation: moslamoq, aniq bir o‘lchamga keltirmoq
Example: Satellites calibrate navigation systems.

37) Navigation (noun)
Definition: The process of directing a vehicle’s movement.
Translation: turgan joyini aniqlash, harakat yo‘nalishini aniqlash
Example: Time signals are crucial for precise navigation.

38) As well (phrase)
Definition: Also; in addition.
Translation: Shuningdek, .. ham
Example: Time signals are used in mobile phones as well.

39) Nationwide (adjective)
Definition: Extending across a whole country.
Translation: butun mamlakat bo‘ylab, davlatning hamma joyida
Example: Power grids operate nationwide.

40) Integral (adjective)
Definition: Essential or necessary.
Translation: Ajralmas, muhim, ahamiyatli
Example: Timekeeping is integral to modern technology.

41) Fail (verb)
Definition: To stop working or be unsuccessful.
Translation: ishlashdan to‘xtamoq, buzilib qolmoq
Example: Dependency on technology becomes evident when systems fail.

1) Chronicle (noun)
Definition: A detailed and factual record of events in the order they happened.
Translation: Xronika, voqealar ketma-ketligi
Example: This reading passage is a chronicle of timekeeping history.

2) Timekeeping (noun)
Definition: The activity of recording or measuring time.
Translation: Vaqtni hisoblash, vaqtni o‘lchash
Example: Modern devices have revolutionized timekeeping.

3) Conception (noun)
Definition: An understanding or view of something.
Translation: Tasavvur, tushuncha
Example: Our conception of time depends on how we measure it.

4) Depend on (phrasal verb)
Definition: To be influenced or determined by something.
Translation: Bog‘liq bo‘lmoq, tayanmoq
Example: Time measurement methods depend on technological advances.

5) Naturally (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is expected or typical.
Translation: Tabiiy ravishda, o‘z-o‘zidan
Example: Mechanical clocks were naturally suited for equal hours.

6) Equal (adjective)
Definition: The same in size, amount, or value.
Translation: Teng
Example: Time was divided into 24 equal parts.

7) Counting (noun)
Definition: The process of finding the total number of something.
Translation: Sanash, hisoblash
Example: Deciding when to start counting was a challenge in early timekeeping.

8) And so (phrase)
Definition: Therefore; as a result.
Translation: va shunday qilib
Example: And so, new time divisions were created.

9) Sunrise (noun)
Definition: The time in the morning when the sun appears.
Translation: Quyosh chiqish payti, sahar
Example: Babylonian hours began at sunrise.

10) Midday (noun)
Definition: The middle of the day; 12:00 pm.
Translation: Tush payti, kun yarmi
Example: Astronomical hours were measured at midday.

11) Eventually (adverb)
Definition: In the end, especially after a long time.
Translation: Oxir-oqibat, axiyri
Example: Eventually, the French hours system became standard.

12) Commence (verb)
Definition: To begin or start.
Translation: Boshlamoq
Example: The day was split into two periods commencing at midnight.

13) Midnight (noun)
Definition: 12 o’clock at night.
Translation: Yarim tun
Example: French hours began at midnight.

14) Timekeeper (noun)
Definition: A device or person that measures time.
Translation: Vaqtni hisoblab boradigan qurilma yoki shaxs
Example: The earliest mechanical timekeeper was built in England.

15) Motive (adjective)
Definition: Producing movement or force.
Translation: Harakatga keltiruvchi
Example: The clock used motive force from a weight.

16) Force (noun)
Definition: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action.
Translation: Kuch
Example: The escapement transferred the force to the gear wheels.

17) Transfer (verb)
Definition: To move from one place to another.
Translation: O‘tkazmoq, ko‘chirmoq
Example: The mechanism transferred power to the clock's hands.

18) Escapement (noun)
Definition: A device in a clock that controls the movement of its parts.
Translation: soatning katta tishli g‘ildirak qismi
Example: The escapement was a revolutionary invention.

19) Coil (noun)
Definition: A loop of wire or string wound in a spiral.
Translation: o‘ralgan sim o‘rami
Example: The coiled spring replaced older mechanisms.

20) Spring (noun)
Definition: An elastic device that stores energy.
Translation: Prujina
Example: The mainspring provided constant force to the clock.

21) Fusee (noun)
Definition: A conical pulley in a clock that regulates tension.
Translation: konus shaklida yig‘ilgan tishli g‘ildiraklar to‘plami
Example: The fusee maintained constant force in the early timekeeper.

22) Mainspring (noun)
Definition: The principal spring in a mechanical clock.
Translation: Asosiy prujina, asosiy yurgizadigan mexanizm
Example: The mainspring improved the accuracy of clocks.

23) Pendulum (noun)
Definition: A weight that swings back and forth to regulate a clock.
Translation: Mayatnik (matematik mayatnik)
Example: The pendulum revolutionized timekeeping accuracy.

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25) Submerged (adjective)
Definition: Covered or hidden under water.
Translation: Suv ostiga cho‘kkan
Example: Submerged debris might damage the turbine blades.

1) Extract (noun)
Definition: A part of something, especially a text, taken out for use.
Translation: parcha, iqtibos, ko‘chirma
Example: This reading passage is an extract from a text about tidal power.

2) Tidal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the rise and fall of the sea caused by the moon and sun.
Translation: To‘lqin.., to‘lqin bilan bog‘liq
Example: Tidal currents are a reliable source of energy.

3) Turbine (noun)
Definition: A machine that produces power using energy from water, steam, or air.
Translation: Turbina, oqimdan energiya ishlab chiqaruvchi qurilma
Example: The marine turbine produces energy from tidal currents.

4) Blade (noun)
Definition: A flat, wide part of a machine that moves or rotates.
Translation: parrak qanoti
Example: The turbine blade rotates to generate electricity.

5) Station (noun)
Definition: A place where specific work or activity is done, often related to energy production.
Translation: Stansiya
Example: A new tidal power station is being constructed in Devon.

6) Jointly (adverb)
Definition: Together with others.
Translation: Birgalikda, hamkorlikda
Example: The project is jointly funded by the government and the EU.

7) Fund (verb)
Definition: To provide money for a project or activity.
Translation: Moliyalashtirmoq
Example: The department of trade funded the research.

8) In charge of (phrase)
Definition: Responsible for something.
Translation: Mas’ul bo‘lmoq, boshqarmoq, javobgar bo‘lmoq
Example: Dr. Bahaj is in charge of the tidal power research.

9) Predictable (adjective)
Definition: Something that can be expected or foreseen.
Translation: Oldindan bilsa bo‘ladigan, kutilgan
Example: Tidal currents are predictable and constant.

10) Hostile (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or harsh, often dangerous.
Translation: xavfli, qarshi, qiyin
Example: The underwater environment is very hostile.

11) Saline (adjective)
Definition: Containing salt.
Translation: Tuzli
Example: The turbine must withstand the saline water conditions.

12) Propeller (noun)
Definition: A device with blades that rotates to push a vehicle forward.
Translation: Vint, parrak
Example: Ship propellers inspired the design of turbine blades.

13) Subsidiary (noun)
Definition: A company that is controlled by a larger company.
Translation: Filial, sho‘ba korxona
Example: The project involves a subsidiary of IT power.

14) Round (preposition)
Definition: Around or surrounding a place.
Translation: Atrofida.
Example: Tidal energy sites are round the coast of Britain.

15) Coast (noun)
Definition: The land next to the sea.
Translation: sohil, qirg‘oq
Example: The turbines are installed near the coasts.

16) Indented (adjective)
Definition: Having a jagged or uneven edge.
Translation: Notekis
Example: The best sites are near indented coastlines.

17) At risk from (phrase)
Definition: In danger of being harmed by something.
Translation: Xavf ostida bo‘lmoq
Example: Fish are at risk from the turbine blades.

18) Mounted (adjective)
Definition: Fixed onto something.
Translation: O‘rnatilgan, mahkamlangan
Example: The turbines are mounted on tall towers.

19) Tower (noun)
Definition: A tall structure that supports something.
Translation: Minora
Example: The turbine is attached to a tower.

20) Stick out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To extend or project outward.
Translation: Chiqib turmoq, tashqariga ko‘rinib turmoq
Example: The tower sticks out of the water to warn ships.

21) Seaweed (noun)
Definition: Plants that grow in the sea.
Translation: Dengiz o‘tlari
Example: Workers clean seaweed from the turbine blades.

22) Bubble (noun)
Definition: Small balls of air or gas in a liquid.
Translation: Pufakcha
Example: Air bubbles can cause damage to the turbines.

23) Vibration (noun)
Definition: A continuous, rapid shaking movement.
Translation: Tebranish, qimirlash
Example: Vibration can reduce the efficiency of turbines.

24) Slight (adjective)
Definition: Small or not significant.
Translation: Kichik, ahamiyatsiz, biroz
Example: There is a slight concern about submerged debris.

Test 146 ⬇️

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