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I believe you are the reality of your perception.

If you believe that you can achieve your goals and your perception is to become the person and if you persist on it you become the reality of your perception.

Nothing less, but usually more.

Perception is a reality.


Let’s be honest no one is perfect yet everyone try to be one.

So do I.
May be so do you.

But tgere more we try our best the closer we get to our goals.

Keep pushing forward.


The paradox of using generative AI is never tested before, its like a calculator for your hard and redundant calculations, yet math is one of the ways you can develop your brain.

So it’s crucial to understand the underlying calculations before using calculators as the same applies for the AI.

But since AI already explains what the hack is going on, just reading the description taking a bit of time for that would help you build knowledge.

Problem with that it still doesn’t teach you something we call a critical thinking so what I recommend to all the users of generative AI is that you should write!

Write your own algorithms, write your own thoughts and force yourself to think more.

It’s the best time to be scared to not use your brain.


People have odd visions about the future. But does the future exist? Isn't the future, the perception of vague predictions about what might happen tomorrow?

Well, when we cannot even tell what will happen in the next hour, it's best to live in the present. Since we have already lived in the past, we should not let it dictate our present.

I have seen a comment that says, "I have lived this long but tomorrow never came..."

So what we have is only the present, nor the past or the future.

Do not wait for tomorrow to come, you will still experience it as today, hopefully...


It’s hard to identify your goals in this information age.

If you don’t have goals, someone will set them for you.

But the irony is that its only people's influence that takes you to greatness.

So choose the ones around you wisely and choose the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch.

Anything that influences you will shape your future.


🌙 Ramazon muborak!

Bir gap bilan aytganda Zelenskiy farosatsizlik qildi.


Bir kuni Azimjon aka bilan gaplashganimizda, bir gap aytgandilar.


Lekin yig’indisi 2ni hosil qilishi mumkin bo’lgan cheksizta yo’l topish mumkin.


va hokazo.

Hayotimizda ham shunday degandi aka o’sha vaqt.

Bu yerda 2 sondan 2 yig’indisini chiqarishdek maqsadlar aniq bo’lsa, maqsadga yetkazadigan yo’llar soni ham cheksiz bo’ladi.

Insonlar agar maqsadingiz aniq bo’lsa, sizni hechkim to’xtata olmaydi. Sababi aniq maqsadli inson maqsadiga erishish uchun cheksiz yo’llar bor.

Avvalo Allohning barakasi bilan maqsadlarimizga erishaylik.

Va yana menimcha bu dunyoda har bir insonga har xil raqamlar beriladi, shu raqamlardan to’g’ri foydalansangiz, maqsadingizga yetishning eng optimal yo’llari paydo bo’laveradi.

Kimningdur yo’li siz uchun egri va kimgadir siz bosib o’tgan vaziyatlar endi yo’q.

Ammo maqsad aniq bo’lsa bularning ahamiyati yo’q.


Forward from: Zokirov Life
Google'dagi intervyu jarayoni


- Katta kompaniyalarda intervyu qanday ko'rinishda bo'ladi.
- Intervyudan oldin taqdir menga eng yaxshi sovg'ani berganligi, men esa uni rad qilganligim.
- Intervyularda kod yozish darajangiz eng muhimimi?
- Katta kompaniyalarda tanishlarsiz referral'lar olish.
- Ishlay olmagan LeetCode masalamni ishlash .
- Intervyuda yomon javob berdim deb o'ylash ba'zida xatoligi.

2024 was year of AI introductions in many speheres.

2025 will be the year of AI Agents.

Forward from: Khumoyun Codes
Demak talablarga binoan, birinchi videoni upload qildik, video sifati va montaj menimcha yaxshi chiqdi. Lekin ssenariy yozib uni tog'ri kameraga gapirib berish bo'yicha hali muammolar talaygina. Shuning uchun qisqa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, konstruktiv tanqidlaringiz bo'lsa izohlarda qoldiring, bo'lmasa ham albatta videodagi mulohazaga nisbatan fikrlaringizni qoldiring.

Qani kettik 🏃‍♂️


1k 0 4 10 31

I am officially entitled to say I have a chess addiction now.

I was constantly finding myself scrolling, and many of the things I do, do not require me to think deeply which is very detrimental to my brain's constant development.

Especially with the rise of AI I was not even thinking about writing correct form or anything like that.

So one day I thought to myself I should gamify an exercise for my brain. So the only game was chess.

But with the help of persuasive technologies on this chess.com app, I am officially addicted to the game of chess.

But I still consider it to be a better activity than watching reels.


Okay I will tell you what no one is telling you and keeping it to themselves.

https://domain.uzex.uz/home — right now they are selling 3 letter domains in auction basis. I found out about it today, and apparently they have sold the 2 letter domains in "kopeyka" prices.

So if you find something cool don't miss out))


Karting 🏎️


Bu bola yoshkigida harbiy bo’lishni orzu qilgan.

Hali orzu nima ekanini bilmasimdan orzu qilardim ekan 🥲


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