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An event dedicated to Navoi and Babur Day at TOBB ETÜ Tashkent
📜 Our university hosted an event dedicated to the birth anniversaries of the great thinkers, Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. During the event, students highlighted the significant contributions of Navoi and Babur to literature and recited their ghazals.
📌 Such events inspire young people to appreciate their historical heritage and honor the legacy of our great ancestors.
TOBB ETÜ Toshkentda Navoiy va Bobur kuniga bag‘ishlangan tadbir
📜 Universitetimizda buyuk mutafakkirlar tavalludiga bag‘ishlangan tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi. Unda talabalar Navoiy va Boburning adabiyotga qo‘shgan hissasini yoritib berishdi va g’azallaridan o’qishdi.
📌 Bu kabi tadbirlar yoshlarni o‘z tarixiy merosini qadrlashga va ulug‘ ajdodlarimizni yod etishga undaydi.
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📜 Our university hosted an event dedicated to the birth anniversaries of the great thinkers, Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. During the event, students highlighted the significant contributions of Navoi and Babur to literature and recited their ghazals.
📌 Such events inspire young people to appreciate their historical heritage and honor the legacy of our great ancestors.
TOBB ETÜ Toshkentda Navoiy va Bobur kuniga bag‘ishlangan tadbir
📜 Universitetimizda buyuk mutafakkirlar tavalludiga bag‘ishlangan tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi. Unda talabalar Navoiy va Boburning adabiyotga qo‘shgan hissasini yoritib berishdi va g’azallaridan o’qishdi.
📌 Bu kabi tadbirlar yoshlarni o‘z tarixiy merosini qadrlashga va ulug‘ ajdodlarimizni yod etishga undaydi.
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