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🏛 Our university students visited Museum of Victims of Political Repression
📚 Getting to know history closely and respecting monuments are important steps in the spiritual growth of the younger generation. We canʼt achieve a bright future without understanding history.
📸 Through this video, you can feel the atmosphere of the museum and experience our students' impressions.
🏛 Universitetimiz talabalari Qatag'on qurbonlari xotirasi muzeyiga tashrif buyurishdi.
📚 Tarix bilan yaqindan tanishish va yodgorliklarni hurmat qilish - yosh avlodning ma’naviy o‘sishida muhim qadamlardan biridir. Zero, tarixni bilmay turib, yorqin kelajakka erishib bo‘lmaydi.
📸 Ushbu video orqali muzey muhitini va talabalarimiz taassurotlarini his qilishingiz mumkin.
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📚 Getting to know history closely and respecting monuments are important steps in the spiritual growth of the younger generation. We canʼt achieve a bright future without understanding history.
📸 Through this video, you can feel the atmosphere of the museum and experience our students' impressions.
🏛 Universitetimiz talabalari Qatag'on qurbonlari xotirasi muzeyiga tashrif buyurishdi.
📚 Tarix bilan yaqindan tanishish va yodgorliklarni hurmat qilish - yosh avlodning ma’naviy o‘sishida muhim qadamlardan biridir. Zero, tarixni bilmay turib, yorqin kelajakka erishib bo‘lmaydi.
📸 Ushbu video orqali muzey muhitini va talabalarimiz taassurotlarini his qilishingiz mumkin.
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