Forward from: President Tech Award
🐦 President Tech Award asosiy yo‘nalishi finalchilari e’lon qilindi
⛈ 5 ta yo‘nalishning har birida 10 tadan, jami 50 ta jamoa g‘oliblik unvoni va 900 000 AQSh dollari miqdoridagi umumiy mukofot jamg‘armasi uchun kurashni davom ettiradi! Jami 400 dan ortiq loyiha baholandi. Baholash natijalariga ko‘ra finalga chiqqan 50 ta jamoani e’lon qilamiz.
Noyabr oyida finalchilar uchun “DemoDay” o‘tkaziladi, uning doirasida ishtirokchilar o‘z loyihalarini xalqaro hakamlar hay’atiga taqdim etadilar. G‘oliblar “DemoDay” natijalariga ko‘ra e’lon qilinadi.
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🐦 Finalists Announced for the Main Category of the President Tech Award
⛈ A total of 50 teams, representing 10 finalists in each of the 5 categories, will continue competing for the title of winner and a combined prize pool of $900,000! More than 400 projects were reviewed, and we are pleased to present the 50 teams that have advanced to the finals.
In November, these finalists will participate in a Demo Day, where they will present their projects to an international jury. The winners will be announced based on the outcomes of the Demo Day.
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🐦 President Tech Award asosiy yo‘nalishi finalchilari e’lon qilindi
⛈ 5 ta yo‘nalishning har birida 10 tadan, jami 50 ta jamoa g‘oliblik unvoni va 900 000 AQSh dollari miqdoridagi umumiy mukofot jamg‘armasi uchun kurashni davom ettiradi! Jami 400 dan ortiq loyiha baholandi. Baholash natijalariga ko‘ra finalga chiqqan 50 ta jamoani e’lon qilamiz.
Noyabr oyida finalchilar uchun “DemoDay” o‘tkaziladi, uning doirasida ishtirokchilar o‘z loyihalarini xalqaro hakamlar hay’atiga taqdim etadilar. G‘oliblar “DemoDay” natijalariga ko‘ra e’lon qilinadi.
🔗 Batafsil veb-saytimizda
🐦 Finalists Announced for the Main Category of the President Tech Award
⛈ A total of 50 teams, representing 10 finalists in each of the 5 categories, will continue competing for the title of winner and a combined prize pool of $900,000! More than 400 projects were reviewed, and we are pleased to present the 50 teams that have advanced to the finals.
In November, these finalists will participate in a Demo Day, where they will present their projects to an international jury. The winners will be announced based on the outcomes of the Demo Day.
🔗 Read more on the website
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