SpeakUPuz ️️

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Kanal maqsadi ilm berish !
100% speakinga qaratilgan !
Reklama: @Reklaamaa_uchunn

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🥳🎂Writingdan sizda muommo bormi men sizga aynan shu kanalni tavsiya qilaman⤵️⤵️⤵️


🥳🎂Darjangiz mos kitoblar ham aynan siz uchun⤵️⤵️⤵️


"Show off" – Maqtanmoq, riyo qilmoq

✔️ "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'The thing I fear most for you is minor shirk – showing off.'”
(Payg‘ambarimiz (sollallohu alayhi vasallam) dedilar: “Sizlar uchun eng ko‘p qo‘rqqan narsam kichik shirk – riyo qilishdir.”)

🔹 "Show off" – O‘zini ko‘z-ko‘z qilish, maqtanish yoki boshqalarga ko‘rinish uchun biror amal qilish.

- Musnad Ahmad (23630), Sahih (Albaniy)
"Sizlar uchun eng ko‘p qo‘rqqan narsam kichik shirk – riyo qilishdir."

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

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Bugun 22:30 speaking qilamizmi ?

Bolla maqulmi shu vaqt ?

Qizla barbir uyda shunga soramadim:)

My sweet little baby is trying to explain something to me—it's the cutest thing ever!

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"Pumpkin" – Qovoq

✔️ "And We caused a gourd (pumpkin) tree to grow over him." This verse refers to the story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah, peace be upon him), who was swallowed by a great fish. After being saved by Allah’s mercy, he was weak and ill. To protect and nourish him, Allah caused a pumpkin plant to grow, providing shade and healing.
(“Va Biz uning ustida bir qovoq (gourd) daraxtini o‘stirdik.” Bu oyat Yunus payg‘ambar (alayhissalom) qissasida keladi. U kishi katta baliq tomonidan yutilgan edilar. Allohning rahmati bilan najot topgach, zaif va bemor bo‘lib chiqdilar. Alloh u kishini himoya qilish va oziqlantirish uchun qovoq daraxtini o‘stirdi.)


- Qur'an (Surah As-Saffat, 37:146)
"Va Biz uning ustida bir qovoq daraxtini o‘stirdik."

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

### "Generosity" – Saxiylik

✔️ "The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'The best charity is that given in secret to those in need.' So, true generosity is helping others quietly."

🔹 "Generosity" – boshqalarga ochiq qo‘l bilan yordam berish va saxovatli bo‘lish qobiliyati.


- Hadis (Sahih Buxoriy, 1423; Sahih Muslim, 1031)
"Eng yaxshi sadaqa – yashirincha berilganidir."

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

Part 3.pdf
#Part_three #Vocabulary

Puzzles (January - August 2025)

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

Yana qaysi mavzuga kerak ?

Band 9.0 answers

With translated Vocabulary ✅
(Eng - eng - uzbek )

Coming soon 📝

Part 1.pdf
#Part_one #Vocabulary

Housework and cooking (January - August 2025)

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

3.4k 0 118 4 21

Kanalda faqat shu yangi qo'shilgan Topic uchun tayorlamagan ekanman ertaga nasib tayorlab beramiz:)

Yana qaysi mavzuga tayorlaylik?

Vada bajarildi ✅

Part 2 .pdf
#Part_two #Vocabulary

Place with a lot of trees (January - August 2025)

👍@SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

Game ?

➡️Free Service

"Deal with" – Muomala qilmoq, hal qilmoq

"The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised: 'The strong person is not the one who overcomes others, but the one who controls himself when angry.' So, deal with anger by practicing self-control."

🔹 "Deal with" – muammo yoki vaziyatni boshqarish yoki hal qilishni bildiradi.

"Deal about" yoki "Deal on" noto‘g‘ri!

👍 @SpeakUp_uz | @idpregisterbot


Assalomu alaykum

Band 9.0 answer

With translated Vocabulary ✅
(Eng - eng - uzbek )

Coming soon 📝

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20 last posts shown.