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- IELTS 6.0dan past ball olsangiz qayta o’qish imkoniyati.
- Samarqanddagi eng tezkor o’quv markaz.
- Kurs haqida ma’lumot olmoqchi bo’lsangiz @MrNiner ga “Kurs” so’zini yozib qoldiring.
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Kuniga 5 ta yangi so‘z yodlashning foydasi va usullari

Ingliz tilini o‘rganishda kichik qadamlar katta natijalarga olib keladi. Kuniga atigi 5 ta yangi so‘z yodlash orqali ham sezilarli o‘zgarishlarga erishish mumkin! 📈 Mana buning asosiy foydalari va samarali usullari:

🎯 Foydalari:
- Lug‘at boyligi oshadi — kundalik hayotda va suhbatlarda ko‘proq so‘zlardan foydalanasiz.
- Yodlash osonlashadi — kichik miqdorda so‘zlarni muntazam o‘rganish miyaga kamroq yuk bo‘ladi.
- Motivatsiya — har kuni kichik natijalarga erishish katta yutuqlarga rag‘bat beradi.

📌 Usullari:
1. So‘zlarni kontekstda o‘rganing — ular bilan gap tuzishga harakat qiling.
2. Yozib chiqing — so‘zlarni bir nechta marta yozish yodlashni osonlashtiradi.
3. Kartochka usuli — yangi so‘zlarni kartochkalarga yozib, ularni takrorlang.
4. Ovoz yozish — so‘zlarni talaffuzi bilan o‘qib yozib oling va eshitib takrorlang.
5. Doimiy takrorlash — kun davomida yangi o‘rgangan so‘zlarni qayta-qayta takrorlang.

Bugun yangi o‘rgangan so‘zlaringiz qaysi? Yozib qoldiring, birgalikda rivojlanamiz! 💪

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Niners Academ
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🔊 Abduqodir ismli bollar va Abduqodirova familiyalik qizlar bizga aloqaga chiqing!

Sizlarga NINERS ACADEMY O’QUV MARKAZI tomonidan istalgan kursingiz uchun 3️⃣0️⃣🔤lik chegirma bor🤯

Eslatma: Chegirma 1-Fevralgacha amal qiladi !!!

Postni Abduqodir ismli tanishlarga yuboramiz ✈️

📌 Ingliz tili kurslariga qo'shilish uchun @MrNiner ga "KURS" so`zini yozing yoki pastdagi raqamga qo'ng'iroq qiling.

📞 +998979147914

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Niners Academy

Talaffuzda ko‘p uchraydigan xatolar va ularni to‘g‘rilash yo‘llari🎙️

1. "Th" tovushi 🦷
Ko‘p o‘quvchilarimiz "three" va "tree" so‘zlarini aralashtirib yuborishadi. Th tovushini to‘g‘ri chiqarish uchun tilning uchi tishlaring orasida bo‘lishi kerak. ❗️Maslahat: Har kuni bu tovushni oynada mashq qiling.

2. So‘z oxiridagi “-ed” qo‘shimchasi 🕰️
O‘tmish zamon so‘zlarini talaffuz qilishda "played"* va "wanted"* kabi so‘zlarni noto‘g‘ri aytish mumkin. -ed tovushi ba'zida “d” yoki “t” kabi chiqishi kerak.
📌 Maslahat: Eslab qolish uchun har bir so‘z turini toifalab o‘rganing!

3. “V” va “W” tovushlari 💨
Ko‘pincha o‘quvchilar "very" va "wary" so‘zlarini chalkashtirib yuborishadi. “V” tovushi uchun labingizni tishlaringizga tegizing, “W” tovushi uchun esa lablaringizni aylantiring.
Maslahat: Ushbu tovushlar bilan ko‘proq mashqlar bajaring.

Esingizda bo‘lsin!
Talaffuzingizni yaxshilash vaqt talab etadi, lekin muntazam mashq qilsangiz, albatta o‘zgarishni sezasiz!

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Niners Academ
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Quantifiers: a great deal of, a large number of, little/few

📌 Qoida:
Quantifiers (miqdor bildiruvchi so‘zlar) otlar bilan birgalikda ularning miqdorini yoki sifatini ifodalashda ishlatiladi. "A great deal of" va "a large number of" ko‘p miqdorlarni bildiradi, "little" va "few" esa kam miqdorlarni ifodalaydi.
A great deal of – faqat uncountable (sanalmaydigan) otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
A large number of – faqat countable (sanaladigan) otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
Little – uncountable otlar bilan (kam yoki deyarli yo‘q).
Few – countable otlar bilan (kam yoki yetarli emas).

🔹 Misollar:
A great deal of effort is required to succeed. (Muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun katta mehnat kerak.)
A large number of students participated in the competition. (Musobaqada ko‘plab talabalar qatnashdi.)
She has little time to relax. (Uning dam olishga deyarli vaqti yo‘q.)
There are few books in this library. (Bu kutubxonada kam kitob bor.)

📍 Little va Few ko‘pincha salbiy ma’no beradi:
- Little knowledge can be dangerous. (Oz bilim xavfli bo‘lishi mumkin.)
- Few people understand this concept. (Bu tushunchani kam odam tushunadi.)

📍 A little va A few ijobiy ma’noga ega:
- I have a little money, so I can buy coffee. (Menda ozgina pul bor, qahva sotib olsam bo‘ladi.)
- We need a few chairs for the meeting. (Majlis uchun bir nechta stul kerak.)


Darak gap:
There is a great deal of interest in this topic. (Bu mavzuga katta qiziqish bor.)
We saw a large number of birds in the park. (Parkda ko‘plab qushlarni ko‘rdik.)

Inkor gap:
They have little hope of finding a solution. (Ularning yechim topishiga umidlari juda kam.)
There are few options left to choose from. (Tanlash uchun juda kam variant qoldi.)

Savol gap:
How much time does it take to finish this work? (Bu ishni tugatish qancha vaqt oladi?)
Are there a large number of visitors today? (Bugun ko‘plab tashrifchilar bormi?)

📝 Esda tuting!
- A great deal of va a large number of faqat ko‘p miqdorni bildiradi.
- Little va few yetarli emaslikni bildiradi, a little va a few esa yetarli darajada kamlikni ifodalaydi.

Izohda ushbu mavzuga oid 3 ta gap tuzib yuboring👇

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Niners Academ
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Kundalik Hayotda Ishlatiladigan 10 ta asosiy Inglizcha Iboralar

📌 1. I’m running late - Men kechikayapman.
- “Running” vaqtda yetib kelmaslikni bildiradi.

📌 2. I’d appreciate it if… - Agar ... qilsangiz, minnatdor bo‘lardim.
- Bu ibora rasmiy va chiroyliroq so‘rovlar uchun ishlatiladi.

📌 3. That’s a good point - Bu yaxshi fikr.
- Fikr yoki maslahatlarga rozi bo‘lganda foydalaniladi.

📌 4. I’m not entirely convinced - Men to‘liq ishonganim yo‘q.
- Birovning fikriga shubha bildirganda.

📌 5. It’s up to you - Bu senga bog‘liq.
- Tanlov yoki qarorni boshqalarga qo‘yishda.

📌 6. I’ve changed my mind - Fikrimni o‘zgartirdim.
- Qarorini o‘zgartirganda ishlatiladi.

📌 7. I can’t make it - Men yetib bora olmayman.
- Belgilangan vaqtda kelmaslikni bildiradi.

📌 8. Let me get this straight - Keling, aniqlashtirvolamiz.
- Qiyin mavzuni tushunishga urinayotganda.

📌 9. That’s not necessarily true - Bu doim ham to’g’ri/haqiqat emas.
- Boshqacha fikrni nazarda tutganda.

📌 10. It’s a win-win situation - Bu barcha uchun foydali holat.
- Har ikki tomon uchun foydali natija haqida aytiladi.

Sizning eng ko‘p ishlatadigan iborangiz qaysi?👇 Izohda yozib qoldiring! @ninersacademy
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Niners Academ
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The picture depicts the four groups of family and their puppy hiking and explore in the forest and tree-zona. In case the father, mother and daughter go sighting and watching the natural environment, including the waterfall alongside some stones with little rocks and surrounded by numerous wide-range trees. When the little boy plays with their puppy , mother and daughter seem fascinating and talk to him related to the admiration of weather or natural atmosphere in the forest areas.

In the image, we see a picturesque outdoor scene featuring a family of four enjoying a hike in a forested area. The family is standing near a wooden fence overlooking a stunning waterfall that cascades down rocky cliffs, surrounded by lush greenery.

The father, wearing a red backpack and dressed in outdoor gear, appears to be gazing at the waterfall. The mother, holding a trekking pole, has a relaxed and cheerful expression as she turns back to engage with the rest of the family. The young girl, with red hair and a pink backpack, is pointing excitedly towards the waterfall, possibly sharing an observation or marveling at its beauty. Meanwhile, the younger boy is crouched down, affectionately petting a black and white dog, which seems to be part of their adventure.

The overall atmosphere is serene and vibrant, with bright colors emphasizing the natural beauty of the forest. Tall pine trees in the background add depth to the scene, while the combination of rocky terrain and flowing water creates a sense of harmony with nature. The image captures a moment of familial bonding and appreciation for the outdoors, embodying the essence of a refreshing escape into nature.

Explore nature together

This picture depicts a family spending time together in the great outdoors. They are on a scenic hike in a forested area with a beautiful waterfall in the background. The father, mother, and two children are wearing hiking clothes and carrying backpacks. The younger child is playing with their dog, while the other child excitedly points toward the waterfall. The lush greenery and serene environment suggest that they are enjoying a peaceful and refreshing day in nature.

А family of four is enjoying a day out in the heart of nature. They’ve stopped by a wooden railing to admire a stunning waterfall cascading down rocky cliffs, surrounded by vibrant greenery and tall trees. The mother, wearing a purple shirt and holding a hiking pole, smiles warmly as if inviting conversation. The father, with a red backpack, appears captivated by the view. The daughter eagerly points at the waterfall, her red hair reflecting the sunlight. Meanwhile, the younger son crouches down, petting their energetic black-and-white dog, who seems just as excited about the adventure. It’s a moment full of harmony, exploration, and the beauty of the wild.

This picture shows a family enjoying a hike in a beautiful natural setting. They are standing near a wooden fence, looking at a picturesque waterfall surrounded by rocks and lush green trees. The group consists of two adults and two children, each dressed in outdoor gear and carrying backpacks, suggesting they are well-prepared for their adventure. The younger child is crouching down, petting a black and white dog, which looks happy and excited to be part of the outing. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and joyful, reflecting the beauty of nature and the enjoyment of spending time outdoors.

Xayrli kun bo’lajak Ninerlar👋

Rasm eng yaxshi tasvirlagan izohlarni o’qib chiqing va eng yaxshisini tanlashga bizga yordam bering😊

Ushbu rasmni ingliz tilida tasvirlab, izohda yozib qoldiring.

Rasm eng yaxshi tasvirlangan izoh kanalga joylanadi✅

📖 Modal fe’llar: may va might ishlatilishi

May – ruxsat yoki ehtimolni ifodalaydi:

👉Misol: You may leave early today. (Siz bugun erta ketishingiz mumkin.)
👉 Misol: It may rain in the evening. (Kechda yomg‘ir yog‘ishi mumkin.)

Might – ehtimolning zaifroq ko‘rinishini bildiradi:

👉 Misol: I might join the meeting later. (Men yig‘ilishga keyinroq qo‘shilishim mumkin.)
👉 Misol: She might be at the library. (U kutubxonada bo‘lishi mumkin.)

📝 Yodda tuting:
• May ruxsat berishda yoki ehtimolning kuchliroq shakli sifatida ishlatiladi.
• Might esa ehtimoliylikni, lekin noaniqroq holatni bildiradi.

🔑 Izohda "may" yoki "might" ishlatilgan gap yozib qoldiring!
💬 Misol: You may use my pen.
He might come to the party.

📚 O‘zingizni albatta sinab ko‘ring!

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Niners Academ
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What’s the plan? 📋 - Reja qanday?

I’m on my way. 🚶‍♂️ - Yo'ldaman.

Sounds good to me. 👍 - Menga ma'qul.

I’m not feeling well. 🤒  - O'zimni yaxshi his qilmadim.

Let’s keep in touch. 📞 - Aloqada bo'lib turamiz.

Can you give me a hand? 🤝 - Yordam bera olasizmi?

I’ll think about it. 🤔 - Buni o'ylab ko'raman.

I didn’t see that coming. 😲 - Buni kutmagandim.

We’re on the same page. 📖 - Fikrlashimiz bir xil.

It’s out of my hands. 👐  - Bu mening qo'limdan kelmaydi.

Qaysi fraza sizga yangilik bo'ldi, izohda yozib qolding👇

😊 more than knowledge…

Niners Academ
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🧳 ‘Traveling’ mavzusida foydali iboralar

1.Hit the road– Yo'lga tushmoq, safarga chiqmoq.

Example: "Let’s hit the road early to avoid traffic."
- "Tirbandlikka tushmaslik uchun ertaroq yo‘lga tushaylik."

2. Off the beaten track/path– Odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda, ko‘pchilik sayyohlar bormaydigan joy.

Example: "He prefers traveling off the beaten track to explore less crowded areas."
- "U odatdagi yo‘ldan chetda bo‘lgan, odamlar kamroq boradigan joylarni o‘rganishni yaxshi ko‘radi."

3. Travel light– Yengil sayohat qilmoq, kam yuk bilan sayohat qilish.

Example: "It’s just a weekend trip, so I’ll travel light."
- "Bu faqat dam olish kunlari safar, shuning uchun yengil sayohat qilaman."

4.Catch the travel bug– Sayohatga ishtiyoq paydo bo‘lmoq, sayohatga "o‘rganib qolmoq."

Example: "After her trip to Europe, she caught the travel bug and started visiting different countries."
- "Yevropaga sayohat qilgandan keyin, u sayohatga o‘rganib qoldi va turli mamlakatlarga borishni boshladi."

5. Live out of a suitcase– Chamaddonda yashamoq, doimiy ravishda sayohatda bo‘lish.

Example: "He’s been living out of a suitcase for months due to his job."
- "Ish sababli u oylar davomida chamaddonda yashab yuribdi."

6. Have itchy feet– Tez-tez sayohat qilishni xohlash.

Example: "After staying home for a while, I’ve got itchy feet and want to travel again."
- "Uyda uzoq vaqt qolib ketgach, oyoqlarim qichishib, yana sayohat qilgim kelmoqda."

7. Wanderlust– Sayohatga bo‘lgan kuchli ishtiyoq, sayohatga chanqoqlik.

Example: "Her wanderlust has led her to travel to over 30 countries."
- "Uning sayohatga chanqoqligi uni 30 dan ortiq mamlakatlarga olib bordi."

8. On the road– Yo‘lda bo‘lmoq, sayohatda bo‘lmoq.

Example: "He’s been on the road for weeks, visiting different cities."
- "U bir necha haftadan beri yo‘lda, turli shaharlarni ko‘rib chiqmoqda."

9. Get the show on the road– Ishni boshlamoq, safarni boshlash.

Example: "We need to get the show on the road if we want to make it to the beach by noon."
- "Agar plyajga tushlikka yetib borishni xohlasak, ishni boshlashimiz kerak."

10. Call it a day– Kun yakuniga yetkazmoq, faoliyatni tugatmoq.

Example: "After exploring the city all day, we decided to call it a day and return to the hotel."
- "Butun kun shaharni aylanib chiqqach, kun yakuniga yetkazishga qaror qildik va mehmonxonaga qaytdik."

😊 more than knowledge…

Niners Academ
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Abbreviations (qisqartmalar)

e.g - for example
e.i - that is
A.D - Anno Domina (miloddan keyingi)
B.C - before Christ (Iso tug’ilishidan avval - miloddan avval)
NB - nota bene (note well- e’tibor bering)
PTO - please turn over
RSVP - please reply (aslida fransuz tilidan olingan “respondez s’il vous plait”)

bedsit - bir xonalik uy (bedroom+sitting room)
sitcom - situational comedy
sci-fi [sai-fai] - science fiction
biopic - biographical picture (real insonning hayoti haqidagi film)

😊 more than knowledge

Niners Academy


• Listeningdan siz nechta to’gri javob topdingiz ?


5-dan kam 😂

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