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Kechasi ijod qigim kep qoldi :)

Ancha boʻludi bunaqa videolar qimaganimga.

Baho berilarchi.


Here's a structured roadmap for beginners to reach at least a 6.0 in IELTS by covering all aspects of the English language. The roadmap is designed for 6–12 months of dedicated study, depending on the learner's pace.

📌 Phase 1: Building Foundations (Month 1-3)
✅ Grammar & Sentence Structure

Learn basic grammar rules: tenses, articles, prepositions, and sentence structure.
Use websites like Grammarly & Cambridge Grammar in Use.
✅ Vocabulary Expansion

Learn 1,000–1,500 high-frequency words (use flashcards like Anki or Quizlet).
Focus on collocations & phrasal verbs (e.g., "take off," "put up with").
Read simple books, blogs, and articles daily.
✅ Listening Practice

Start with slow English podcasts (e.g., BBC Learning English, The British Council Podcasts).
Watch movies/series with English subtitles (e.g., "Friends," "The Big Bang Theory").
✅ Speaking Practice

Learn common phrases for daily conversation.
Start self-talk (describe your day, surroundings).
Use language exchange apps like HelloTalk, Tandem.
✅ Writing Practice

Start with basic sentence writing and short paragraphs.
Keep a daily journal in English.
📌 Phase 2: Strengthening Skills (Month 4-6)
✅ Grammar Deep Dive

Learn complex structures (conditional sentences, passive voice, relative clauses).
Practice with IELTS-specific grammar exercises.
✅ Vocabulary for IELTS

Learn academic words (AWL list) and IELTS-specific topics (e.g., environment, technology, education).
Practice paraphrasing skills for reading and writing.
✅ Listening for IELTS

Listen to TED Talks, BBC News, and IELTS listening practice tests.
Take notes while listening and summarize what you hear.
✅ Speaking Development

Practice IELTS Speaking Part 1 topics (hobbies, family, work, daily routines).
Record yourself and analyze mistakes.
Find a speaking partner (via Cambly, Italki, or local study groups).
✅ Writing: Task 1 & Basic Task 2

Learn Task 1 (Graphs, Charts, Maps) format.
Write 150-word summaries from visual data.
Practice opinion essays for Task 2 (simple arguments).
📌 Phase 3: IELTS-Focused Training (Month 7-9)
✅ Grammar & Vocabulary Refinement

Focus on advanced connectors (however, nonetheless, consequently).
Practice using synonyms and avoiding repetition in writing & speaking.
✅ IELTS Listening Practice

Solve full IELTS listening tests under timed conditions.
Develop note-taking and prediction skills.
✅ Fluency & Pronunciation

Mimic native speakers (shadowing method).
Learn IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) for better pronunciation.
✅ Speaking: IELTS Part 2 & 3

Practice cue card answers with a timer (1-minute prep, 2-minute talk).
Learn strategies for Part 3 discussion questions.
✅ IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay Development)

Learn different essay types (opinion, discussion, advantage/disadvantage).
Use IELTS Band 7+ essay structures.
Get feedback on your writing (via IELTS forums or tutors).
✅ Reading Strategies

Learn skimming & scanning techniques.
Solve IELTS Reading practice tests.
📌 Phase 4: Full Exam Preparation (Month 10-12)
✅ Full-Length IELTS Practice Tests

Take mock tests under real exam conditions.
Analyze mistakes and improve weak areas.
✅ Time Management Training

Practice reading and writing under strict time limits.
Develop a strategy for each section (e.g., Listening—predict answers before audio starts).
✅ Final Speaking Boost

Practice with real IELTS examiners or teachers.
Focus on expressing ideas fluently without hesitation.
✅ Final Writing Refinement

Master cohesion & coherence techniques.
Improve Task 1 & Task 2 speed.
🎯 Final Tips for IELTS 6.0+
✔️ Daily English Exposure: Surround yourself with English—read, listen, write, and speak every day.
✔️ Mock Tests: Take at least 5 full IELTS practice tests before the real exam.
✔️ Speaking Confidence: Avoid memorized answers, focus on natural conversation flow.
✔️ Writing Feedback: Get your essays checked by a tutor or use AI-based tools for analysis.
✔️ Stay Consistent: Improvement happens slowly but surely.

Would you like me to turn this into a structured PDF or infographic? 😊

ChatGPT javobi

Here’s a 6-month roadmap for beginners to achieve a 6.0 IELTS score by building foundational skills and mastering exam strategies. This plan covers all four IELTS components: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

Phase 1: Build Foundations (Month 1-2)
Goal: Strengthen basic grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Grammar Basics:

Focus on tenses (present, past, future), sentence structures (simple, compound, complex), and parts of speech.

Use apps: Grammarly, British Council LearnEnglish.


Learn 10-15 new words daily (focus on IELTS themes: education, environment, technology, health).

Use flashcards (Quizlet, Anki) and practice using words in sentences.


Watch English cartoons, podcasts, or YouTube channels (BBC Learning English).

Practice understanding main ideas and details in short clips.


Read simple articles (e.g., BBC News for Kids), short stories, or graded readers.

Highlight keywords and practice summarizing paragraphs.


Practice introducing yourself, describing your family/hobbies (record yourself).

Use apps like Duolingo or ELSA Speak for pronunciation.


Write short paragraphs (5-7 sentences) about daily activities or opinions.

Phase 2: Learn IELTS Format & Skills (Month 3-4)
Goal: Understand the exam structure and practice core skills.


Practice IELTS Listening tests (Section 1-4). Focus on note-taking.

Learn to spot keywords (dates, names, places).


Practice skimming (quick reading for main ideas) and scanning (finding details).

Work on True/False/Not Given and matching headings.


Task 1: Learn to describe graphs, charts, or processes (use templates).

Task 2: Write opinion essays (structure: introduction, 2 body paragraphs, conclusion).

Focus on coherence (linking words: however, furthermore).


Practice Part 1 (short answers: hobbies, work) and Part 2 (2-minute talk on a topic).

Use the PAR method (Point, Action, Result) for storytelling.


Cambridge IELTS Books 10-18 for practice tests.

YouTube: IELTS Liz, E2 IELTS.

Phase 3: Intensive Practice & Refinement (Month 5-6)
Goal: Polish weaknesses, simulate exam conditions, and build confidence.

Mock Tests:

Take full IELTS practice tests weekly under timed conditions.

Analyze mistakes (e.g., wrong answers in Listening/Reading).


Write 2 essays weekly (1 Task 1 + 1 Task 2).

Get feedback from teachers or online platforms (IELTS Buddy).


Do mock interviews with a partner or tutor (Preply, italki).

Focus on fluency, avoiding long pauses.

Advanced Vocabulary:

Learn synonyms for common words (e.g., important → crucial).

Study topic-specific vocabulary (e.g., climate change, globalization).

Final Tips:

Review common grammar mistakes (articles, prepositions).

Practice paraphrasing (rewriting sentences in your own words).

Weekly Study Schedule Example
Day Activity
Monday Listening practice + Vocabulary building
Tuesday Reading comprehension + Grammar review
Wednesday Writing Task 1/2 + Feedback
Thursday Speaking practice (record answers)
Friday Mock test (1 full section)
Saturday Review mistakes + Weak areas
Sunday Relax with English media (movies, podcasts)
Key Strategies for 6.0+
Time Management:

Spend 20 mins on Writing Task 1, 40 mins on Task 2.

Allocate 1 minute per question in Reading.

Avoid Overcomplication:

Use simple, clear sentences in Writing/Speaking (complexity ≠ better).

Practice Weak Areas:

If you struggle with maps in Writing Task 1, focus on them.

Stay Consistent:

Even 1 hour daily is better than irregular study.

Recommended Resources
Books: Cambridge IELTS Series, Barron’s IELTS Superpack.

Websites: IELTS.org (official practice), IELTS-Simon.com.

Apps: IELTS Prep App (British Council), LingQ (reading).

With consistent effort, this roadmap will help you confidently tackle the IELTS exam!

DeepSeek javobi

Deepseek ni sinashda davom etamiz.

For beginners, create a roadmap for learning English. By using this roadmap, a student can get at least 6.0 from IELTS exam. It must cover all aspects of English language.

Shu savolni gpt va deepseek ga berdim. Javoblarini pastda qoldiraman. O'qib chiqib fikringizni ayting.

Deepseek rasm yaratolmas ekan yoki men qilolmadim 👀

Savolni yozish esimdan chiqibdi👀

Men instagramda qiziqarli savollar berib boriladigan blog yuritaman. Shu blogim uchun 5 ta mantiqiy savollar tuzib ber. Javoblari bilan birga.

2⃣ Chatgpt javobi

1. Savol: Bir odam tunda chiroqsiz va oy yoritmagan ko‘chada yurib ketayotib, qora mushuk yo‘lini kesib o‘tganini qanday ko‘rdi?
Javob: Chunki u kunduzi ketayotgan edi.
2. Savol: Bir shahar ichida bitta katta ko‘prik bor. Uni hech kim qura olmagan, lekin undan har kuni minglab odamlar o‘tadi. Bu qanday ko‘prik?
Javob: Ko‘prik — odamlarning tishidagi “ko‘prik” (stomatologik protez).
3. Savol: Bir xonada 3 ta chiroq bor, tashqarida esa 3 ta tugma. Tugmalar qaysi chiroqqa tegishli ekanligini faqat bir marta xonaga kirib tekshirish mumkin. Buni qanday aniqlash mumkin?
Javob: 1-tugmani bosib biroz kutib turish kerak, so‘ng uni o‘chirib, 2-tugmani yoqish va xonaga kirish lozim. Xonada yoniq chiroq 2-tugmaga tegishli, iliq lampochka 1-tugmaga, sovuq lampochka esa 3-tugmaga.
4. Savol: O‘g‘il bola otasidan yosh bo‘lishi mumkinmi?
Javob: Ha, agar otasi uni asrab olgan bo‘lsa.
5. Savol: Ikki otasi va ikki o‘g‘li bor. Ular ovga chiqib, faqat uchta qushni o‘ldirishdi. Biroq har biri bittadan qushga ega bo‘ldi. Bu qanday bo‘lishi mumkin?
Javob: Chunki ular uch kishi edi: bobosi, otasi va o‘g‘li.

1⃣ deepseek javobi

### 1. Suv masalasi

3 litrlik va 5 litrlik ikkita idishingiz bor. Faqat shu idishlardan foydalanib, aniq 4 litr suvni qanday olasiz?


1. 5L idishni toʻldiring.
2. 5L idishdan 3L idishga suv quying (3L idish toʻladi, 5L idishda 2L qoladi).
3. 3L idishni boʻshating.
4. 5L idishdagi qolgan 2L suvni 3L idishga quying.
5. 5L idishni yana toʻldiring.
6. 5L idishdan 3L idishga 1L quying (3L idishda allaqachon 2L bor edi).
5L idishda aynan 4 litr suv qoladi.


### 2. Qaysi soʻz?

Qaysi 5 harfli soʻzga 2 ta harf qoʻshsangiz, u qisqaradi?


(Qisqa + "ro" = "Qisqaroq" → aslida soʻz uzunligi oshadi, lekin savol mantiqiy nayrangga asoslangan 😉).
*Eslatma:* Bu savol insonlarni "qisqaroq" soʻzining mazmuni bilan chalkashtirish uchun moʻljallangan.


### 3. Kunlar sirini toping

Nima "haftada 1 marta, yilda 2 marta, lekin kun davomida hech qachon" boʻlmaydi?


"E" harfi

- Hafta (**hafta**da 1 marta "E"),
- Yil (**yil**da 2 marta "E"),
- Kun (**kun**da "E" yoʻq).


### 4. Sonlar ketma-ketligi

2, 3, 5, 9, 17, … Keyingi son qanday boʻladi?



*Sababi:* Har bir son oldingi songa 2^(n-1) qoʻshilishi bilan hosil boʻladi:
- 2 + 1 = 3,
- 3 + 2 = 5,
- 5 + 4 = 9,
- 9 + 8 = 17,
- 17 + 16 = 33.


### 5. Yoshlar farqi

Aka va ukaning yoshlari yigʻindisi 11 yosh. 5 yildan keyin ularning yoshlari yigʻindisi necha boʻladi?


21 yosh

- Hozir: A + U = 11 yosh.
- 5 yildan keyin: (A + 5) + (U + 5) = A + U + 10 = 11 + 10 = 21 yosh.
*Eslatma:* Koʻpchilik 16 deb javob beradi, lekin mantiqiy hisob 21 ni koʻrsatadi.

Xitoyliklarning deepseek nomli sun’iy intellekti hamma joyda shov shuv koʻtarib boʻldi.

Chatgpt bilan deepseek ga bir xil savol berib koʻrdim. Javoblarini oʻzingiz koʻrib baho bering.

Yosh ham, aql ham intuitsiya ham emas, faqatgina taslim bo'lmasdan, sinmasdan yo'lingizda davom etish qobiliyati sizni boshqalardan ajratib turishi mumkin.


Bay bay bay.
Soqolimdan oʻrgilay.

Oʻtiring deb metroda joy berishdi😁

Koʻrish shart buni.

Futbolga jaa bir qiziqavermayman.

Lekin kecha Abduqodir Husanovning oʻyinini koʻrdim.

Boshida hayajon, bosim boʻlayotgani yaqqol sezildi.

Atigi 2-3 ta mashgʻulot oʻtab, birinchi oʻyinda maydonga tushish uncha munchasigamas.

Bundan tashqari komandada yaxshi muloqot ham boʻlmagani aniq. Ingliz tilini bilmagani uchun bemalol gaplashib, kirishib ketolmagan hali.

Doimgidek bizda “negativ” lar topildi. Shunaqalarni oddiy mahallada boʻladigan futbol chempionatida oʻynatish kerak.

Oddiy mahalla futbolida qanaqa bosim boʻlishi oʻzimni boshimdan oʻtgan. Endi dunyoning top komandalari oʻyinidagi bosimni shunchaki tasavvur qilavering.

Husanovning muvaffaqqiyatlari hali oldinda. Shunchaki biroz vaqt kerak.


Oʻzlashtirish eng murakkab boʻlgan moliyaviy mahorat doimiy oʻsib boruvchi xohishlarni toʻxtata olishdir


9 xonali uy va gelik. Kimga yoqmaydi deysiz.

Maxr uchun bunaqa narsalarni so'rash oxirgi paytlarda ko'zga tashlanish, trend qilish uchun aytilayotganga o'xshaydi.

Agar jiddiy so'ralayotgan bo'lsa qizlar oldin o'ziga nazar solgani yaxshi.

Uy va gelik so'ragan qizga hech qanday e'tirozim yo'q. Yomonlamoqchi ham emasman. Inson maksimal darajada yaxshi narsa xohlashi tabiiy hol. Shariy tomondan ham maxrga qandaydir chegaralar yo'q.

Faqat bitta savol qo'yilishi kerak. Menga shu narsalarni bera oladigan yigitga men o'zim loyiqmanmi?

Hechkim loyiq bo'lmaganlarga qimmatbaho narsalarni shunchaki berishni xohlamaydi.

Xullas-da :)


👍 or 👎

Internetda yoshlarning oddiy savollarga javob berolmaganligini koʻrib kulardim.

Yonidan koʻrganda bu ancha qoʻrqinchli ekan.

Motivatsiyali video koʻr dedilar. Shunda shijoating, gʻayrating oshadi, ishlaringni bittada qip tashisan dedilar.

YouTube ni ochdim. Motivatsion video koʻrishni boshladim.

Orada bitta videoda motivatsiya muhim emas, disiplina, muntazamlik muhim deyishdi. Motivatsiya bitta yonib oʻchadi, disiplina doimiy boʻladi deyishdi.

Ha mayli deb tursam…

Keyingi videoda disiplina, motivatsiya, hech biri muhimmas. Mas’uliyat muhim deyishdi. Mas’uliyat boʻlsa hech narsaga qaramasdan ishlaringni qilasan deyishdi.

Obboo deb tursam…

Keyingi videoda na motivatsiya, na disiplina, na mas’uliyat muhimmas deb boshlab qoldi.

Tinchgina videoni oʻchirib, uxlashga yotdim. Kim biladi, oxirida yashash muhimmas deb qolsa birontasi :)


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