Words related to "MOVIE"
🎬1. Melodramatic - voqealarni nihoyatda bo'rtirib, ta'sirchan qilib tasvirlaydigan kino.
• I love watching melodramatic movies.
🎬2. Protagonist - bosh qahramon, bosh ro'lda.
• Shahrukh khan is usually a protagonist in most movies.
🎬3. Special effects - maxsus effektlar
• Special effects of today's movies are way different than ever before.
🎬4. To be a commercial success - moliyaviy tarafdan muvaffaqiyatli bo'lmoq
• It's been a commercial success.
🎬5. Depict - ko'rsatmoq, tasvirlamoq
• The main aim of the movie is to depict educational problems in the country.
🎬6. Plot - voqealar rivoji, senariy, sujet
• The plot was entertaining with an educational purpose.
🎬7. Genres - types
• Romance is a fascinating genre for young adults
🎬8. Film dubbing - dublyaj qilmoq, ovoz bermoq (tarjima qilish orqali)
• Uzbekistan is among top ten countries in terms of film-dubbing.
🎬9. Blockbuster movie - judayam muvaffaqiyatli va mashxur bo'lgan film
• It's a blockbuster movie.
🎬 10. Soundtrack - kino uchun yozilgan musiqa
• I love its soundtrack more than anything else.
🎬1. Melodramatic - voqealarni nihoyatda bo'rtirib, ta'sirchan qilib tasvirlaydigan kino.
• I love watching melodramatic movies.
🎬2. Protagonist - bosh qahramon, bosh ro'lda.
• Shahrukh khan is usually a protagonist in most movies.
🎬3. Special effects - maxsus effektlar
• Special effects of today's movies are way different than ever before.
🎬4. To be a commercial success - moliyaviy tarafdan muvaffaqiyatli bo'lmoq
• It's been a commercial success.
🎬5. Depict - ko'rsatmoq, tasvirlamoq
• The main aim of the movie is to depict educational problems in the country.
🎬6. Plot - voqealar rivoji, senariy, sujet
• The plot was entertaining with an educational purpose.
🎬7. Genres - types
• Romance is a fascinating genre for young adults
🎬8. Film dubbing - dublyaj qilmoq, ovoz bermoq (tarjima qilish orqali)
• Uzbekistan is among top ten countries in terms of film-dubbing.
🎬9. Blockbuster movie - judayam muvaffaqiyatli va mashxur bo'lgan film
• It's a blockbuster movie.
🎬 10. Soundtrack - kino uchun yozilgan musiqa
• I love its soundtrack more than anything else.